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some suggestions

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I think it would be great to regen a little health over time.. even if its miniscule.. it would seem like if you could be in game hidden or in a safe spot for long enuogh soon you might could regain some health... even if it wasn't to 12000 maybe if the highest life you could regain without doing anything would be 10000 until you got hungry and it would then deminish from that. I would think a "REST" actioan would be great to help you heal up a litte as well if simply waiting for health to regend wasn't good enough... say you had to be inside a srtucture or near a tent not hungary or thristy and you would regen.. I dunno

I think introduction of bears and/or having animals sometimes go rabbid and attack you would making hunting alot funner. We need a slight risk to a bigger payout for hunting a bigger animal. I like that cows dont offer resistance to being shot but say a cayote a bear or a Mountain lion could.. that would be cool...

I'd like a fishing pole... I could catch lunch skin a fish with a knife and cook it... seems resonable to me.

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I would agree with the fishing pole idea. The game could roll for a chance of catching a fish, and if you did, then it would give you the option to "gut animal" on the end of your fishing rod, yielding one meat, of course remodeled to be fishy (unless we're angling for the elusive Chernarussian steak fish, of course). You wouldn't even have to include a fish model that way.

And systematically lower the odds of catching a fish for every cast in an individual zone of water, i.e. a pond, a mile section of river, or a half mile section of coast line. For example, 1 in 7 or so for the first catch, then 1 in 12 for the next, then 1 in 20, then 1 in 50, and so on and so on, so you couldn't just spam fishing rod and mine 4 fish.

Bears would be nice, we might have to edit them in because I don't remember if ArmA fauna includes that or not. Something other than zombies or psychotic hikers with assault weapons to keep you on your toes, even though that sounds like more than enough when I say it out loud...

And I've always thought you should regenerate blood. Not much at all, but perhaps ten a minute. As a noob especially, I remember what would normally be enough basic gear to last me, then finally giving up and respawning because my blood count dropped to six thousand or so and I didn't have matches to cook meat.

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i'd have to say those sound like some interesting ideas... the bleeding out one is a bit out there, but a little bit of blood regen would be nice as if you look at how the human body works... you lose a pint of blood, its not gonna stay that way forever untill you get a blood transfusion right? No: your body slowly fills itself back up to the levels it needs to sustain itself, as long as you get yourself patched up and the wound/wounds arnt to bad. although i'm no medical expert so dont quote me on that :/

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personally i wouldnt want blood regen,if it could be a server option then fine i guess

bears make sense since bear traps and dogs ;-)

fish is fine but i have no idea how they would code that in lol

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I would think a sugary soft drink would help insulin levels and blood production.. although not much but if you've already popped pills and used bandages to stop bleeding in real life your body would recreate blood and you would start to feel better.

I really think some sort of rest feature could/should be implemented. Maybe if your rested your more alert and don't make as much noise and are a bit more stealthy.. I dunno just thinking out loud.

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personally i wouldnt want blood regen' date='if it could be a server option then fine i guess[/quote']Well if it be included in the Starter and Regular versions that be nice, that way 'veterans and experts' can have a bit tougher game...

And i too would love to see HP regen, at a slow rate and i like the 'up untill a certain blood lvl' aswell, though for me 9000 would be more than enough, that way if you want you can eat something and go all 'It's over 9000! ... again'

what could also help is if other items (besides food) would give a lil HP regain, that way one does not have to rely on merely food. Which is realy horrible if you haven't found any matches yet. It also makes surviving several zed attacks unrewarding, if getting back up health is so hard for a solo player, one is almost better off just respawning at anything <4000hp, because there is no way you will get your health up anytime soon, unless you miraculously find some matches...

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Drinks should recover a bit of blood, and lone wolfs should have some less effective form of the blood pack that can be used solo.

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