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Man on the Hill - 30 Kills, 6 Minutes, NWAF.

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Hopping + nametags.

Nothing to see here.


And how did you turn off the debug menu or does it automatically turn off when you look through the scope? I forget.

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And how did you turn off the debug menu or does it automatically turn off when you look through the scope? I forget.

I think it does turn off.

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the narrative on that video was annoying

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Nice shooting, commentary was kinda funny... I'm just wondering if you at least have a buddy looting their corpses after you've killed em?

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Nice shooting, commentary was kinda funny... I'm just wondering if you at least have a buddy looting their corpses after you've killed em?

For the most part no, since I wanted to get this recorded in a timely manner due both to other things I have to do and the fact that I wanted to hit 30 before 1.7.2 (30th was literally the morning 1.7.2 came out, and I hear it messed a lot of players up so good thing for that eh lol) and didn't always have friends or group members online at the NWAF to play the ground mule. I did have a few guys pick over I think 4 or 5 of the people I shot though because they were looking for some specific stuff. I was going to have one friend check bodies for NVGs cause he wanted a set but he never got around to coming to NWAF and ultimately missed out.

Mostly I just hawked the bodies afterwards in hopes someone would go check for loot, but I never got a kill that way because everyone clears out of NWAF the moment they hear gunfire or flies. I usually had to wait around 15-20 minutes for someone else to come along.

There's a few other kills I never got that I was hoping for:

-someone finding my spot and getting a bullet point blank in the face. Closer than Helios I mean. A few times someone started shooting at something pretty close by and I sunk into my nest hoping they'd come within view, but nobody found me like that in the end :(

-someone in Vybor, which I could also see bits of.

-I was originally planning to have a friend come along and use the rifle I used to kill me, so I could mark myself down as the 31st kill, but stories of 1.7.2's mishaps led me to just roll with the footage I had.

Edited by MaximumBullfrog

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garbage video, what kind of scrub needs to mouseover for range. rofl

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garbage video, what kind of scrub needs to mouseover for range. rofl

Guess I can do ya one step better since I didn't make much use of them, if only because I already knew the ranges ahead of time ;)

Basically before I started I mapped out the distance estimates to key landmarks to judge by. The Firestation was 800, tip of the far hangar was 850, Comm tower was 700, Barn was 650, the road down the hill from me was 400, the wall was 300, the warehouse towards vybor that you never saw was 600 and the industrial park in Vybor was 850. Good idea to do that before anyone shows up if you're camping anyway. It's not too hard to do with the map if you have it and can pinpoint your spot.

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I love the end at kill 28, 29, and 30. Finish them off then take a sip of whatever ur drinking like a baows.

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Put on bullet drop and wind deflection like in ACE and watch the sniper's fail :)

There's bullet drop, I just use the zeroing. You use Page Up and Down to change where the middle of the scope lands, which defaults to 300. The mil dots represent the same thing based on what you set the middle for.

No wind though, and yeah that does bug me too. It would actually be pretty awesome if I could do what I did here but with wind and NWAF had some flags I could look at to judge wind direction ahead of time.

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ACE has fantastic bullet drop/deflection if you take a shot at 1300 mts, you can actually see the bullet bend around.

Would be nice...

Some nice footage of ACE sniping :)

Edited by Flying On Fumes

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funny commentary and nice shooting.

Liked the video mate.

and ffs too many "elite" players have gathered in here....

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so you server hop from one nametag server to another in the same exact spot, shoot people with a .50 cal that you don't even need rangefinders for since you are a nametag fag.

not to mention single or even triple kill montages are lame as shit.

nothing special at all about this video, nothing.

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Stop that.

It's one thing to shit on a user if you don't like their video (That is in a more civil context.) but it's a whole nother thing to start insulting each other, and eventually bringing personal insults and derailing the thread.

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Used some remaining footage to compile a quick outtake reel. Nothing special, all the production effort went into the actual montage. Just something extra :)

And was I justified in freaking out over that fire? What was that? Even if it is in Amra 2 is it viable to find that in DayZ without generated non-DayZ items?

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Man and here I was ready to see some decent sniper kills in day z. Then I see you kill a guy you don't even see, because its on a server that displays tags. *moving along*

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funny commentary and nice shooting.

Liked the video mate.

and ffs too many "elite" players have gathered in here....

Not elitest at all. Its just nothing special. Pick up any .50cal and go to the coords I've given. Go on a easy mode server, get the ranges then server hope looking for zombies. Stalk the person then kill them. Suggest you try that and then come back and tell us it is really good or lame?

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