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Devin (DayZ)

A Friendly Among Hostiles

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Okay, been playing Dayz For a couple of weeks now, and in that time i have spent 80% if not more of my playing time, alone. I once met another survivor who did not shoot me on sight, but infact responded to my direct chat. We then used Skype to communicate. His other friend met us too. It was a good time, and was a much more enjoyable experience when i was with others. And another time someone instructed me to get on " mumble " on there communication server.

My one question is, everyone logs in, and out and different times. How can you find a single friendly survivor to partner up with ( more a less a large group!), And all stay together?. Are there any Clans/Groups in which travel and log in/out together and what not?. I just hate having to be alone, it gets old quick. And EACH time i see a survivor i always use Direct Chat VOIP to ID that both i am friendly, and i am looking for a partner/survivor friend. And i still just get shot at. More then half the times i win the firearm exchanges, but i just wish i could once find someone that wasnt instantly killing other survivors on sight. The way i see Day Z so far, you can play it two ways.

1: Survivor

-Gathering Food/water Supplies

-Killing Zombies & Grouping up, Camps, Ect.

- Saving other Survivors from zombies and gearing them up

2: Bandit

- Gather Food./ Water / Supplies

- always be in the Cherno/Electro area

- Shoot any person on sight.

What i hate, is bandits arent really bandits. It's one thing to walk into a store im looting and aim a gun at me and use VOIP to be like " DROP YOUR GEAR IM ROBBING YOU, DONT MOVE OR ILL SHOOT". That is being a bandit. But the " Bandit's " here just shoot people from 1.2 Clicks out with a sniper Rifle for fun, dont gather there kills gear or equipment, and are essentially just deathmatching morons.

Is there any group in the US East time zone ( I live in NY ) That can take me under there wing and show me the ropes?.

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I kinda feel ya man, I play mostly solo save for the infrequent times I can find a friendly player which more often than not ends with a bullet in my face. I'm not an expert, but I'm not a complete noob at the game either. Since we both seem to be looking for similar things in the game, I'd be happy to team up with another friendly player and hopefully find a group too! I live on the coast as well, albeit a bit further south (FL here).

Edited by Jehuty0

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Not sure what you implied with that link...

But regardless my Steam is Devin00 OR Lunchbox.

I am still looking for a group, i am ALWAYS based out of Electro/Cherno as i dont have a vehicle. I stay pent up in the cities for days on end. Add my on steam so we can link up

Edited by Devin

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EACH time i see a survivor i always use Direct Chat VOIP to ID that both i am friendly, and i am looking for a partner/survivor friend. And i still just get shot at...

What do you expect? If you build a game based on resource management that involved your very survival, then of course it's going to be hard to find survivors to team up with. Everyone has the urge to kill each other so they can survive and get better equipment. This is a game where the word "Trust" means walking side-by-side with your fellow players while holding a knife to their backs.

Also, unrelated, why do you have the "SS" logo as your avatar?

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What do you expect? If you build a game based on resource management that involved your very survival, then of course it's going to be hard to find survivors to team up with. Everyone has the urge to kill each other so they can survive and get better equipment. This is a game where the word "Trust" means walking side-by-side with your fellow players while holding a knife to their backs.

Also, unrelated, why do you have the "SS" logo as your avatar?

Yeah, well half the time when i am shot and killed, i am merely standing there with a flashlight, and a guy infront of me with an M16 In my face, and just shoots me. And also 1/4 " Bandits" even check the gear of there kills. Hell some of them just shoot people for fun and dont kill them.

And also the SS Logo is my avatar because they look like ones from Kiss. Jk my grandfather was a Waffen SS operator, and i retain my families views and ideals. Haters gonna hate.

Edited by Devin

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What i hate, is bandits arent really bandits. It's one thing to walk into a store im looting and aim a gun at me and use VOIP to be like " DROP YOUR GEAR IM ROBBING YOU, DONT MOVE OR ILL SHOOT". That is being a bandit. But the " Bandit's " here just shoot people from 1.2 Clicks out with a sniper Rifle for fun, dont gather there kills gear or equipment, and are essentially just deathmatching morons.

We need handcuf item. To be able to Rob people without them disconecting , or on the other hand. To tie a bandit and let the zombies feed on him :D

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