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Alter ego

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Date/Time: Ongoing

What happened: Whenever I change servers I switch between 2 players

Where you were: N/A

What you were doing: N/A

*Current installed version: 1.7.2

*Server(s) you were on: AUSARMA Servers, ON3 Servers (Australia/NZ servers)

*Timeline of events before/after error:

Times are all in AU EST

Yesterday ~7pm I was in Vybor, looked like the character had been rolled back to some earlier version, noticed loads of broken yellow/red chains but never timed out, few minutes later I got killed.

When I respawned, I was at the exact same location in Vybor with the exact same gear I had spawned with earlier so I kept playing.

Later on I was killed again but this time I stayed dead and got the gender selection screen, spawned in Elektro and played for a while and managed to get a gun and some supplies, then I logged for the day ~9pm.

This morning I played again ~5am (AU EST) but was again greeted with the gender selection screen, spawned near Solnicniy and headed north to Berezino, played for a while when I was suddenly disconnected (isp issue).

When I logged in again 10 minutes later I was suddenly playing as the character I had at the end of yesterday in Elektro, and now whenever I change servers I switch between these 2 players (randomly selected it seems)

The second time I joined as the player in Berezino it looked like the character had been rolled back an hour or so.

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Thought I'd post an update on this..

This might actually not be a game issue after all, noticed that the "alter egos" are locked to specific groups of servers, i.e player 1 is only available on the AUSARMA servers and player 2 is only available on the ON3 servers, guess I could have tested other servers but I was too excited getting my first GPS and a MP5SD6 yesterday.

It might just be that either of these servers have started using their own hive...

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Confirming alter ego bug. Happened to me and a friend I was playing with. I am telling just about my experience though.

Where you were: N/A

What you were doing: Switching servers

*Current installed version: 1.7.2

*Server(s) you were on: Various

*Timeline of events before/after error: When I switched servers it currently happens that I spawn with a completely new charcter and old progress was lost (for example the server crashed and my old save of the character was not loaded and gave me instead a new one).

Another time I was shot by a survivor and I left the server after I died. Then I respawned and quit. Then I joined a new server and had a character save from two days ago. In this case I am not sure if I hopped between 1.7.2 and servers. This might have been the case.

In general I can tell that I am currently having extreme troubles with saving and loading of the right character. Happens a lot.

Edited by Takas

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This is happening to me also. there appears to be two saved characters on the hive.

It will randomly pick one each time I log in. In my case it does not seem to be limited by server.

3 of my buddies have the same issue.

It started when i logged out one day after 4-5 hrs game time, logged back in on the coast.

Dafuq is this? o-well game is in alpha - start again.

Then the next time i log in I am back to my old save...... now I have two characters


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Bump for conformation:

Where you were: N/A

What you were doing: Switching servers

*Current installed version: 1.7.2

*Server(s) you were on: Various

*Timeline of events before/after error:

AusArma servers i am one charcter.

US Servers i am a different character in a different location with different gear

Euro servers, same applies as above.

I'm wondering if this is somewhat of an answer to server jumping/looting but i only change server if i want different time of day / crap frame rate issues / not enough spots on server to log on. Its quite hindering.

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Yeah, I have the same problem. I was playing on one character and looted the fire station and got a AK, and a coyote backpack. I logged off and then got back on to find myself at the select gender screen, so I proceeded to loot Electro and sometime later I spawned back onto my fire station character.

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I get this exact same thing, and I've been trying to get help from the dev team for weeks now. They sure are trying, since in every patch's changelog they seem to try to do something to prevent this kind of thing from happening. This is really keeping me from playing DayZ, since I JUST was playing and boom > another character.

I'm using the latest beta, and playing mostly on EU / DE / SE / FI servers.

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I'm also encountering this bug:

Date/Time: Ongoing

What happened: ANZ 2 appears to have separate character data

Where you were: N/A

What you were doing: N/A

*Current installed version: 1.7.2/

*Server(s) you were on: ANZ 2, Others

*Timeline of events before/after error:

Several days ago I was suffering issues with 'rollback' where progress would be lost if a server connection was lost before I logged off and 'forced' a save of character data. After one such server loss I logged back in to find myself with starting gear on the coast. I assumed my character data was completely lost, journeyed for a while, collected some gear and signed off for the night. The next day, I signed in and found myself back where I'd lost connection the previous night (middle of the woods near Zeleno). Further investigation found my fresh character seemed to only occur on ANZ 2, leading me to believe it was a non-hive server. Since then I've died with the fresh profile several times, all with no ill effect to my 'primary' character data, which manifested on any other server I joined. Since the update, however, I only seem to be able to access the 'fresh' character, with significantly crappier gear, as per Murphy's Law.

Edited by _Gunslinger_

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Same thing happens to me

Date/Time: Ongoing (Started with 1.7.2)

What happened: Different character (2) after serverswitch. Occures most the time when switching from an EU to an US server and vice versa.

Where you were: N/A

What you were doing: N/A

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: DE & EU, and US servers

*Timeline of events before/after error:

All began with the 1.7.2 release. Many servers were down or connecting to them did not work. Since there was no EU server available, I switched to an US server. Logged in to a server and spawned with a new char. Thought the old one is lost and kept playing. A day later I logged in to an EU server and my old character was back. In result, I assumed that I have two different chars. One on the US and one on the EU Servers. But today I was joining a DE Server and spawned in my US char. Now, I play with two chars and I never know which one I will get...

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