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Anyone else have Alt+tab issues?

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Sometimes when i alt tab, and i come back to arma 2, i am stuck walking, with an odd camera angle i cant change, or constantly zoomed in.

Anyone else have/solved this?

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Sometimes when i alt tab' date=' and i come back to arma 2, i am stuck walking, with an odd camera angle i cant change, or constantly zoomed in.

Anyone else have/solved this?


Never had that problem, but I have done alt+tab then left clicked on task bar to return to game only to see that it caused my gun to fire when I get back in game. One time I did it when I had an AK equiped and spit out an entire clip from left clicking.

Now I have the good sense to press Esc/pause before I alt+tab and that does the trick.

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Sometimes when i alt tab' date=' and i come back to arma 2, i am stuck walking, with an odd camera angle i cant change, or constantly zoomed in.

Anyone else have/solved this?


Never had that problem, but I have done alt+tab then left clicked on task bar to return to game only to see that it caused my gun to fire when I get back in game. One time I did it when I had an AK equiped and spit out an entire clip from left clicking.

Now I have the good sense to press Esc/pause before I alt+tab and that does the trick.

Lol, I've done that a couple times with a sniper rifle. Scared the shit out of my squad, lol, "Misfire! Sorry guys..." followed by mass facepalming. :P

To the OP, no. I've never had the issue you're describing.

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Press Esc before you alt+tab when you come back into the game you won't fire and should have your camera all remain normal

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No my issue is that i've alt tabbed back in just to see myself getting shot :(


Edited by dominance

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Did you change your key bindings? I had that happening in other game because I changed my key bindings from default to my custom ones. Just a suggestion.

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Had it that i fired my weapon when i tabbed back in but that has happened only twice in a long time of playing. Getting stuck in a weird angle has not happened to me before. Could be keyboard/mouse related, as in usb conflict.

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This did happen to me once. It was probably the one time I didn't hit Esc first before doing it, and now I know to always do that. Also, relogging worked for fixing this issue for me. Was really annoying when it happened to me though, since I was stuck facing one direction and of course couldn't aim in the one direction I would have liked to (fortunately I was in the exact middle of nowhere, so it wasn't like I died because of it)

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Oh, and as for other fixes for it in-game so that you're not required to relog... none that I found. I tried Alt-Tabbing a few more times to see if it'd reset it (I've had similar issues in other games in which doing that would fix it) but no luck. Tried doing a bunch of other things that affect view (i.e. zooming/changing to 3rd person/entering a vehicle) none of which worked. Seems like only relogging works (at least for me)

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I get this all the time. It's because for some reason, alt tabbing toggles on the look-around. Just double tap alt to toggle it off and you'll be back to normal (took me ages to figure out and cost me a few deaths).

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Never had that problem, but I have done alt+tab then left clicked on task bar to return to game only to see that it caused my gun to fire when I get back in game. One time I did it when I had an AK equiped and spit out an entire clip from left clicking.

Now I have the good sense to press Esc/pause before I alt+tab and that does the trick.

this, except for me it was just 1 bullet, not an entire clip

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