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Ander (DayZ)

Experimental test patch

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I think maybe you're just a douche. If it's so easy, make a tutorial. It's a pain in the ass. Every single way you can buy Arma means you have a vastly different way of installing things. It's a confusing nightmare. Get over yourself, Mr. Gates.


Just once, read your own posts in the third person. Then, go cry yourself to sleep on your gigantic pillow because you realize what a condescending ass you've been.

Just once, people should realize that they're not playing on x-box. There is some knowledge required to test a mod like this, and if a person can't figure it out, then maybe that person should stick to normal game releases.

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How long is the stress testing going to be done for? Is there going to be another hotfix released after it is done that will unbreak the zombies so the game will run as intended? I do understand that we are testing an alpha and I do understand that the devs are working their asses off, was just wondering if the game is gonna be stable again soon. To all people who are reading this and are about to post "It's an alpha get over it"....just don't!

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How Steam interacts with your ArmA2 and DayZ files:

You made a couple of changes to your Steam download, which help you run DayZ without jumping through a bunch of hoops (assuming you did it this way)

-You added an extension line (-mod=@dayz -nosplash) to your ArmA2 and OA (Combined Operations) executables, which ran the DayZ mod whenever you launched ArmA2 from Steam

However, when you update your beta patches for ArmA2:OA and launch ArmA from steam, you are not launching with the new beta executables. This is because ArmA has two different .exe's when you install the beta patch. Steam does not know about this second .exe. You need to make Steam run the second executable (AngryJonny's way), or you can by-pass Steam and just create your own launch shortcut. I use the latter.

To run ArmA2 beta without messing around with your Steam client:

Go to Desktop

Right click->new->text document

Paste the code shown below into a file

Name and save the file as "ArmA2 CO Beta - DayZ.cmd"

Run DayZ from this file because it's easier than what AngryJonny posted



Note: This is for Steam users only.


For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%A In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2PATH=%%B)
IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO v32_path_a2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa)
For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%C In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2PATH=%%D)
@FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%I IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2PATH=%%J)
@FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%K IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2PATH=%%L)

For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%E In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2OAPATH=%%F)
For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%G In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') Do set (_ARMA2OAPATH=%%H)
@FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%M IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2OAPATH=%%N)
@FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%O IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2OAPATH=%%P)
call "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" -nosplash -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -mod=@dayz %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
@exit /B 0
@exit /B 1
@exit /B 2

To manually update DayZ mod's code, head to the following directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\Addons\

You can extract the files that are on the mirrors and the torrents here. Note that inside of the "Addons" folder there should be only 14 (15 as of 1.7.2.) files and no folders.

I really appreciate and respect the fact that you took the trouble to type out instructions instead of getting into a flame war with me.

I just gained about a million respect points for you dude..

There's already enough dicks on these forums, no need for someone who is obviously intelligent to stoop to that level.

Cheers! :)

How long is the stress testing going to be done for? Is there going to be another hotfix released after it is done that will unbreak the zombies so the game will run as intended? I do understand that we are testing an alpha and I do understand that the devs are working their asses off, was just wondering if the game is gonna be stable again soon. To all people who are reading this and are about to post "It's an alpha get over it"....just don't!

Yes, I believe the hotfix was released in this fashion to avoid all the retarded nonsense that usually comes with each update. (I'm guessing) there will most likely be a larger release made, once the people who understand that we're here to test get finished with testing the update. I'm starting to think there should be two versions of the mod.. the "stable release" for people who want to just play and are afraid of losing their gear, and the "test version" for those of us who are here to actually work on the mod. It would save a lot of people a lot of drama if this were the case.

Edited by Cyanyde
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I think maybe you're just a douche. If it's so easy, make a tutorial. It's a pain in the ass. Every single way you can buy Arma means you have a vastly different way of installing things. It's a confusing nightmare. Get over yourself, Mr. Gates.


Just once, read your own posts in the third person. Then, go cry yourself to sleep on your gigantic pillow because you realize what a condescending ass you've been.

Thinking about what is causing the problem never hurt anyone. It would be more beneficial to someone who doesn't know anything about computers or modding to fiddle with what's going on. It'll really help them in the long run rather than them coming on the forums and getting spoon fed information and they keep encountering similar problems over and over again not only in DayZ, but in other aspects of computing and possibly real life. It can help them build skill sets that they can apply later. Who do you think game developers and people who write the VBS engine code go to when they have problems? No one, they try to figure it out themselves (at least I would assume so). Time to put your big-boy pants on and figure it out on your own.

Should I really care if I'm being an ass? No.

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How long is the stress testing going to be done for? Is there going to be another hotfix released after it is done that will unbreak the zombies so the game will run as intended? I do understand that we are testing an alpha and I do understand that the devs are working their asses off, was just wondering if the game is gonna be stable again soon.

Coding takes a long time. Especially when you're going through thousands of lines of code trying to figure out the triggers for certain issues. You may have to rewrite entire sections of your code because they just screwed up several other features. In the course of rewriting you may make a mistake which screws up another feature, while you have still fixed the other initial issues. It takes time to get the kinks worked out, but be assured that Rocket and his team will fix the issues in due course and release a stable build to the public. In the meantime:


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Yes, I believe the hotfix was released in this fashion to avoid all the retarded nonsense that usually comes with each update. (I'm guessing) there will most likely be a larger release made, once the people who understand that we're here to test get finished with testing the update. I'm starting to think there should be two versions of the mod.. the "stable release" for people who want to just play and are afraid of losing their gear, and the "test version" for those of us who are here to actually work on the mod. It would save a lot of people a lot of drama if this were the case.

Thanks for the quick response :) I am happy to help out with testing the mod and reporting bugs but I don't get much time to play as I work nights and as such it would be good to be able to play on a stable server. I think your idea of releasing 2 versions is quite a good idea...Although that would require 2 different versions of the hive wouldn't it? Gonna take a lot more resources that I imagine Rocket and his team don't have!

To Priceline Negotiator - I do understand how much of a drama writing code is I was just asking just incase it had been mentioned and I hadn't managed to find it with the search key :)

Edited by Timmymachine109

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I've read this whole thread and most of it has to do with people who don't understand how to run their game without SixUpdater, which is a horrible program, by the way. They don't understand how to run ArmA beta patch files and how to start up CO outside of Steam. Not sure if people are too lazy and decide to just blurt out crap on the forums or if they are legitimately stupid.

i agree! six updater is even more crap than steam (can you believe that?)!

i quit playing counter strike because of steam... that was 2002^^

people just don´t realize that they are unpaid gametester...

they demand support like if they bought adobe cs^^

btw if i were rocket/bohemia interactive i would offer a charged hotline for support... would be a good bargain!

this game is a big challenge ingame and especially getting it to work :D

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Played for few hours at CZ01 yesterday. Nondespawned zombies herpderp. They sound as they are ok but no agro and movements. Well yeah my ghillie is gone too (my friend's camo is not). Got FPS hit after playing for like ~2-3 hours. Everything else seemed fine: loot was spawning, new infected appearing, players dying etcetc :) .

Edited by Kyorikei

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i agree! six updater is even more crap than steam (can you believe that?)!

i quit playing counter strike because of steam... that was 2002^^

people just don

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I'm not going to knock six updater. It's an effort to help people who can't do things on their own, or to make it easier for anyone.

For me, of there's a way to do something where I can understand and keep in touch with how it works, that's what I'll do. If something insulates me from the process, I know it can lead to frustration.

yeah i have to admit w/o the updater i wouldn´t be able to play...where would you get the .rsync folder if not from the updater?

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You are a tester, moron.

BrasKa likes this

You Like yourself, now i understand this post....

Edited by paniohitus

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Hmm, It seems although the infected seem to spot you a little easier they are also easier to loose.

Had two on my tail, While running i zig-zag'd around some buildings & walls, Lost them pretty easily, Didn't even have to run into a building, Loving this new test patch so far .... Just gonna take a couple of days to judge how far i can push it before i aggro the infected.

As far as i can tell the infected don't seem to zig-zag no where near as much while chasing you either, Their animations seem much more fluid.

Edited by ATOJAR
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Can nobody help me out? My problem is on page 9, top.


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It's not 1989 any more. Learn how your computer works or you will be at the mercy of the Geek Squad form the rest of your life.

What you're saying is akin to saying " I dont have time to figure out how to cook food. I have to eat fast food all the time.."

Unlike being able to cook for my family, playing video games is not a life skill.

Again, please be helpful. Arma2 has always attracted a segment of the more mature gaming community. Some of us play Arma2 because it is the most realistic representation of our experiences. The DayZ mod is one of the best mods I've tried since the internet has been around.

Many of the posters here are learning and just don't have the time and experience to do it as fast as those like you who claim to be an expert on the internet.

Why or why not use Six Updater?

If one wants to install the patches etc, what process/instructions would you leave here?

Edited by Slyder73

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Hey everyone,

@ 1.7.2 i stucked in the loading screen, now with i can join the game but the gameplay stays black, with a white msg that says: "You have the wrong version of DAYZ_CODE, please get the newest..."

Actually Iam in the game but the gameplay/screen ist turning from dark/not visible (10 secs.) to visible/day but just for 1 sec...

I can chat with the other players over the sidechat buts its not playable, but i can steer my character... Hope the description us good enough^^

whats wrong? i have 94700 with beta patch....

PLS get the game running these are my last days of holiday :D

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Hey everyone,

@ 1.7.2 i stucked in the loading screen, now with i can join the game but the gameplay stays black, with a white msg that says: "You have the wrong version of DAYZ_CODE, please get the newest..."

Actually Iam in the game but the gameplay/screen ist turning from dark/not visible (10 secs.) to visible/day but just for 1 sec...

I can chat with the other players over the sidechat buts its not playable, but i can steer my character... Hope the description us good enough^^

whats wrong? i have 94700 with beta patch....

PLS get the game running these are my last days of holiday :D isn't to be supposed for use besides for the test server. If you play on a random server you must use 1.7.2 instead. And the Loading issues are often server based. Try a few others..

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I tried a Server ;)

How do i roll back from to 1.7.2?

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Just download 1.7.2 from the website and overwrite the files.

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i agree! six updater is even more crap than steam (can you believe that?)!

i quit playing counter strike because of steam... that was 2002^^

people just don´t realize that they are unpaid gametester...

they demand support like if they bought adobe cs^^

btw if i were rocket/bohemia interactive i would offer a charged hotline for support... would be a good bargain!

this game is a big challenge ingame and especially getting it to work :D

Six Updater works fine, it's just kinda slow.

Steam's initial release was September 12, 2003... CS:S was the first CS to require Steam, which was late 2004. Nice memory, bro.

Steam is also fine.

If people are having trouble getting DayZ to work, they're doing it wrong... :/

Anyway, I haven't bothered to read through this thread as I don't have time... but for those who've tried, how is the de-sync? As bad as 1.7.2?

Edited by Ezkaton
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I've been seeding the torrent since it was released.. aamof, I'm still seeding, now that I look.. oops :P

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Since I cannot play on my own server (ArmA X ID, etc., freaky, I know), I would like to know, whether the progress saved or do the servers run on a seperate hive?

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I'm not going to knock six updater. It's an effort to help people who can't do things on their own, or to make it easier for anyone.

For me, of there's a way to do something where I can understand and keep in touch with how it works, that's what I'll do. If something insulates me from the process, I know it can lead to frustration.

i could easily understand how to start arma2 with mods on my own, but i really see no need to, because sixupdater just does the job for me. yea i am lazy, now what?

no idea why people keep bashing it, its a great program, and its doing its job, and its working PERFECTLY.

comparing it to something like steam is a bit out of hand there.

i guess some people need to show off that they are born leet and can in fact figure out how stuff works. *yawn*

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Since I cannot play on my own server (ArmA X ID, etc., freaky, I know), I would like to know, whether the progress saved or do the servers run on a seperate hive?

The servers running this version will still save progress as normal. That's what the warning is about with not being bothered if you lose any gear, or not.

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