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During the short couple weeks of playing dayz I along with with a couple friends constructed our squad and quite often lose people on our adventures through Chernarus. So what im recommending is that defibrllators be placed sparingly across different hospital locations to bring back dead players temporarily so that they could be healed accordingly. But due to the advantage of this item they should be have a very rare spawn chance with a one time use per unit. I believe this item as well would also help the teaming up aspect of the game as it obviously needs to be administered by another player. With this I hope defibrillators could be added to this awsome mod and help my squad and I with our frequent dying problem :D.

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and if I shoot you with m107 will defibrillator help you?

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and if I shoot you with m107 will defibrillator help you?

well i guess there could be exceptions for its use to beyond drastic wounds like a 50 cal or headshot

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and if I shoot you with m107 will defibrillator help you?

This is a game, remember? You are running from zombies, stoping any kind of bleeding with simple bandages, fixing broken bones with morphine. Please, stop using the "realism" argument cuz is pure BS. Things should just make some sense and be authentic not "realistic"

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I'd normally agree with you Eagle. Immersion and or fun should not be sacrificed by realism too much.

That said, bones are currently glass. Falling off a single story roof shouldn't break a bone with a bit of fall training. Hell, getting hit once from the front has broken my legs somehow.

Bandage are at least beleivable.

However I have difficulty with this.

Defibrillators would have zero use. Do you understand what they are for?

Cardiac arrest. Fibrillation of the heart. Arythmia. They attempt to restard hearts in spasm or irregular beat and have no use for a heart that has stopped beating. Only CPR is any use for a still heart.

BF3 is a great game, but DayZ prides itself on elements of realism. This is just a bit too far fetched sorry.

Although, an option to attempt CPR on a very recently dead corpse would be good. Bring them back at very low blood and unconcious.

And I mean recently dead. And I mean a slim chance.

Brain damage from lack of oxygen sets in within minutes.

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Thank you for using the search!

This is a game, remember? You are running from zombies, stoping any kind of bleeding with simple bandages, fixing broken bones with morphine. Please, stop using the "realism" argument cuz is pure BS. Things should just make some sense and be authentic not "realistic"

i never said to make it more realistic in the first place i was onley suggesting a new item be placed in, and as for not searching i did several times and no threads popped up so really cmon man

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I'd normally agree with you Eagle. Immersion and or fun should not be sacrificed by realism too much.

That said, bones are currently glass. Falling off a single story roof shouldn't break a bone with a bit of fall training. Hell, getting hit once from the front has broken my legs somehow.

Bandage are at least beleivable.

However I have difficulty with this.

Defibrillators would have zero use. Do you understand what they are for?

Cardiac arrest. Fibrillation of the heart. Arythmia. They attempt to restard hearts in spasm or irregular beat and have no use for a heart that has stopped beating. Only CPR is any use for a still heart.

BF3 is a great game, but DayZ prides itself on elements of realism. This is just a bit too far fetched sorry.

Although, an option to attempt CPR on a very recently dead corpse would be good. Bring them back at very low blood and unconcious.

And I mean recently dead. And I mean a slim chance.

Brain damage from lack of oxygen sets in within minutes.

thats what i meant to see with the idea but i did very poor with the explanation but its not like i intended the defib to work 100% of the time

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i never said to make it more realistic in the first place i was onley suggesting a new item be placed in, and as for not searching i did several times and no threads popped up so really cmon man

i read some of the threads that were posted and i see now what you are getting to

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and if I shoot you with m107 will defibrillator help you?

If you break a leg, will morphine help you? No, just for the pain. So that's not realistic. Neither is being hit by a few bullets and then just having someone stick a band-aid over it and pour some blood into you.

While more realistic than most, this game is still far from realistic, so your argument is invalid.

Defibrillators would be a cool addition, I've always thought of something like them being brought into the game. As OP says, they should have a VERY small chance of spawning in hospitals only and they can bring back recently dead players (5-10 minutes). They should probably be a one time use item as well, just to avoid clans server hopping hospitals and building up a stockpile of defibs making them almost invincible.

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Still a horrible idea.

If you get shot and you don't die, there are epi pens and bandages to save your life. There are also blood bags to return your health. Defib will just push this towards Battlefield defib spamming for everyone's loss.

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Too complicated imo.It would need an energy source and what are the chances that you can revive a player who was shot int he head and so forth? Its just too complicated to implement something like this and probably not worth the hassle. That's just my opinion though.

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Agree with jesquick.

Got to draw a line somewhere.

DayZ isn't supposed to be forgiving. It's a cruel, merciless sadist that will punish you for a single error in judgement.

If you dare to make a mistake through no fault of your own, prepare to buy new orifices.

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Yes!! I was thinking the same, when you travel so far your mate dies there's nothing you can do about it. It should have a certain time it takes to revive and depending where they got shot , it may take longer . Headshots though would be an instant kill

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A defibrillator is mainly used for two conditions the first one is Ventricular Fibrillation and the second one is Ventricular Tachycardia. The V-Fib is a case when the when the heart is twitched and in the second case it beats too fast that is blood is moved. A defibrillator can save the life if there is electrical rhythm inside. It depends on the response rate at which time defibrillation is started after SCR.

Defibrillator Suppliers

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Permanent death is a part of the game, when you die it should be a great loss to your group instead of a nuisance that costs them one phoenix down.

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Will not work, since the deaths in this game result in heart stopping, not entering a tachy, or fibrillation. so it would be rather pointless. Loss of blood? heart stops = no use. Die of thirst or lack of nourishment? heart stops, and will not start pumping again due to lack of energy on cellular level = No use.

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If you break a leg, will morphine help you? No, just for the pain. So that's not realistic. Neither is being hit by a few bullets and then just having someone stick a band-aid over it and pour some blood into you.

While more realistic than most, this game is still far from realistic, so your argument is invalid.

Defibrillators would be a cool addition, I've always thought of something like them being brought into the game. As OP says, they should have a VERY small chance of spawning in hospitals only and they can bring back recently dead players (5-10 minutes). They should probably be a one time use item as well, just to avoid clans server hopping hospitals and building up a stockpile of defibs making them almost invincible.

Morphine will make you feel pain less.. so its much more reallistic to "fix" leg with morphine, than survive a blood loss from blown off arm cause of 50.cal shot...

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*gets shot with a million bullets*

*gets electricity and wakes up*

I'll go with the non-bf3, realistic option, sorry.Dying is part of the game.Kind of stupid, especially when you die for nothing, but still a part of it.Stay out of highly populated servers, and you'll stay alive.






Thank you for using the search!

This is a game, remember? You are running from zombies, stoping any kind of bleeding with simple bandages, fixing broken bones with morphine. Please, stop using the "realism" argument cuz is pure BS. Things should just make some sense and be authentic not "realistic"

Bandages will stop any kind of bleeding.It's just how much you'll use.The fact that DayZ only has a small bandage image doesn't mean that all bandages have one size.A bandage can patch up a scratch, and, depending upon its size, even a mutilated limb (but that's not really usual).

As for the bones, IIRC, morphines stop the pain.So, in time, the bone fixes itself.It wouldn't be easy to walk with a bad break (e.g. ankle), but more or less, it does make sense.I don't understand what you are trying to say with "making some sense" (which should mean "realistic") and "authentic".

Edited by thodouras95
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