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Where's My Candians At?

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Been playing DayZ for quiet some time now..One thing that seems to bother me is.. Where are all the Canadians ;( Ive been finding survivors of all walks of life but my own! Am i the only one? >;O

Wanting to start a Badass Canadian Group ;)

Ever want to contact me? I Have Teamspeak!


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hey guys also interested in playing with some fellow canadians, im from and live in vancouver. 27m

just started playing today, been reading up on this game for weeks now and just couldnt hold out any longer, sounded to awesome.

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Pm me and we'll talk. Me and a group of my buddies are from the West Coast.

West Coast of Canada?

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Ontario here. when i finally have time to play again, I'll shoot you.... a pm aswell. lol (Not a bandit btw, couldn't resist lol)

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Alberta, Medicine Hat here xD I thought i was the only one when you look at the server list, America America America....

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Im from Vancouver too! Sounds good! If you guys ever want to link up. Get Teamspeak! Or i can shoot you a PM.

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Ya i,m from Vancouver as well. But am looking at moving permanently to Cherno. Pm me as well and tell me when and where we can all meet up and play. Throw a little bacon on maybe whip up a pancake or two. wash it all down with a brewski. sound good.

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I'm from Edmonton, and I'm looking for people to team up aswell add me on steam / skype: ecsttacy

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Ontario here, play with a few canadians, hit me up on skype: jelogan87

I added you :)

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Am I really the first one to point out that the topic reads: "Candians"?

I was hoping to find a funny Grammar-Troll-Match... meh..

btw. I'm Swiss, so beyond my poor french i'm no big use to any of you Candians. ^_^

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Ah true didnt realize i had a typo! My bad! Lol anyone is welcome to join up in our teamspeak! You can reach us at MC.DRMC.CA no password in TS3.

Or add me in skype SuperPurpleKush

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Vancouver here my in game name is Tony, but ill change it to Zyand when I figure out how.

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Saskatchewan Here, Add My Skype


i dont get on till later in the day though because im "working" at the moment hahah

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