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Unluckiest group ever - 3 people taken down in 5 sec

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I can agree that the mod seems to be mostly about that. Which is why even douche bags such as myself in 90 % of the cases only kills people out of necessity. The game forces you to try to survive (although not very adamantly so far). However, the game is still a sand box. The framing of the game is in my opinion one that partly forces people to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, and partly allows you to be creative within that world. And not to mention that the very framing of the entire mod is a post-apocalyptic world infested with zombies = no authority, no laws, no government, no nothing - only the survivors themselves. In such a world, you would have murderers.

But even if we disregard above mentioned, I would still be able to kill people for other reasons than necessity, as games are ultimately about having fun. Hence: the only argument I need, if any, is: "I thought it would amuse me". You don't have to like that, and you can take action against 'douche bags' in the game by either not being stupid, or defending yourself. But to portray it as if I am breaking the rules is not valid.

Noone ever said there are rules in this game. You make the game -> Well, and the way you play it, it is an regular FPS. I agree that the game isn't hard enough. You do not need to team up to survive... hell, not even zombies are a threat. I guess if the game doesn't change in this case, the useless killing will go on forever. "It's fun" cmon, we have other games for that. (As mentioned above) When I play the game I try to act as I would in RL. E.G. Killing three guys wich were no thread at all and there's no other reason to kill them, wouldn't be too clever.

Edited by EnermaX

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"It's fun" cmon, we have other games for that.

Hahahahahhahahaha. Yeah, we are done here.

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omg ive never seen so much carebear tears in one forum post, and i thought the carebears from eve online were bad....

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Edit: Why are you making double posts over and over again, from the same quote?

It's what happens when noobie forum users become infatuated with a topic and 2nd guess everything, review everything and generally get their panties in a twist trying to cope with the pressure. Especially ones who don't have the patience to learn how to use their posting tools (EDIT).

Objecting towards a gameplay style is not in any way crying or whining. I'm hoping to have the chance to protect the integrity of DayZ, regardless of whatever rules you have made for yourself.

I'm not surprised you would over exaggerate this pixnit, as exaggeration is a childish trait.

arrogant clowns


I don't even know who you are. Rofl. You are just another random forumite that has his head up his arse

I think this sums up your excess attitude, lack of maturity and lack of class. If you didn't already show a video, I'd think you were a (Call of Duty) QS'n 12 year old and that somehow, I'd wondered into a Call of Duty forum.

Edited by Dave_

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cryyyyy me a rivveerrrrr......... all you peeps that actualy care clearly are sad, its just a game, the way he plays is fine, if he doesnt want to be a nerdy Role Player then thats his choice

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It's what happens when noobie forum users become infatuated with a topic and 2nd guess everything, review everything and generally get their panties in a twist trying to cope with the pressure. Especially ones who don't have the patience to learn how to use their posting tools (EDIT).

Objecting towards a gameplay style is not in any way crying or whining. I'm not surprised you would over exaggerate this pixnit, as exaggeration it is a childish trait.

I think this sums up your excess attitude, lack of maturity and lack of class. If you didn't already show a video, I'd think you were a (Call of Duty) QS'n 12 year old and that somehow, I'd wondered into a Call of Duty forum.

I tried to help him, but I have failed.

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omg ive never seen so much carebear tears in one forum post, and i thought the carebears from eve online were bad....


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Lol, it's getting funny, like trying to talk to dogs. Oh wait..

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cryyyyy me a rivveerrrrr......... all you peeps that actualy care clearly are sad, its just a game, the way he plays is fine, if he doesnt want to be a nerdy Role Player then thats his choice

No, no, no. Don't be silly. You have to play the game in accordance with their opinion of how it should be played :lol:

Edited by Pinxit

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You so pro, yo!

Not that I care, but, they weren't freshly spawned. If it isn't that much, then please find me other videos in which a sniper kills 3 targets within 5 sec. If you missed the point with the video, which was not my sniping skills (I just got the M107 - practicing - total noob), it is the stupidity of the group that I found funny.

This is EXACTLY what the game is about. Would it have been any different if someone freshley spawned who happened to find an assault rifle, ran up the stairs and aced all 3 of them? Didn't care about the loot and then ran off looking for more targets? NO!

The point the OP is trying to make is learn from your mistakes like this one and your group will come out on top...most of the time. The game is about surviving. This man survives and stays sane by killing people for side entertainment. It is no different from the person who goes out of their way to kill every, single, zombie in the town that they can find. Or someone who runs from town to town gathering supplies and killing players as needed. It is a playstyle, albeit, one that is not the most favored by some individuals, but it is still HIS playstyle.

Sandbox means there are no rules besides the one's set forth to you by the game itself. You as a person are your own person, and what you do in DayZ is up to you and no one else can dictate that.

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This is EXACTLY what the game is about. Would it have been any different if someone freshley spawned who happened to find an assault rifle, ran up the stairs and aced all 3 of them? Didn't care about the loot and then ran off looking for more targets? NO!

The point the OP is trying to make is learn from your mistakes like this one and your group will come out on top...most of the time. The game is about surviving. This man survives and stays sane by killing people for side entertainment. It is no different from the person who goes out of their way to kill every, single, zombie in the town that they can find. Or someone who runs from town to town gathering supplies and killing players as needed. It is a playstyle, albeit, one that is not the most favored by some individuals, but it is still HIS playstyle.

Sandbox means there are no rules besides the one's set forth to you by the game itself. You as a person are your own person, and what you do in DayZ is up to you and no one else can dictate that.

hurray somone that isnt a moaning little girl :) well said

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hurray somone that isnt a moaning little girl :) well said

Today it's a sniper, tomorrow it's a DayZ Sniper DupStep Montage.

That's the only point I need make when justifying my actions.

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This is Day Z.

This is your story.


People telling him how to play the game..wtf.

so yes he did not loot the bodies, this will happen in an apocalypse, people might kill for fun, for forgetting, or just to eliminate any possibilty for danger.

If you are saying people who kill just for sports are ruining the game, you should go to your local store, and buy some imagination.

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Best quote:

to OP, because people:

1) Are borderline psychotic murders but are too afraid to do it IRL....for now.

2) Because they think DayZ is actually deathmatch COD

3) Because they are just cockheads like DemonGroover rightly stated.

The other day I met a bandit with high tier gear and tried to talk to him several times while in cover. No response. Eventually I decided to let myself be seen and stood on an apartment balcony while he was on the road infront of the building. I was holding a crowbar. I said hi again. He shot me in the head without saying anything.

In hindsight I probably should have crept up on him and brainded him with my crowbar, but some people are just dicks for no reason. That's what really annoys me about this game. It could be great if people stopped killing other players just for the f*** of it and actually banded together or just be friendly. Like a lot of people I'm tired of making it to a place where I may be able to actually get a weapon only for some tard to spawn/walk in on me and kill me for no reason while they can clearly see I'm holding a flashlight.

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I have a better idea.

Lo- Oh wait, that would be too harsh... Hm. Tell you what, stop running around and calling out everyone and enjoy the video and give positive or constructive feedback. I'm going to let this entire thread slide.

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1. I can separate fiction from reality. If the argument that guy made had any bearing, everyone would be psychotic murderers by now.

2. CoD is boring.

3. That guy exposed himself willingly to a high gear bandit. He died. This makes sense.

Edited by Pinxit

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1. LTR

2. You try to play it in DayZ

3. Lol, so what? You aren't even a bandit.

This thread is going nowhere... I won't post any statement anymore here.

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1. LTR

2. You try to play it in DayZ

3. Lol, so what? You aren't even a bandit.

This thread is going nowhere... I won't post any statement anymore here.


2. Impossible and flat out wrong. Even if I were: doesn't matter. Your tears are my beans, as someone else put it.

3. So what?

Good. Now that the thread is sliding by a moderators doing, I don't need to use your arrogance and repetitive whining anymore as an inflatable floating device. Thanks for your co-operation by propagating my video. Love, Pinx.

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Revenge? Oh, so you WERE one of the guys I shot. It all makes sense now :D Enermax and Dave_ were the other two I suppose.

Did you have any good gear? (too soon?)


nah not me, what i was trying to say if a sniper camps its easy to run back and take revenge, i was actually sticking up for you saying you were not butt hurt, but indeed DAVE_ was

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The fact that this thread has gotten this far is one of the more sad things I've seen on this forum.

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The fact that this thread has gotten this far is one of the more sad things I've seen on this forum.

I thought the moderator killed it, as in, stopped comments in it from refreshing its position on the forum. But apparently not. I guess I could still make good use of all those gullible and easily offended people who don't realize they are doing my bidding propagating the video's view count.

So. Here I go again: sniping people without looting is like the best thing with this game. The video proves it. You don't agree? TOO BAD. Your tears are my beans. Mmmm. Beans.

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