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Zombies are OP ATM

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I find no problem with them hitting while running. But are you sure that you weren't crouch running? When I do that they can hit me while I move, but when I do a full-on sprint, they seem to not able to. Also, does anyone find it dumb that zombies knock you unconscious? I think that they should instead have a chance to grab you, Dead Rising style.

Yeah the LOS is pretty wonky now, but almost everything about the zombies is. I really hope that the devs start to focus on polishing them more. But it's only alpha and I'm sure that they will in time.

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No zombie has hitted me while running, and zombies still walk inside buildings so, zombies are easy to avoid or kill.

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agreed zeds not running indoors for me today, and zeds are not too bad to sneak past.

there seems to be a slight issue with the exponent calculation they do, which means that sometimes zed sees you from very far away, needs a minor tweak only but i think apart from this zeds are just a little more dangerous.

all in all pretty good.

people please adapt the way you play the game a little.

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I can't imagine that EVER happening. I've been running zeds around all the major cities since the patch to test this out, I still am able to lose them indoors, up hills, around corners and through trees. If I am running full tilt they can never hit me.

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Zombies are better than ever. They don't have super hearing and they can only see you IF they're looking in your direction.

What's the problem?

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Lol yeah, i'm giving DayZ a rest until The fact that the Zeds can see me through the walls lol is amusing. Just hope Arma 3's engine isn't as bad.

Put something that was never meant to be in the game at all, problems arise, somehow this is the engines fault.

Yes I am aware that Arma's engine isn't perfect, but you really need to stop and think for a second here.

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lol ure complaining about agro?

ive died numerous times while at 12000 health, getting hit through the wall, and instant knock out. then bleed to death while zombies hit me through the wall.

I got the you are dead screen with 1k blood. That's what you called fucked up ;)

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Did people not play this update at that rezzed convention thing? If so how did people not experience these problem.

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I had one run full speed in the side section of a barn I was in. I have not seen them argo me from far yet but had a friend that was on the same server with me and had it happen a few times. ( I was not near him )

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Just spent approx 1 hour trying repeatedly to exit Pogorevka. After the 8th or 9th failed attempt to sneak out, I just ran then killed the 2 Z that were still behind me. All except 1 of those attempts I was Crouch Walking, but my last attempt was Crawling and I didn't get any further than my previous attempts before Aggro'ing a Z.

Not sure if I like/dislike it, might just be a matter of getting adapted to it.

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Not really digging the zombie AI right now. They're spotting me from across fields even when I'm not moving, and that combined with their insane running speed, it's become way too easy to attract a hoard of zombies.

They've become way too much of a nuisance than a challenge. The only ways to get them off of you during the day time is to get them stuck in the water, kill them, dump them on someone else, or run through a building. At night, I can at least exploit their broken pathfinding by vaulting over stuff and and then minimize visibility while I run away.

During the day, their increased vision means vaulting over stuff won't shake them off anymore.

Now it's become considerably better just to sprint to the nearest building and get them stuck there or kill them all, than to actually sneak around them.

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Okay, you're getting agro. Now, RUN. You can actually lose zombies now by running. You can literally run around a barn, pine tree, or bush several times and lose the zombies. They just have to lose sight of you for a set amount of time. This makes life easier as you don't need to find a barn or other enterable structure to run through or a hill to run down.

Just pay attention to where the zombies are looking, how visible you are (found in debug box), and pay attention to how loud you are. It's pretty simple guys.

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Okay, you're getting agro. Now, RUN. You can actually lose zombies now by running. You can literally run around a barn, pine tree, or bush several times and lose the zombies. They just have to lose sight of you for a set amount of time. This makes life easier as you don't need to find a barn or other enterable structure to run through or a hill to run down.

Just pay attention to where the zombies are looking, how visible you are (found in debug box), and pay attention to how loud you are. It's pretty simple guys.

This doesn't work for me during the day unless i'm running THROUGH the barn. Due to their insane running speeds, they can keep up with me running around a barn when I crouchrun, and if I stand up and run, they'll hear me through the walls.

Unless at night, this method is no bueno

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In the time I've spent playing over the last few days I've got to say that zombies are more fun with the visibilty improvements. Sneaking was proving to be too easy before. Now there is some challenge back in the AI. The way they act also seems a lot more probable.

Sneaking is much more of a challenge now that I have to pay attention to where they are looking. The 50% reduced noise through walls is also a big improvement, coupled with the visbility it now makes sense to use trees, buildings and other objects more to you advantage when sneaking. Before this patch the AI just didn't hold any challenge.

I also feel like zombies are easier to shoot in the open now, like maybe they've been slowed down a smidgeon. They feel better ballanced overall anyway. My zombie kill count has skyrocketed because of the patch and it's been heaps of fun along the way. (Edit: skyrocketed because I've had to fight for my life)

There have also been numerous threads about the game becoming a deathmatch with no reason for players to group up. The new Zombi AI/difficulty is one more reason to group up.

Once the new bugs have been ironed out I feel that the improved AI, performance and synching will make this a really good patch for the game. Couple this patch with future improvements/bug fixes and zombies will feel right.

I can't help but feel that anyone complaining about the AI difficulty should go make their own 'My Little PonieZ' mod.

Edited by FaxMonkey

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I have to agree. I do like how they should be taken itno consideration now. But I don't think the balance feels right just yet.

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I agree. Since I downloaded the new update, it seems that I cannot make it 2 minutes in Cherno without agroing zombies, even though I'm being as cautious as I ever have been. When I first spawn, I like to go to Cherno and see if I can loot the city without getting shot up. This is impossible with the new zombie behavior. And as a fresh spawn, I have no weapon to defend myself. I am scared to scour smaller villages and towns for loot and weapons, as the zombies are packed closer together, making it even harder.

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Currently the game isn't rewarding intelligent play and planned entry into towns. Granted not every attempt you make should succeed because it's planned out, but right now you aren't being rewarded whatsoever for playing like a smart survivor. Zombies walk through walls and aggro, they spot from insane ranges and aggro, pretty much makes it unplayable for players without gear. Couple that with the mechanical bugs and unstable zombie movements and you have a very buggy and disappointing time trying to accomplish anything.

Also really, how could zombies possibly tell you apart at 200 meter from any other zombie? You'd look like any other crawler or hopper. They need something more to go off of than just visual cue. The smell and hearing behavior needs to be improved for zombies while the visual range needs to go back to the way it was.

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zombies see you from over 60 metres.

they hit you once and cause like 200 to 300 damage( JUST 1)

When you sprint to get away from a zed coming towards you, you attract pretty much all the zeds in a 80 metre radius( same with shooting at that incoming zed, unless you have a silenced weapon)

You have a few zeds after you, you get into a building and take them out

( Or like PROBABLY 80% of dayz players, you disconnect and reconnect, i seen this happen a few times while observing a town that has a few survivors in)

All zeds are taken care of, in the mass shooting EVERY single zed has come after you, all good though as you killed them. Obviously this will attract any near by bandits

Leave building and within 30 seconds every single zed you killed re spawns right around you

Then you realise that the whole loot in the town you went into consisted of: 70% of cans and like a 5% of things you actually want, like food or soda or maps, compass etc...

Rinse and repeat for every single time you come into zombie contact, no matter how careful you are, you will attract zombies. Proning is the only way to have a chance of not getting attacked, but that is still not gonna help you as you can still be seen and it makes the mod tedious and just stupid.

I would love to see rocket play this mod, if he genuinely likes it like this, then keep it.

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This doesn't work for me during the day unless i'm running THROUGH the barn. Due to their insane running speeds, they can keep up with me running around a barn when I crouchrun, and if I stand up and run, they'll hear me through the walls.

Unless at night, this method is no bueno

I haven't had trouble doing this during the day. I just stand-run around a couple times and run out straight towards something else that will block their view and keep that between me and where they are as I run away. If any follow, I repeat but that's somewhat rare. This definitely works good at night but I've had no trouble losing zombies this way during the day. The only time I crouch-run now is when I'm approaching a town or if I'm expecting players to be in the area.

Another trick I find helpful is to approach a town or structure like a barn and go prone before I get too close. I watch the area for a while to make sure the zombies have spawned and no one is around. The zombies will wonder away from the area if you give them some time. This also lets you see what direction they're looking and where they're going so you can find the best approach to any given area.

It's trickier but their hearing is way down and I'm not swarmed if I accidentally hit forward twice while in a building and do a split second sprint when getting up from prone. I've also lost zombies in the wooden house with the only one entrance (but two doors) by going prone behind the table while they're still in the first doorway.

You guys are not running on concrete right?

Are you guys using the third person when exploring?

Are you running up to towns or are you approaching with caution?

I only ask because I was riding a bike last night and that's the only time I saw tons of zombies coming at me from any distance. The rest of the time they were extremely easy to deal with.

Edited by Super67_

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Well its a trial and error process so we have to grin and bare it, I personally feel the infected need to be made a lot stronger.

I think the new detection is a good start as it simulates the sense that should be most important for the infected and that is the sense of smell its the one sense that I would imagine would improve if an infection happened that reduced humans to a more primal state and its the one thing that is very difficult to mask(our stench). Since wind direction is not present in the arma2 engine this a way to simulate it.

Now all we need is man eating dogs and hopefully they use one of the Bull breeds as a model.....now that would scare the pants off me especially since dogs can smell the chemical we release when afraid.

Maybe even add some new survival tools such as peppar to loose teh dogs or something to mask our odour

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I haven't had trouble doing this during the day. I just stand-run around a couple times and run out straight towards something else that will block their view and keep that between me and where they are as I run away. If any follow, I repeat but that's somewhat rare. This definitely works good at night but I've had no trouble losing zombies this way during the day. The only time I crouch-run now is when I'm approaching a town or if I'm expecting players to be in the area.

Another trick I find helpful is to approach a town or structure like a barn and go prone before I get too close. I watch the area for a while to make sure the zombies have spawned and no one is around. The zombies will wonder away from the area if you give them some time. This also lets you see what direction they're looking and where they're going so you can find the best approach to any given area.

It's trickier but their hearing is way down and I'm not swarmed if I accidentally hit forward twice while in a building and do a split second sprint when getting up from prone. I've also lost zombies in the wooden house with the only one entrance (but two doors) by going prone behind the table while they're still in the first doorway.

You guys are not running on concrete right?

Are you guys using the third person when exploring?

Are you running up to towns or are you approaching with caution?

I only ask because I was riding a bike last night and that's the only time I saw tons of zombies coming at me from any distance. The rest of the time they were extremely easy to deal with.

Yes, yes, and yes with caution as always. Today's trials with sneaking around during the day resulted in the same results. Inconsistant aggros and not being able to lose them despite running around buildings full speed nor crouch run. In fact, they were right on my heels when I'm running around a building full speed now. No way for me to lose them that way.

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We need to have smaller aggroing zombies until there's a gunshot. There really needs to be an exponential difference between tier 2 (crouch running) and tier 4 (gunshot) sound.

Also, zombies in the woods, why this hasn't been done is completely up to speculation, but it doesn't take much time to form up an opinion.

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