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What exactly is going on?

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Don't flame me. I've been reading all through the forums, and it's just chaos. Can't tell from rumor to what is actually true.

Someone mind explaining what is going on?

Was their a character wipe? Is it bugged?

Everyone isn't very clear in what they are trying to say...

Are some people not having issues logging in w/ the update, or is everyone screwed?

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That isn't an answer, The Black Pope.

In no way am I complaining about any loss or anything. I'm just trying to figure out what is going on.

Don't throw the typical "welcome to an Alpha mod" response, when you did NOT read.

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Welcome to an Alpha mod.

Thank you for the informative post. :rolleyes:

bump for answers please.

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What is going on is the HIVE master server (The MYSQL server that takes requests from EVERY SERVER) is being flooded with requests from people trying to log in and possibly even the downloading of new patch files. If they DID host the patch files and the HIVE server on the same line then that is just horrid planning. If they didn't then the HIVE server is simply getting too many concurrent requests to process them efficiently, or could be turned off because of patch issues.

In layman's terms the server is getting legitimately DDOSed. There is only ONE server to store all character data (unless you connect to a private, Non-hive server). I keep suggesting multiple HIVE servers as this would allow not only better pings for servers, multiple characters, and less chance of server failure on patch day. Every time me or anyone else suggests this the post gets locked or just vanishes from the forum, most likely because of the profiteering happening off this game and it's huge surge in popularity. The only excuse I've heard is that they want to release things on their own timeframe, which does not make much sense considering if they ran multiple HIVE servers they wouldn't need to worry so much about the servers as they could be outsourced to reliable hosts. They even told me I was stealing by trying to host my own private HIVE servers to avoid hackers and have multiple characters.

THAT, is what is happening.

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Thank you, rinaun.

I understand exactly how their systems works. I was just not understanding what happened with the update.

I just got home, popped on the forums, saw the update came out, and saw tons of threads of people freaking out.

Given I have great gear, i'm 100% aware that this is a alpha and am fine with starting from scratch. Though, if it wasn't intended to reset characters, or their is a bug when joining directly after update hit, i'd prefer to save myself the hours of looting. :)

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My server provider has put out 2 patches so far today, so I would recommend sitting tight for another day or so before upgrading. Plenty of servers, including mine (US 188) are still on, so you might be better off waiting to upgrade.

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Like most updates it is best to hold off for a while until things calm down and the servers are all up to date.

Unlike most cry babies on this forum it is good to hear that you wont be too disappointed if you do lose your gear.

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Like most updates it is best to hold off for a while until things calm down and the servers are all up to date.

Unlike most cry babies on this forum it is good to hear that you wont be too disappointed if you do lose your gear.

...you say that now, try playing as a fresh spawn with nothing and trying to get loot with zombies being able to run in doors now...ya.

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I really don't mind. I've been a part of so many Alpha's and Beta's, it's just part of the deal.

Everyone jumps in expecting this is the final game. I agree with Rocket when he said he didn't want anything to do with forums. It would have been best. I mean, look at the out cry when something isn't going their way...

Everyone just needs to relax. A guy that developed a mod, getting this much attention is hard enough to take on as it is. As if that isn't enough stress, come into a forums with a bunch of babies might make someone a little frustrated.

This all reminds me of way back in the day when Counter-strike first came out as a mod for half-life. I remember downloading it the day it hit the internet. Still playing to this day! Hope to see rocket take this game as far as they did.

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