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Having to eat every hour....eh..what?.

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Can someone explain the difference between realistic and authentic...there doesn't seem like much of a difference.

I'll try.

Authentic: You have to eat and drink.

Realistic: You also have to shit and piss.

Authentic: You move at believable human speeds.

Realistic: After a 15km run with 225 lbs. of gear on your back' date=' you would pass out and die of cardiac failure.

[b']Authentic: Guns exhibit realistic ballistics behavior, effective ranges, recoil and noise levels.

Realistic: Guns constantly jam because they fill with dirt, water & sand, are old & rusted and generally fall apart. Occasionally they explode and blow your ugly face off.

Authentic: You can sustain injuries, some of which are life threatening.

Realistic: In a world without medical care, antibiotics, and soap w/ clean water, 25%+ of wounds would become infected resulting in fever, sepsis and eventual death in bed while you hallucinate fevered dreams.

Authentic: Vehicles require repair before they are operational.

Realistic: You seriously think you could fix a broken down vehicle on the side of the road with spare parts you find in a nearby lumber mill?

It is the difference between something that resembles reality, and something that attempts to accurately recreate it. It's a subtle difference, but hopefully my examples have helped illustrate that there is, in fact, a difference.

Well put!!


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Can someone explain the difference between realistic and authentic...there doesn't seem like much of a difference.

I'll try.

Authentic: You have to eat and drink.

Realistic: You also have to shit and piss.

Authentic: You move at believable human speeds.

Realistic: After a 15km run with 225 lbs. of gear on your back' date=' you would pass out and die of cardiac failure.

[b']Authentic: Guns exhibit realistic ballistics behavior, effective ranges, recoil and noise levels.

Realistic: Guns constantly jam because they fill with dirt, water & sand, are old & rusted and generally fall apart. Occasionally they explode and blow your ugly face off.

Authentic: You can sustain injuries, some of which are life threatening.

Realistic: In a world without medical care, antibiotics, and soap w/ clean water, 25%+ of wounds would become infected resulting in fever, sepsis and eventual death in bed while you hallucinate fevered dreams.

Authentic: Vehicles require repair before they are operational.

Realistic: You seriously think you could fix a broken down vehicle on the side of the road with spare parts you find in a nearby lumber mill?

It is the difference between something that resembles reality, and something that attempts to accurately recreate it. It's a subtle difference, but hopefully my examples have helped illustrate that there is, in fact, a difference.

This post should be stickied to avoid all the game-is-unrealistic-threads.

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Yes. fix this shit and ban everyone that start another thread complaining about "realism".

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It is the difference between something that resembles reality' date=' and something that attempts to accurately recreate it. It's a subtle difference, but hopefully my examples have helped illustrate that there is, in fact, a difference.


You nailed it! I call it mimicking reality but its all the same. Still had a good laugh out of the piss & shit suggestion though :-D

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How many bitching threads are you going to make today' date=' OP?


Do us all a favor, and keep quiet until you actually have something useful to say. Or in terms you might understand, "Bad troll. Get back under your bridge!!"

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I think its kinda odd to eat every hour. I mean, a really hard working man, like a ground worker or similiar needs about 3000 calories a day. One can of Beans has about 400 calories. So what you need to eat is about 8 cans a day.

But heres something more. If you run all day and youre sweating as fuck you sweat out 4 litres per day minimum. One can of soda has about 300 ml of liquid. Thats roughly 12 cans of soda per day.

Minding that you get calories through the soda (sugar) you should drink far more but eat less.

Thats just logical. A normal man can live without food for 2-3 weeks but just about 3-4 days without water.

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All i see in this thread is whining 'cause food and water mechanics distract people from PvP. What's up, killing everyone on sight is realistic, having zombies around is realistic, finding AK in a barn is realistic. Get over it. You compare things to real life only when it suits you. If anything, this game needs even scarcer food sources.

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I suppose you are running on adrenaline so much that you need more food and water.

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D'awww, OP has resorted to using caps lock...poor fella :(

I use caps lock to portray loudness kind of like trying to raise the volume up...!!!! is used when angry...getting angry over internet posts is just silly its much more logical to try and yell loudly ove the idocy then to get angry about it...ya know? P.S i have no idea what post had caps lock just saying this cause im bored

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All i see in this thread is whining 'cause food and water mechanics distract people from PvP. What's up, killing everyone on sight is realistic, having zombies around is realistic, finding AK in a barn is realistic. Get over it. You compare things to real life only when it suits you. If anything, this game needs even scarcer food sources.

You clearly don't read much i said that it would be nice to see food become more scarce but only if hunger and thirst dwindled slower compensation and all that

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i think its fair.

Real life you sleep 8 hours and do stuff for 16. in that 16 hours you have 4 meals, drink maybe 7 times to stay healthy.

Dayz average "gamer" session would be 3-4 hours, 4 hours/4 meals = 1 meal per hour and more than 1 drink per hour.

Dont forget your character is a military cyborg, running non stop with a shitload of shit in his huge as shit shitpa i mean backpack. so doesnt run on hopes and dreams!..

Plus it makes it fun to run into people at the NW airfield dam.

Edited by Gruelius

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Thirst seems about right, if you run and crawl around as much as these characters do then your going to need something to drink. Honestly if I had to eat a can of beans and sardines then run my A&* off to get away from zombies, I be puking my guts out ....

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