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Camo Clothing Inventory Wipe (1.7.2)

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Date/Time: 3:30p.m. July 09, 2012

What happened: I put on the camo clothing over civilian clothings and my primary and secondary weapon disappeared and along with my primary and secondary ammo/food slots. My tools and backpack however were not wiped. Also I wasn't wearing the camo clothing and was still in the civilian cloths.

Where you were: In the woods?

What you were doing: Putting on camo clothing.

*Current installed version: 1.7.2

*Server(s) you were on: US Seattle 19

*Your system specs: Good

*Timeline of events before/after error: Server had been updated an hour or two prior to wipe.

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I just posted this but my post hasn't appeared on the forums...

This happened to me at 00:00 (GMT) at a Heli crash East of Mogilevka on EU32.

Found the clothing at a heli crash site after equipping all gear gone.

Exactly the same Tools and backpack not effected however primary / secondary + ammo slots all wiped EVEN my binoculars.

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Just happend to me today, I just put on my camo spawn in ocean for a sec, then telly back to my original postion... But when i teleported back to my original postion i was swimming in the ground, and yet after that, wasnt wearing camo... and lost all my main gear, cept for backpack and Tools... :/

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I spawned, used the ghillie suit and got kinda in the ocean, and I lost everything (AS50, Rangefinders, NVGs, EVERYTHING)

Horseshit : /

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This is happening with the Ghillie suit as well but so far mine has just disappeared as I logged out in them last night.

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