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Glitchy zombies and no loot spawning

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Date & Time: 7/10/2012 at 9:55 PM

Where i was: NUMEROUS locations on the us 52 server

What happend: Zombies keep spawning right beside me or in a bad spot, say if i go to a deer stand, it will be deserted, then i get near it and 6-8 zombies spawn under it, some get stuck and others just aggro on me right away, this is the same for other buildings and chopper crash sites.

#2: 90% of the time i start a loute route through somewhere like Cherno or Elektro half of the buildings won't have any loot AT ALL, even if the server has had a fresh restart there will be absolutely nothing in some buildings, this makes it extremely hard to plan loot routes. This however might be something that's supposed to happen by chance, so let me know if im freaking out over nothing.

Current installed version: 1.7.2

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same here since 1.7.2

if i choose another server the loot is still missing ...

is it a new feature against server hoppers? so that you can see the loot after 10+ min. or something?

or a glitchy bug?

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I've had many issues of zombies insta spawning ON TOP of me when i log into an area. not to mention how they can see from 300meters away suddenly.

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I am unsure what you mean by 'next to me' but when you see zombies spawn 50-100 meters from you.. that's how the game works. Zombies aren't spawned unless a player is a distance away from a zombie spawn location. All deer stands have a zombie spawn on them. You can tell by approaching it. The deer stand will be empty but as you get near, 3-6 zombies will spawn on the same patch of grass and spread out. You can witness this (zombies spawning on one pinpoint location of the map and spreading out) in numerous places such as small towns.

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I've had many issues of zombies insta spawning ON TOP of me when i log into an area. not to mention how they can see from 300meters away suddenly.

I've also experienced this but i forgot to put it in my report, thank you erm... Nipple

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I am unsure what you mean by 'next to me' but when you see zombies spawn 50-100 meters from you.. that's how the game works. Zombies aren't spawned unless a player is a distance away from a zombie spawn location. All deer stands have a zombie spawn on them. You can tell by approaching it. The deer stand will be empty but as you get near, 3-6 zombies will spawn on the same patch of grass and spread out. You can witness this (zombies spawning on one pinpoint location of the map and spreading out) in numerous places such as small towns.

It sounds like you think this is fine, and if so i must ask you are you okay in the head?

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I am having the same issue, "no loot"... There are a few items here and there, but it's the same item all the time, crowbars and vest pouches. Checked a few servers, re-spawned a few times, tested a few more servers... same issue.

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Zombies spawning in front me has happened as well. Not 50 or 100 yards away, literally in front of my eyes and close enough to smell it's fetid breath.

I've also had weird zombie spawn areas, i.e. stuck in deer stands. And they only appear as I approach a few feet away. Not only that, I had one instance at Balota where it glitched in and out of existence as they do sometimes after dying, yet still managed to land some blows during it's glitches.

I've also noticed a major lack of spawns. One server - FR20 -had spawns a plenty, but they were all vehicle related loot spawns. Whilst in the factory area of Elektro tonight, I came across 3 helicopter rotor assemblys in minor and medium spawns locations within the space of 10 minutes. Plus a ludicrous amount of scrap metal, jerry cans and windscreen glass.

Edited by Miss_Nuts

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I've also seen this. No loot anywhere and then like 10 zombies all come filing out of a shack like clowns out of their car.

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Zombies aren't spawned unless a player is a distance away from a zombie spawn location.

So what distance is that? less than arm's length?

Example: Yesterday i was in a military tent in Stary and a zombie spawned right beside me, inside the tent.

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Date & Time: 7/10/2012 at 9:55 PM

What happend: Zombies keep spawning right beside me or in a bad spot, say if i go to a deer stand, it will be deserted, then i get near it and 6-8 zombies spawn under it, some get stuck and others just aggro on me right away, this is the same for other buildings and chopper crash sites.

#2: 90% of the time i start a loute route through somewhere like Cherno or Elektro half of the buildings won't have any loot AT ALL, even if the server has had a fresh restart there will be absolutely nothing in some buildings, this makes it extremely hard to plan loot routes. This however might be something that's supposed to happen by chance, so let me know if im freaking out over nothing.

Current installed version: 1.7.2

This has happened many times to me. its like the server dosent recognise me. ie

Last night i was playing and my mate who was playing from his house logged out to eat. I went into a town brez i think and check three apartment buildings found nada nothing not a can. plus no zombies which i wasnt complaining about till there was no loot. any ways just assumed there was nothing there and lucky on the zombies. He logged back in and we headed north to a deer stand we spilt up for a bit as we had a dispute as to which was the quickest way there so we raced. Of course my superior map reading skills got me there well ahead of him only to find no loot or zombies he arrives later and zombies apear and loot appears in the deer stand. we also keep on disappearing so somtimes i can see him and he cant see me or vice versa.

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Just wandered through the NW airfield.....ZERO loot. Not a can.

Nothing at all in hangers or barracks. Didn't check the control tower because there was a dick standing on top of it with his binos out.

Ver: 1.7.2

One of the Aus servers.

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+1 for glitchy zeds since 1.7.2

They appear and dissappear at random. Sometimes they are just simply stuck in one spot. In a military tent, one glitched right on top of me and killed me instantly with a massive blood damage hit.

P.S. this is not the usuall zed spawns - this is full on glitching.

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Running 1.7.2

Was crawling around near a town, Zed's had already spawned in the area and I was navigating my way around them when out of nowhere one spawns slightly in front of me to my right already aggro'd. Was a bit glitchy as well, part of the zombie wasn't visible, kind of like how they appear when they go through walls coming into view and since I didn't have the option to get up and run I attempted to shoot the Zed except my AK didn't seem to have any affect on it.

Time stamp is roughly time of posting, server was one of the NZ's on3network servers seeing as others have had similar issues but in other areas I shall not disclose my location as I am paranoid and it doesn't appear to be relevant.

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