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[HOW TO] Not Get Shot By A Player

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to be honest if i have stuff i don't want to loose i'll generally shoot on sight up close. i tend to play with friends on skype so i'm often part of a group.. again that pretty much means i'll shoot on sight. and at a distance.. well it depends what gun i have, what sort of mood i'm in and whether it looks like you've got good kit. if it looks like you've got nothing, i'll leave you alone!

but alone and recently spawned, i try to assume people will be friendly because i've had some fun experiences that way and you haven't got much to lose. plus you get a nice buzz from the tension of having a stranger with a gun behind you...

i do sometimes feel guilty. once, 6 of us were on we were hitting zelengorsk supermarket with three covering from the trees and three going in. all of a sudden i noticed an extra player with us, who knows how long he'd been with the group. and he made me jump. so i shot him.but my friend said he had said hello on in game voice... sorry dude, didn't realise! next time i'll ask him if he is friendly and invite him to our out of game voice comms!

[edit] just realised this may be read as bragging or at least saying i'm good. i'm not :P

Edited by fugo

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4 days of playing and you're going to write a guide on player interaction. I've been playing for 4 weeks and I don't have nearly enough experiences with players to even have a clear idea in my head of how to approach every situation. Your sample size from experiences is far too small to be able to comment on the meta of DayZ players.

I don't think player interaction really should even have a guide. My DayZ philosophy I try to live by: "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."

You don't necessarily have be an expert to write a guide on something. I wrote this one 4 days http://dayzmod.com/f..._20#entry283486 and everyone who comments likes it and even people playing longer than me learned some things. Im really just sharing what i do and i don't get shot a lot, 9/10 times people let me be. If it didn't work i wouldn't have wrote it :)

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so this guy is basically like

"i been playing for 4 days and am now a hardened veteran and expert in psychology, better make a thread to get attention.

Go back playing farm simulator kiddo.

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How most people don't get shot by players:


Still pisses me off but the AS50 being a 1 shot solves that problem pretty well. ;D

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