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I've always wondered: Seeing as there are still version 1.6 servers running, does anyone switch between patches to play on different version servers?

I'd imagine that would make loot farming easy as the previous versions have less players on.

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Yes, now you're just competing with the other 5000 people who also had this original idea and headed straight for barracks.

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Strangely enough, I always find servers with fewer people to play on. No need to go to 50 slot servers where every corner hides a rifle.

It jsut depends on player hours. if they prefered old gameplay, that's their choice.

Between 1.7.1 and .5, Many people rolled back, because important hotfixes were needed and sometimes broke (No food, infrared omniscient zeds;..)

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But isn't using old versions of the game in such a way considered an exploit since they can just gather gear on old versions of the game then version hope and troll populated servers. Rinse, repeat upon pwnage.

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Depends if that is your style of play doesnt it :) I stick with whatever is the latest version, take the good with the bad.

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Yes, now you're just competing with the other 5000 people who also had this original idea and headed straight for barracks.

^What this guy said.

While in a 50-player server I rarely see anyone on the barracks, if I join a low pop one... There's always a group there.

I'd assume the same applies to "patch hopping". I doubt you're gonna be able to consistently avoid PvP.

I do believe everyone should be forced to play the latest though. As with any other game. Can't really play the previous patch because you don't like certain changes in the new one. Especially considering the previous versions are rarely what the developers of the game wanted the game to be, and/or filled with balance issues fixed thereon after.

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