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Blay Wayne

Why the core userbase of this forum sucks.

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Zombies were broken: suddenly they could hear and see from a mile away. People went to the forums to complain. the forums reply:

"Just learn to sneak"

"I love the new zombie changes! thanks, rocket!"

food and drink spawning was bugged. It became impossible to find food and drink. Again, people complained. you reply:

"I think this is much more realistic and enjoyable. don't you even have water bottles? just hunt some animals"

"This is a zombie apocalypse, pal. you think there's supplies everywhere?"

Barbed wire fencing and tank traps spawned everywhere and filled every possible building, blocking off loot and being a complete pain, while being nearly impossible to remove. People complained. the forums reply:

"why are you crying you can't get to your precious loot? just look around more"

"don't you even have a toolbox? Are you that impatient?"

Is it becoming clear what I'm getting at yet? For the kind of people I'm talking about above, probably not, so let me spell it out:

DayZ is flawed and fucked up in many, many ways, and even new changes made by Rocket can be (are usually) wrong or bad. Stop falsely justifying absolutely everything wrong with the game because of a blind, insidious love for Rocket and DayZ

You collectively lack the ability to say "no, that actually is fucked up." The latest patch once again demonstrates this: the L85 is removed, and suddenly the forum is full of posts about how it never should have been in the game anyway, how people are just crying about their OP gun, how it doesn't fit DayZ, and a dozen other bullshit justifications.

Honestly, this userbase is doing everything it can to stifle any kind of proper discussion about the game with its sheer stupidity and blind loyalty.

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You are testing an alpha version of a mod. GTFO

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Thank you... Just thank you.

You are testing an alpha version of a mod. GTFO

You're a dick, cut him some slack.

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You are testing an alpha version of a mod. GTFO

This guy right here, stupid anime avatar and all, is exactly it: Even though DayZ is an alpha undergoing public testing, he says everyone should just stop complaining already. Be NICE to DayZ! no mean criticisms please!

well, no, it IS an alpha, it IS broken, and people WILL complain about it. And they should. They really, really should.

The first sign that a game's community is in decline is that it can't tolerate criticism and negativity. (see the Bioware forums for an excellent example)

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Thank you... Just thank you.

You are testing an alpha version of a mod. GTFO

You're a dick' date=' cut him some slack.



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Well yes there are somethings that are broken, glitchy, and unbalanced; but that's what testing reveals. If this was the full release of a game like say, Modern Warfare 3, then I can get your hatred of the users and game. However; you are looking for sympathy from the hardcore playerbase that thrives on trolling new players. You have fallen for the bait and have been eaten by the trolls.

I was never an Arma 2 vet, but after playing it really enjoyed the complexities. It also helped me see what DayZ is trying to do with its first foray into a established engine. Rocket probably sees this like trying to screw in a Phillips head drywall screw with a hammer. It may not be pretty, but we can hang something for now and try and think of a better approach with the next screw.

As in life, if you don't like the punch at the party; go and find another one.

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You are testing an alpha version of a mod. GTFO

This guy right here' date=' stupid anime avatar and all, is exactly it: Even though DayZ is an alpha undergoing public testing, he says everyone should just stop complaining already. Be NICE to DayZ! no mean criticisms please!

well, no, it IS an alpha, it IS broken, and people WILL complain about it. And they should. They really, really should.

The first sign that a game's community is in decline is that it can't tolerate criticism and negativity. (see the Bioware forums for an excellent example)


Sorry you are too young to know WTF Mega Man is...go listen to your Lil' Wayne mixtapes chav.

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You are testing an alpha version of a mod. GTFO

This guy right here' date=' stupid anime avatar and all, is exactly it: Even though DayZ is an alpha undergoing public testing, he says everyone should just stop complaining already. Be NICE to DayZ! no mean criticisms please!

well, no, it IS an alpha, it IS broken, and people WILL complain about it. And they should. They really, really should.

The first sign that a game's community is in decline is that it can't tolerate criticism and negativity. (see the Bioware forums for an excellent example)


i agree with you to an extent. however i strongly disagree that they should complain. they should certainly provide constructive feedback on anything that is bugged or broken, and continue to help evaluate the build and see if any changes in playstyle/tactics overcome any bugs. i think the reason the core userbase is less palatable than it could be is the general level of hostility and emotional posts made on both sides.

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I hear ya man.

WHy not just post your critiques and suggestions in the appropiate forums? Why do you care how this community is? If your suggesstion are good they will make it to the game.

Rocket has always said he is trying new things. WE are testing those things.

If the following problems are still there when full release happens then I can agree with ya. In the end we are just testers to a mod. No more, no less.

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I think the answer is simple...

Welcome to 2012.

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Sorry you are too young to know WTF Mega Man is...go listen to your Lil' Wayne mixtapes chav.

You're a sad, strange, little man. And you have my pity.

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You are testing an alpha version of a mod. GTFO

This guy right here' date=' stupid anime avatar and all, is exactly it: Even though DayZ is an alpha undergoing public testing, he says everyone should just stop complaining already. Be NICE to DayZ! no mean criticisms please!

well, no, it IS an alpha, it IS broken, and people WILL complain about it. And they should. They really, really should.

The first sign that a game's community is in decline is that it can't tolerate criticism and negativity. (see the Bioware forums for an excellent example)


Sorry you are too young to know WTF Mega Man is...go listen to your Lil' Wayne mixtapes chav.


Well yes there are somethings that are broken' date=' glitchy, and unbalanced; but that's what testing reveals. If this was the full release of a game like say, Modern Warfare 3, then I can get your hatred of the users and game. However; you are looking for sympathy from the hardcore playerbase that thrives on trolling new players. You have fallen for the bait and have been eaten by the trolls.

I was never an Arma 2 vet, but after playing it really enjoyed the complexities. It also helped me see what DayZ is trying to do with its first foray into a established engine. Rocket probably sees this like trying to screw in a Phillips head drywall screw with a hammer. It may not be pretty, but we can hang something for now and try and think of a better approach with the next screw.

As in life, if you don't like the punch at the party; go and find another one.


I am not talking about the game nor the people who play it. I'm talking about this forum. This forum's users, and their attitude towards normal people who come here and post their thoughts. How extremely obtuse and hostile you are towards anything outside of the love-rocket-wank-about-dayz vibe. Just look at your reply to this thread - you didn't even bother reading it! or at least not comprehending it. I'm not sure which is more likely.

You are testing an alpha version of a mod. GTFO

This guy right here' date=' stupid anime avatar and all, is exactly it: Even though DayZ is an alpha undergoing public testing, he says everyone should just stop complaining already. Be NICE to DayZ! no mean criticisms please!

well, no, it IS an alpha, it IS broken, and people WILL complain about it. And they should. They really, really should.

The first sign that a game's community is in decline is that it can't tolerate criticism and negativity. (see the Bioware forums for an excellent example)


i agree with you to an extent. however i strongly disagree that they should complain. they should certainly provide constructive feedback on anything that is bugged or broken, and continue to help evaluate the build and see if any changes in playstyle/tactics overcome any bugs. i think the reason the core userbase is less palatable than it could be is the general level of hostility and emotional posts made on both sides.

These kind of hyper-sterile, 'be nice please!' discussions go nowhere. You're stifling actual feedback by demanding it be nice enough for you to accept it.

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You are testing an alpha version of a mod. GTFO

that's what an alpha version is for, dicknose. user input

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I think the answer is simple...

Welcome to 2012.

lol i think this quote explains it best.

but really, The OP has a very good point. Pretty much every thread i've read on here is either someone complaining about the game with constructive critisim (not all the time) and most of the replys are "go back to cod/wow" or "learn how to sneak better".... or even better "wtf you newb, you didnt find a weapon in 30 mins, stop bitching and learn how to play."

we are testers for an alpha mod and rocket says he spends his time reading our posts from the community to try and make this game better, so i'm sure he dosen't appreciate a bunch of threads about people complaining/flaming each other over "how newb/stupid" someone is and "they're opinion is gay"

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Theres a profound difference between "OMG I DIE TO HAKKZORS I WANTS MY LEWTS BACK. I IS ENTITLED CAUS I RUNZ AROUND FOR HALF HOUR." and "This feature is non functioning, or questionably not working as intended, This system has a high exploitability and needs adjustments." Unfortunatlly many posters are of the first kind, And they are unable to understand the latter.

Support threads that have merit, and dont feed the 12 year old trolls,they'll soon get bored and go back to cod.

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You are testing an alpha version of a mod. GTFO

This guy right here' date=' stupid anime avatar and all, is exactly it: Even though DayZ is an alpha undergoing public testing, he says everyone should just stop complaining already. Be NICE to DayZ! no mean criticisms please!

well, no, it IS an alpha, it IS broken, and people WILL complain about it. And they should. They really, really should.

The first sign that a game's community is in decline is that it can't tolerate criticism and negativity. (see the Bioware forums for an excellent example)


Sorry you are too young to know WTF Mega Man is...go listen to your Lil' Wayne mixtapes chav.


Well yes there are somethings that are broken' date=' glitchy, and unbalanced; but that's what testing reveals. If this was the full release of a game like say, Modern Warfare 3, then I can get your hatred of the users and game. However; you are looking for sympathy from the hardcore playerbase that thrives on trolling new players. You have fallen for the bait and have been eaten by the trolls.

I was never an Arma 2 vet, but after playing it really enjoyed the complexities. It also helped me see what DayZ is trying to do with its first foray into a established engine. Rocket probably sees this like trying to screw in a Phillips head drywall screw with a hammer. It may not be pretty, but we can hang something for now and try and think of a better approach with the next screw.

As in life, if you don't like the punch at the party; go and find another one.


I am not talking about the game nor the people who play it. I'm talking about this forum. This forum's users, and their attitude towards normal people who come here and post their thoughts. How extremely obtuse and hostile you are towards anything outside of the love-rocket-wank-about-dayz vibe. Just look at your reply to this thread - you didn't even bother reading it! or at least not comprehending it. I'm not sure which is more likely.

You are testing an alpha version of a mod. GTFO

This guy right here' date=' stupid anime avatar and all, is exactly it: Even though DayZ is an alpha undergoing public testing, he says everyone should just stop complaining already. Be NICE to DayZ! no mean criticisms please!

well, no, it IS an alpha, it IS broken, and people WILL complain about it. And they should. They really, really should.

The first sign that a game's community is in decline is that it can't tolerate criticism and negativity. (see the Bioware forums for an excellent example)


i agree with you to an extent. however i strongly disagree that they should complain. they should certainly provide constructive feedback on anything that is bugged or broken, and continue to help evaluate the build and see if any changes in playstyle/tactics overcome any bugs. i think the reason the core userbase is less palatable than it could be is the general level of hostility and emotional posts made on both sides.

These kind of hyper-sterile, 'be nice please!' discussions go nowhere. You're stifling actual feedback by demanding it be nice enough for you to accept it.

no. what i'm asking is that people be civil to preserve civil discussion. if people post a hyper emotional, accusatory, complaint (not feedback) they cannot expect to have anything but similarly hyper emotional, accusatory, immature and unconstructive responses. THOSE stifle any sort of constructive discourse and derail them immediately into childish arguments.

look if i call you a whiny child who's not playing as intended and that you should go back to call of duty, or that the game is fucking broken and the devs are terrible monsters who eat children and hate you and any concept of fun and anyone who says otherwise needs to stop being blind idiotic fanboys, is your response to come back at me with a reasoned, well thought out message that accurately defends your point of view and points out all the flaws in my argument and moves the discussion forward towards a resolution tot he conflict? or are you going to come back at me with insults because i attacked you? THAT's what's wrong with this community, if anything.

note, i do not believe any of the above posted accusations of cod kids or fanboys, i am using those as examples.

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Thank you... Just thank you.

You are testing an alpha version of a mod. GTFO

You're a dick' date=' cut him some slack.


Wish you posted on my topics....but ya to be truthful the rocket guy shouldn't be attacked by complaints he did just kind make it for fun..its a mod he even said he was like "oh shit" when it got so popular.

Ya its broken and shit but it could A FUCKTON WORSE...then again the whole zombies running inside now...with no starting equipments is just ludicrous...but ya the guy is just making something he wanted to make.

You are testing an alpha version of a mod. GTFO

that's what an alpha version is for' date=' dicknose. user input


heh dick nose make sure that bitch never sneezes on ya.

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One of my favorite series, The Elder Scrolls, has this problem too. Some people will support all design and gameplay changes no matter what, even things that are later identified as bugs. Over-zealous fanboyism at it's finest, more often than not.

We as players are SUPPOSED to give feedback and criticism, ESPECIALLY because this is in alpha. We want to identify issues and help the dev team fix them for future releases.

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So give your feedback and ignore the cries of the fanboys. I dont understand what your issue is. If you give constrcutive critisism it will be heard and discussed. You have to expect the odd troll or two.

This is why we are here, to test an Alpha - appraise what has been added and let the devs know if it works properly or not. Beta is for the bugs to be stomped upon.

And dont you dare have a go at my avatar!

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One of my favorite series' date=' The Elder Scrolls, has this problem too. Some people will support all design and gameplay changes no matter what, even things that are later identified as bugs. Over-zealous fanboyism at it's finest, more often than not.

We as players are SUPPOSED to give feedback and criticism, ESPECIALLY because this is in alpha. We want to identify issues and help the dev team fix them for future releases.


Wo wo now sir watch out we wouldn't want to cross the line and hamper their artistic vision...lol bioware.

But seriously i think that excuse is valid in this case...the guy made this mod...we are playing it for free (if you bought the game just for the mod well your a sheep consumer....i mean i hope you at least tried arma2 free first shit). He has all right to make it as tough and bullshit as he wants...but i would say this, if i made something that i had a vision for only to find everyone else loved the hell out of my idea and wanted it to head in a slightly different direction...i would indulge them...i thought that was what rocket was doing at first...but now with the latest updates (no starting gear, and now the indoor zombie shit.)

To be fair the random spike in bullshit difficulty would be completely fine...if he had at least fixed the known bugs first...mainly the fucked up to all hell zombie physics. And inability to "sneak" around zombies (ESPECIALLY INTO BUILDINGS right now if you get spotted while trying to get loot as a fresh spawn your fucked...no alternative...when it happens 80% of the time while trying to "sneak" (mainly inside buildings since you can't really crawl around that well in most) it just becomes annoying.

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DayZ is flawed and fucked up in many' date=' many ways, and even new changes made by Rocket can be (are usually) wrong or bad. Stop falsely justifying absolutely everything wrong with the game because of a blind, insidious love for Rocket and DayZ[/color']

So, being a new player with no blind insidious love for anyone that understands that alphas are this way and are okay with it that want to show support for Rocket (Who I assume isn't making any money off this, though even if he was it matters little) are wrong?

I'm sorry, if people love rocket for providing something they enjoy, I feel it's best to allow them to be as happy with it as you are not. The cup can be half full.

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I have been playing since 1.4ish.

When the zombies were a pain, I kept playing, knowing it would be adjusted. I adapted, and overcame.

I've NEVER. Had a food and drink spawn problem. I guess I adapted and overcame so fucking maliciously that I steamrolled your reason for tears.

I recognize what this is. I see the patterns of the future and I don't worry.

I KNOW that things will change and update and be more playable and more challenging.

I'm here to be challenged. To say "FUCK THIS IS TOUGH" and come back and still fucking beat that shit.

How about you?

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The verbal war between the ass kissers, those that feel entitled, and those speaking their opinions has been going on since cave man days. Why do you think an internet forum would be any different than the rest of society and all of history?

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