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Im all for ultra hard rocket.

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unfortunately because its so hot out, i cannot run arma 2 during the daytime for fear of burning out my video card/motherboard/ram lawl.

if i run the game my internal thermo reads well above 31-32 deg C.

in any event! ive been watching the forums and cant wait to play this new patch.

zombies are crazy hard you say? run up hills you say? run in buildings you say? see you while proned behind grass you say?

*cracks fingers*

i accept your challenge at survival. so far i can keep a toon going for about 6-12 hours at a time running solo. (i put in about 4-6 hours after work all week, you would be amazed how much money you can save sitting on your ass doing nothing)

so in about 6.5 hours from now after ive had my nappy nap and its cooling off i will jump on and we will just see how tough this really is!

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Be cool like me take side casing off point desk fan inwards = win and better fps

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hard does not equal better.

Tell that to my wife.

The selfish bitch.

Hahahahaha, I haven't seen a post of yours yet that was not awesome! :cool:

And to the OP, the game is a bit harder, but I don't have a single problem with it. I'm sure there will be hot fixes coming soon, too. Some of the people on here couldn't handle it before and certainly cannot now. There is sooooo much QQing on here right now...

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I'm all for realism. If a Zed army violates me because i crossed in front of one of them then so be it.

If i run into a building assuming that the Zed train behind me will slow down at the doorway and i end up getting violated then i guess i just gotta play better.

I guess it all boils down to some players just want to crawl run everywhere, get the best equipment in twenty minutes and then shoot noobs.

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