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how to make day z better, 90% will agree

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-revert back to the old zombie agro. when players got to enjoy sneaking through towns.

I enjoy a challenge and don't mind altering my play style if it turns out to be a fun experience. The only problem is I've already gained a ton of experience on the mechanics as they were before. And I really enjoyed sneaking through town, on the lookout in both sight and sound for zombies, always aware of a misstep or another player could change everything. It was doable. You knew what you had to do and you believed you could make through. Now you just have to throw that out the window because everything has changed. That does not equal fun. What I can't figure out is what exactly you need to do to survive.

I've tried sneaking as before, only to have a random zombie sprint towards me from out of my view range, over a hill (not a joke). Add to that the amount of new spawned zombies means they are facing every direction, so avoiding their new, longer sightlines is nearly impossible. There is no plan of attack because they either move towards your path telepathically or respawn in such numbers on your target that one of them is bound to "exponentially" see you - Ok, I get it. No sneaking.

-fix tents, make it so the items in ure tent stay there after server reset, otherwise theres no point to having a tent unless ure a hardcore player that plays 12 hours a day, which most of us do not have this kind of time.

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I don't think you're correct.

I am the 10%.


You're a fucking retard if you wanna get used to the game in it's ALPHA state, it's gonna change and you know it will. Don't complain when it does.

Edited by mOsh

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I still enjoy sneaking through towns. I've been able to sneak through the NWA, both Cherno and Elektro, Stary Sobor and Novy Sobor with almost no issues other than grabbing aggro on my way out due to recklessness. The old system was fun - but still not very challenging or as realistic. Do you really think a zombie would stare right at you and just let you walk away?

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I am the 10%. I enjoy having to deal with zombies that aren't blind as bats. No more walking 10 feet out of town and sprinting away like it's the state line in a municipal police chase.

Sneaking is entirely doable, it's just much harder and more realistic than the "stand and they'll see you, crawl and they won't" stealth mechanic of <1.7.2. You shouldn't be able to just crawl your way into any position except a zombie's feet, the zombies should be able to see you if you can see them. They're mindless killing machines, not proximity mines, and they behave like it now - if you're within visual range, they'll attack you.

I've done my share of sneaking in 1.7.2 already. Either you go Sam Fisher on zombies and time your movements to stay inside of 1.5m visual areas (beside fences, corridors, etc) or you engage the zombies from outside of auditory range (125m+, 1000m+ with an Enfield). Zombies are hazards, not just annoyances anymore.

Edited by thorgold

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I'm still able to sneak through towns.. it doesn't feel like much has changed for me but zombies wouldn't just clearly see you and not attack..

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I dont know what it was like before but I agree that the zombies could use some work like not just go aggro cause they heard a foot step. But as far as being able to sneak around I do it all the time while looking at my back for bandits.

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I personally believe that there needs to be a median here at times i completely agree that the zombies are over sensed (yet again not complaining) then at some points it can be insanely easy but never have i had a zombie stare me dead in the eye so maybe lower it a little maybe not i think either way this game has so many players already even in Alpha state that if players were to quit playing due to the senses issue it wouldn't much matter.

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I still enjoy sneaking through towns. I've been able to sneak through the NWA, both Cherno and Elektro, Stary Sobor and Novy Sobor with almost no issues other than grabbing aggro on my way out due to recklessness. The old system was fun - but still not very challenging or as realistic. Do you really think a zombie would stare right at you and just let you walk away?

i do the same thing tbh

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I think this topic makes a good point, but I don't feel as strong as you. Yes, at the moment I think the changes to zombies have left them somewhat 'oversensed' and hearing one footstep through 3 walls and going on the hunt is a rather annoying trait of theirs. But it is not impossible to get around. It's certainly closer to being realistic now, but now I think it's just on the another side of realism. Their senses need toned back the smallest amount, then I think their behaviour will be fixed :) just my thoughts...

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