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Unluckiest group ever - 3 people taken down in 5 sec

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You snipe and dont loot. You are the worst cancer of this game.


Go play Sniper Ghost Faggot

[i have been warned for this post - Ubi]

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy

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If a full-scale zombie apocalypse did happen, out of the ruined technological infrastructure, there would rise again the ancient breed of sociopath.... Denied their "harmless" release through internet based FPS, they would being to prowl. Unfettered by laws the would begin to hunt. Unburdened my conscience they would begin to kill. From ancient times to the present, not even beans hold their interest... They are the rabid dogs, the mongrels that roam the wastelands... They are the bogeymen that have haunted the dreams of children... They are the monsters and they're out there!!!!!

Edited by -Cdn-Chard

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Great shot.... How long did you have to sit and wait before that opertunity presented itself?

Edited by Altman

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Go play Sniper Ghost Faggot

Go play Silly Bunnies Total Friendly Puff - and you can be homophobic in that game as well.

Not that I care what you think, but that game probably suits you better.

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Great shot.... How long did you have to sit and wait before that opertunity presented itself?

5-15 min, depending on how you define 'sit and wait'.

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If a full-scale zombie apocalypse did happen, out of the ruined technological infrastructure, there would rise again the ancient breed of sociopath.... Denied their "harmless" release through internet based FPS, they would being to prowl. Unfettered by laws the would begin to hunt. Unburdened my conscience they would begin to kill. From ancient times to the present, not even beans hold their interest... They are the rabid dogs, the mongrels that roam the wastelands... They are the bogeymen that have haunted the dreams of children... They are the monsters and they're out there!!!!!

High five!

You do realise that people's actions in games obviously don't necessarily correspond with their actions in reality? Of course you don't.

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Go play Silly Bunnies Total Friendly Puff - and you can be homophobic in that game as well.

Not that I care what you think, but that game probably suits you better.

Oh yes, you care what I say.

Boy, the only thing I see you do, is useless killing. We have many games for that. Why don't you coward switch so we can play the game as intended?

And stop making multiple double posts.

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Oh yes, you care what I say.

Boy, the only thing I see you do, is useless killing. We have many games for that. Why don't you coward switch so we can play the game as intended?

And stop making multiple double posts.

I don't even know who you are. Rofl. You are just another random forumite that has his head up his arse. 'Intended' is a funny word to apply to a sandbox experience. I play the game the way I want, you play the game the way you want. If our paths cross in game, you will have the opportunity to settle our differences. Until then - MEH, nothing you say has any bearing on my experience.

Edited by Pinxit

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Boy, the only thing I see you do, is useless killing. We have many games for that. Why don't you coward switch so we can play the game as intended?

Exactly. In Zombie Survival scenarios that you discuss with your friends and internet friends, at what point do you say, "Whilst you're looting, you'd better watch out for that sniper on the hill who kills for fun".

Example of how generic gamers go wherever there are sniper rifles.

Fan-boy snipers do not belong in DayZ.

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Exactly. In Zombie Survival scenarios that you discuss with your friends and internet friends, at what point do you say, "Whilst you're looting, you'd better watch out for that sniper on the hill who kills for fun".

Example of how generic gamers go wherever there are sniper rifles.

Fan-boy snipers do not belong in DayZ.

That is what YOU do. You don't have authority enough to impose your views on us that just simply likes to hunt people. "GA AWAY. PLAY DIFFERENT GAME". Or simply man up, muppet.

Edited by Pinxit
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I don't even know who you are. Rofl. You are just another random forumite that has his head up his arse. 'Intended' is a funny word to apply to a sandbox experience. I play the game the way I want, you play the game the way you want. If our paths cross in game, you will have the opportunity to settle our differences. Until then - MEH, nothing you say has any bearing on my experience.

Does it care who I am? No.

You have no idea what this mod is about. People like you destroy the whole gameplay experience for others.

"I play the game the way I want" lol, you don't get it, do you.

Well, having a conversation with a dog would more satisfying I guess. No hope for guys like you.

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Does it care who I am? No.

You have no idea what this mod is about. People like you destroy the whole gameplay experience for others.

"I play the game the way I want" lol, you don't get it, do you.

Well, having a conversation with a dog would more satisfying I guess. No hope for guys like you.

No, I am sure "it" doesn't care who you are. Quite right. You obviously don't have any idea that the game is a sandbox. If you can't stand people not playing the way you play it, just play another game or whine enough for them to construct rules that favor your approach to the game. More ad hominem please, that is usually where people go when their arguments blow.

Edited by Pinxit

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As much as I dislike PvP myself, it's very much part of the game. These players should have been more cautious, and should have expected a sniper to be watching them. If you're running round on top of a building and you aren't the sniper, likelihood is you're going to be put down. At least these guys will have learned from this experience and know what not to do in future.

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As much as I dislike PvP myself, it's very much part of the game. These players should have been more cautious, and should have expected a sniper to be watching them. If you're running round on top of a building and you aren't the sniper, likelihood is you're going to be put down. At least these guys will have learned from this experience and know what not to do in future.

Yeah, you misunderstood me. I don't have anything againts banditry.

The only thing that's not ok is - he killed them for no reason. He isn't even a bandit. A bandit would have looted them, regardless if other players might have heard it or not.

He is just a immature deathmatch boy.

Edited by EnermaX

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Yeah, you misunderstood me. I don't have anything againts banditry.

The only thing that's not ok is - he killed them for no reason. He isn't even a bandit. A bandit would have looted them, regardless if other players might have heard it or not.

He is just a immature deathmatch boy.

More ad hominem attacks. And I am the immature one? And you are wrong: I did kill them for a reason. It amused me. In gaming terms, that is all the motivation I need.

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Altought I am friendly, I liked the vid, if two people stayed down, they would have survived, and maybe even punished the sniper...

This is the only way to learn.

That aside..from that position you could have shot anyone, carefull or not...FOR GODSAKE YOU COULD HAVE SHOT ME, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY IN YOUR DEFENCE YOUNG MAN?

Young man, are you listening to me?

Young man, are you listening to me?

I said, young man, what do you want to be?

I said, young man, you can make real your dreams.

But you've got to know this one thing!

I might be bipolar, Just sayin =|

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That aside..from that position you could have shot anyone, carefull or not...FOR GODSAKE YOU COULD HAVE SHOT ME, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY IN YOUR DEFENCE YOUNG MAN?

You are welcome to go to that position. Although I think that this video has taught some people who needed it to not go up as a group in a highly exposed tower.

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hehe the weapon sounds like an starwars laser gun or something ^^ PEW PEW

nice shooting ;)

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You are welcome to go to that position. Although I think that this video has taught some people who needed it to not go up as a group in a highly exposed tower.

In DayZ, you're given room to learn and grow from experience.

Let's hope that the next video you provide is much more entertaining, profitable, skill built and not spawned from a chance encounter. Then you will have reason to defend your actions.

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In DayZ, you're given room to learn and grow from experience.

Let's hope that the next video you provide is much more entertaining, profitable, skill built and not spawned from a chance encounter. Then you will have reason to defend your actions.

That is your opinion. I don't really care about it. If you don't like the video, that is fine by me. My actions are perfectly fine within the frames of the game - not breaking any rules. I am only crushing some fragile peoples' mind set and making them rage. Only adds to the fun. And obviously people found it entertaining, as well as disgusting - hence the different views on it. Me, well, I just enjoyed killing them, that is all there is to it. You don't like that? Too bad.

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I'm all for sniping people and enjoying it, but its so stupid if you don't loot. The loot and permadeath is what makes this game. You can play any other FPS and snipe to your hearts content and not loot. And looking at your backpack you were in need of some loot.

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You are assuming I don't have stash in a tent. I do have more items hidden.

You are assuming I like sniping in other games. I mostly don't. Even in this game I have had a sniper rifle for 3 hours or so (game time). I like sniping in this game in particular because every kill is satisfactory since you know that you take down hours of efforts by doing so. Sniping in any instant-respawn game is boring.

Furthermore, you are assuming that my objectives are the same as yours - when you say it is stupid if I don't loot. Obviously I loot whenever I can, or my character dies. This was however not one of the regular loot kills, this was for my own amusement. The objective was FUN and practicing with my new sniper rifle = objective achieved. If I step on people's feet while doing so - all the better.

Edited by Pinxit
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holy crap there are some sooks, amount of times i have put my coyote backpack in a tent, equipped a spawn pack with some med supplies and just gone for a mission to stary or NW airfield to player kill, sure i look like a new spawn with my pack, but its purposefull, little gear to loose

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