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Barb Wire Frustration

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I know some of you may be thinking: *roll eye* another one of this barb wire complaints.

But actually I want to know step by step how the fuck to remove barb wire. I've had the tool box for serveral in game days but still can't get the menu option to remove barb wire to popup. Just yesterday I wasted 10 minutes at the NW airfield (was sure some sniper was gonna get my ass) out in the open trying to remove fucking barb wire at the firestation. I've been told that you're supposed to look at the post the barb wire is attached to (and that it's 'tricky') but I aimed up and down every inch of that damn thing from different angles and still couldn't get an option to remove it.

Edited by DeadManDan

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If the endpost doesnt work, try moving down to the next post. I have removed countless wire, and i can only recall twice that i got the option from the endposts.

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There was only one post showing and it was sticking outside the firestation, the other posts were inside the walls. :(

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There are some masters of the "way of the wire" and you will not be able to remove wire placed by these masters, but you can still try just use gear option and spend ages moving all around it and hope for the confirmation option and to not get shot in the back while searching for it.

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You will never get the option to remove wire from afar. You have to sneak-crouch into the barbed wire and have the center of your screen (where the crosshair should be) aimed exactly at any of the stakes.

I have removed close to a hundred coils and haven't had a problem with a single one of them.

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The hitboxes for interacting with the barbed wire are obscenely small. I tend to find them at the middle post, in first person of course, and moving towards it, into the fencing. Then I'm frantically rolling my scroll wheel looking for that "remove" to hit it before it disappears.

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Look down the barrel of your gun while looking directly at one of the post, usually the lower half of the post. I've removed tons a barbed wire, not hard once you get the hang of where to look on the posts.

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If you want to remove barbed wire from the Fire Station (at the entrance/door way to the tower) you need to look in the left hand corner right next to the door (from the inside of the station). Facing more towards the barb, whilst crouching, VERY slowly move your mouse over the area and it should pop up. I did this in 3rd person no problem, but im sure 1st will be fine too.

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There was only one post showing and it was sticking outside the firestation, the other posts were inside the walls. :(

Not much you can do really. Surely there are other doors you can get through. If every door is blocked with barbwire in the same fashion, forget about it.

Unless you have a vehicle... [edit: I was explaining how to do this but then realized what kind of terrible trap it could be for unsuspecting players. I best not mention it. ]

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I know some of you may be thinking: *roll eye* another one of this barb wire complaints.

But actually I want to know step by step how the fuck to remove barb wire. I've had the tool box for serveral in game days but still can't get the menu option to remove barb wire to popup. Just yesterday I wasted 10 minutes at the NW airfield (was sure some sniper was gonna get my ass) out in the open trying to remove fucking barb wire at the firestation. I've been told that you're supposed to look at the post the barb wire is attached to (and that it's 'tricky') but I aimed up and down every inch of that damn thing from different angles and still couldn't get an option to remove it.

There is a trick to it. This is much, much easier on servers with crosshairs.

You need to stare at the stake for several seconds while completely motionless. That's it. You can't look all around and fish for the sweet spot, you'll never see anything. You have to pick a spot and not move *at all* for about 4 seconds. Then pick another spot, and another.

If you have a crosshair, you should be able to tag a stake on the first try every time, if it's a valid removal stake.

Edited by Just a Goat

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