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Horrible FPS with my monster rig, Help me out?

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I have:

HIS Radeon 6950 HD OC

Phenom II X4 @ 2.9ghz

8gb G skill RAM

700 Watt Corsair PSU gaming edition

1tb 7200rpm HDD

my fps is at 27 in the forests and drops into the teens when I'm in cities. What gives?

I'm on maximum settings at 1280x1040

Edited by sparta436

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Did you try messing with the video settings such as 3D options, visability, and textures

Edited by DeadManDan

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Some servers, from my experience, seem to have poorer FPS than others. I don't know why that is or why it happens. Have you tried other servers? Your system looks almost the same as mine and I'm doing ok on most servers.

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I have:

HIS Radeon 6950 HD OC

Phenom II X4 @ 2.9ghz

8gb G skill RAM

700 Watt Corsair PSU gaming edition

1tb 7200rpm HDD

my fps is at 27 in the forests and drops into the teens when I'm in cities. What gives?

I'm on maximum settings at 1280x1040

I found the problem, you posted this topic in Day Z Forums > DayZ > Dayz General Discussion instead of DayZ > Technical help

Naw just kidding, actually your problem is this "ATI Radeon"

Naw just kidding, I actually don't know.

Edited by eddy051
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I have 2 gigs of video memory. textures and resolution should not be a problem, although my 3d resolution is set to my normal resolution. I think the problem is just that ArmA hates AMD and i need a better processor

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Some servers, from my experience, seem to have poorer FPS than others. I don't know why that is or why it happens. Have you tried other servers? Your system looks almost the same as mine and I'm doing ok on most servers.

I cant play on any other servers because my HQ and vehicles are on this one particular server

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set video memory to default please. this will utilize all of your video memory instead of 512kb (which is what high is)

Edited by Imtheantinoob

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I cant play on any other servers because my HQ and vehicles are on this one particular server

You can still test if the server is a problem by loading up a singleplayer scenario, or loading up Chernarus in the mission editor.

If your FPS is fine there, but sucks in multi-player, then the server is running badly (which for some reason forces all clients to run badly as well).

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You can still test if the server is a problem by loading up a singleplayer scenario, or loading up Chernarus in the mission editor.

If your FPS is fine there, but sucks in multi-player, then the server is running badly (which for some reason forces all clients to run badly as well).

Thank you, ActionMan... lookin good by the way

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Strangest thing is happening to me.I need to install my nvidia drivers every day.My fps will be ok then all of a sudden drop to around 10 in both dayz and SP Arma2.I reinstall drivers and it reverts back to good fps.Maybe try that?

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Zombie piles, basically. In my experience, they slow the game down a lot. Try getting the settings right in Armory, then go from there.

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very few rigs can run this game at "maximum settings" and maintain high fps

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Why don't you upgrade to a rig that is ACTUALLY a "monster" rig?

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search threads about Arma 2 optimization and follow the advice, especially on video settings.

Download and run "game booster" before you play.

This game is very demanding on the CPU over the graphics card and that CPU will struggle in built up areas, although you should get over 30fps out in the sticks, The server you are on can also make a big difference.

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The problem is your CPU clock is low. Overclock it to 3.2ghz at least to accommodate the OC GPU speed and to prevent a bottleneck.

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Also forgot to mention: the longer you play the slower the game will get.

Same here.... First couple Minutes it runs Fine, but After walking some Minutes the Frames going Down and you leave it frustrating.

Fresh installed win7, Intel Core to Quad , ATI hd6870 and all options on low with all tweaks i found about this Game.

I can Easy Run bf3 with all maxed Out like all other games but dayz is stuttering and like deadmandan says, After some Minutes Running its getting Down with the Frames and Not coming back up.

Edited by Jenzen

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I found the problem, you posted this topic in Day Z Forums > DayZ > Dayz General Discussion instead of DayZ > Technical help

Naw just kidding, actually your problem is this "ATI Radeon"

Naw just kidding, I actually don't know.

I found the problem! Shitty user! Naw, just kidding. Actually it is a shitty user.

User was warned for this post.

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i got a similar rig but with a Core 2 Quad Q8300 @2,5GHz and my FPS is slightly hiher than yours. I drop at around 20 in the cities. So maybe DayZ is just sucking up your hardware ;) there is stil no real code optimization so DayZ will need much more hardware then other games to look good/great

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I'll post what i posted in another thread to attempt to clear up why ArmA 2 can have terrible performance on good rigs, aswell as bad rigs.

The performance you can get out of ArmA 2 is very limited even on high end gear. ArmA 2 does not utilize multiple threads and cores properly. You can use a command line to "help" it on its way, but its still far away from being optimal. You would be able to notice this by looking at your total CPU usage during gameplay, aswell as which cores are being used to run ArmA 2. In most cases, you will see it mostly using just 1, and at occations, very little of a 2nd core. This results is very bad performance on high-end rigs, or rather, limited performance.

Your best bet is to lower graphics as much as possible, ive got a few config tweaks that are almost bound to give you another 30-50 fps. It will reduce the overall quality of the picture, but help the game run better on the limited amount of cores it is able to use. This will help lessen the load on the one/two cores being utilized by ArmA, so that it is not loaded.

Navigate to your documents folder and open the ArmA 2 folder, in here open ArmA2OA.cfg and look for these values, and make sure they are as quoted. if any of these arent in the file, add them.




Optionally, you can remove mousesmoothing aswell. This gives you a more responsive behaviour like BF3/CS, instead of ArmA 2s very sluggish and muddy mouse movement. To do this, add this line


Next, open up your profiles operation arrowhead config and find these values and match them


These exact settings will reduce the draw distance of objects/trees and grass. It will make the game look "bad" compared to high settings, but you can play with them as you like. Using this exact setup will allow you to reach a good 70-110 fps in decent sized/small villages and the rest of the world. Where elektro and cherno will give you a good 50-60 frames. Good luck!

Edited by Suspenselol
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I managed to get a look at my CPU-Usage and it is 50-80% and similar on all 4 cores. So Arma is doing fine using all my cores. I can play wih my 20 FPS and I am happy with that :D

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I've got a very similar pc and aside from the fps stutter in 1.7.2 I'm at 60fps most of the time, major cities upper 40s. Screenshot attached with my ingame settings, as for the config file...

My Documents/Arma 2 folder/Arma2oa.cfg

-Look for and disable AToC

-Set PPAA to 3

My Documents/Arma 2 folder/(Your Username)

Search for "mousesmoothing" and make sure it =1

Also I've added (-mod=@DayZ -nosplash -world=empty -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxmem=4096) to my shortcut, whether some of those work anymore, better safe than sorry.

I've messed with my settings for quite awhile trying to find a good balance for graphics/performance and this is what I've come up with, for myself the high fps as well as no jerky camera movement when looking around. Try this out and see how it works for you.

One great resource I've used for settings is;


My Specs (aside from what is in my sig)

HiS Radeon HD6950 2gb OC

i5 2500k @ 3.30ghz

8gb G.Skill Ripjaw X @ 1600mhz

PC Power & Cooling 750W Silencer Mk.II (80 Plus Silver)

2x 500gb 7200rpm HDD


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you got a way better CPU then the OP ;) never underestimate the change in the structure during the yeasr even when you have nearly the same GHz!

Edited by The L!ne

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Right, I understand that, but everything else is essentially the same, figured I'd give him a good baseline of where to start tweaking.

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