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Crashed Chopper Loot

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Now they are no longer deathtraps, has anyone found loot in / around them?

It seems the only thing you can do is play with the mounted gun, wern't we promised awesome loot? :-/

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I believe that it isn't that there is no loot, the issue is that the loot despawns when there are no people around it. You have to be lucky to find a recently crashed chopper, most I've found have been a few hours old at least so there is nothing around it.

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i have stumbled on 3 crashes, first one was pre patch and i was killd, the next one was no loot but dident know how long it was up, third i found right after a server restart and i know i was the first to bein the area becuse i had been in the field earler. no loot :-(

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I was just about to make a thread about this.. according to the tables, they're the holy grail of loot.

I've never gone near them because I assumed they'd have nothing.

Does the loot spawn around them or do you access the choppers inventory?

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I read that you have to do a specific thing to actually look at the loot.

Something like (don't quote me) Press P to bring up the player menu, find your name, click gear. This is where the loot you put in a vehicle will be.....I think.....I'll look for where I read it or if someone could confirm that for me.

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It's currently bugged right now and not lootable due to it deleting too quickly, it'll be fixed in a future update.

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