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About justiceabove

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  1. Yeah, the fact remains that server admins can and will ban people like this and the dev's normally don't lift a finger cause they have already said that it is an exploit. Exploit - To take advantage of unfairly; To control to one's own advantage by artful or indirect means In other words: a cheat. I was nice and didn't ban on sighting them DCing because technically it could be seen that I was running away from the fight, but really I had nothing to lose but a map and ALICE pack so I was going to go all in and see it to the end, no matter what that might be...
  2. justiceabove

    Stuck in.. Wastelands...?

    Got one better and shorter way for you... http://dayzmod.com/f...the-wilderness/
  3. So I was killed upon entering my home server (losing NVGs, GPS, M14, all manner of other items) because I had a ghillie and just updated to the newest patch, heard this was gonna happen and took it like a...man. /cry Buddy of mine logs in and says he kept his stuff and moments later says he was killed by a group of 4 players. This was around Stary Sobor and I was all the way down south in Kamenka making my way north. I get north and enter Zelenogorsk and find a map. At this point I have a map, M1014 shotgun with one set of slugs and pellets, smoke grenades, flares, chemlights, and misc other things. I am making my way slowly through the town when a shot range out and I take a bullet to either the arm or leg, not sure. Sounds like the DMR they took off my buddy about an hour ago so I serpentine run to cover. I catch a glimpse of 4 of them on the hill dealing with a horde of zombies which they quickly dispatch with their man with the silenced rifle cause I hear no shots and the zombies are dropping left and right. A few of them are crawling like they have broken legs so I peek out and take a pot shot at one of them with my Shotgun. Clearly out of range I am at a disadvantage and that one shot has brought me to 4500 blood. I know they have NVG's from my friend so running right now is not an option as the sniper will still see me. I pull out what I do have that will reach them. Flares and smoke grenades. I toss 2 flares and a smoke grenade to buy me some time to flank them. I rush out from my cover as the flares and smoke take effect. As I am flanking I see 4 people disconnect simultaneously from the server. The end. This was on server US 27 Chicago 21. If you or one of you four are reading this..buahahahaha you were bested by a fresh spawner with flares and smokes and you ran like the panzies you are. If I see you do that again in the server there will be no hesitation on the ban that comes after.
  4. This is EXACTLY what the game is about. Would it have been any different if someone freshley spawned who happened to find an assault rifle, ran up the stairs and aced all 3 of them? Didn't care about the loot and then ran off looking for more targets? NO! The point the OP is trying to make is learn from your mistakes like this one and your group will come out on top...most of the time. The game is about surviving. This man survives and stays sane by killing people for side entertainment. It is no different from the person who goes out of their way to kill every, single, zombie in the town that they can find. Or someone who runs from town to town gathering supplies and killing players as needed. It is a playstyle, albeit, one that is not the most favored by some individuals, but it is still HIS playstyle. Sandbox means there are no rules besides the one's set forth to you by the game itself. You as a person are your own person, and what you do in DayZ is up to you and no one else can dictate that.
  5. justiceabove

    Spawn in the wilderness?

    Did you spawn in the wilderness? Are you confused, scared, befuddled, or downright frustrated and don't know what to do? Well here are a few tips on how to get out! 1. Face the compass direction of East. If you do not have a compass, look at the clouds as all of the clouds in Arma 2 head in the eastern direction. "Run with the clouds". 2. http://s17.postimage.org/ugva0rkvx/2012_07_10_19_48_13_603.jpg 3. Go watch TV, read a book, do something constructive for about 10-15 minutes and then come back. You should be nearing trees at this point. I made this post while running from the debug wilderness.
  6. Havn't logged in. Will potentially lose: -Ghillie I am wearing -NVGs -Coyote Backpack -M14 -DMR ammo -Rangefinder -GPS -1911 with ammo -Assorted medical supplies -Can of Beans...
  7. justiceabove

    So, It has come to this... (Friend Thread)

    Never replied to me mang...
  8. Shits been real. Where have you been? You got aced because your situational awareness was lacking and karma was not on your side due to the fact that your team was exploiting the game by using the respawn button to essentially teleport you across the map at the cost of not carrying their gear. FYI there are towns all over the place with industrial warehouses that spawn tires, could have just ran around to those different towns and found tires one or more of those and you wouldn't be in this predicament. This isn't to insult your intelligence or mock your group in anyway. I am trying to help you for the future as you clearly did not see what you did wrong in this situation.
  9. justiceabove

    Any Seattle (NW) based late night teams?

    In Federal Way and I am up during this time along with a good buddy of mine on the east side. Normally stop playing about 1 AM PST. Check us out at http://www.thefraternityofgamers.com I am normally on 7:30 PM PST up to 1 AM PST. Add me on steam: justiceabove
  10. justiceabove

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    US 27 Chicago 21
  11. justiceabove

    So, It has come to this... (Friend Thread)

    Sent you a PM Retr0.
  12. justiceabove

    [Team of 2 looking to join a squad]

    Added you to Skype Gorbath, will be in contact later this evening.
  13. justiceabove

    So sorry, i shot you in the back :(

    Yeah...no shit. Why would you even post this? He died, ohh well, part of the game. Serves him right for being chased by zombies. in the middle of a field without backup. He probably doesn't even care, smoked a bowl and respawned, killed the first survivor he met with an axe and celebrated by cracking open a beer and looting that body.
  14. justiceabove

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Yeah we had a perfect setup at Stary. Sniper to the south with me as his spotter. We had a second spotter with a thermal scope way to the north west to watch incoming people to the northwest and an assault guy in the north woods. We spotted two survivors headed to the Stary camp. I was within 150 meters of the tents and we had our assaulter open fire. After he was done firing we were all in position to box them in and kill them, perfect strategy...they DCed and never came back to the server only knowing that one guy was after them at the time. Would have been an epic takedown had they had the BALLS to stay and die like men...
  15. justiceabove

    Hacker US 27 Chicago 21

    Hi Jack, Please use our forums to report incidents regarding our server. http://www.thefraternityofgamers.com/forumdisplay.php?50-Report-a-Cheater-DCer! Read the template to report the hacker and then make your post with as much of the information asked for as possible. I will inform an admin of this as soon as one is available and this will be investigated. Thank you, [FoG]Justice