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Guillie gone 1.7.2

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Lost mine and ended up at outside the map with my gear, walked east untill i entered the map again and everything was alright.

Later found a new ghillie suit but i dont think it's a good idea to put it on.

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Logged post patch 1.7.2, to discover I did not have my ghillie anymore. So I said myself "Oh well shit happens, I'll just put the Camo Skin I had saved for a buddy". As soon as I used it, a few flashes later I still had the civilian skin, no more camo skin nor any of my inventory except the content of my backpack and my toolbelt.

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Lost my Ghillie, too. Was happy to finally find one. Didn't read anything about it beeing removed from the game..so... bug? I was at Veresnik where my Character spent the night, the next day i logged in it was gone.

There was also lots of Problems logging onto other servers during the day. I lost my backpack i put in a tent because i had to restart my game because every time i clicked i landed on my desktop and couldn't get back onto the server...

Edited by Enforcer

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I've found a Ghillie but not used it due to the issues people are having.

I think people who are furious about losing their gear are hilarious. This is an ALPHA and the whole reason you are being allowed to play it is to discover these things for yourself and report them.

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Happened twice for me

Date 10.07, 11.07

What happened: After founding ghile in Elektro (10.07) and Cherno (11.07) and trying to put it on, my character started floating, swiming in the floor of the building, when he finaly get up I noticed all items from inventory and backpack are gone, only toolbelt was left untoched.

Happened on DE121(10.07) i think and DE #00(11.07)

Game ver. 1.7.2

Spec dont matter but evrything up to date.

Timeline: I just logged in the church in Elektro, i serched the church then made my way into bar building with diagonal door to the street, and a back door. In case of Cherno i was scavanging for like 30 min found ghile in similar building upstairs this time.

Just to say i am new and founding ghillie twice is awsome but loosing it is not.

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Rule 1 of DayZ.

Do not get attached to your gear.

So what. I just lost a gillie, as50 and rangefinders, but the fun is finding loot/exploring.

Same here, at this stage I've lost 3 ghillies 2 camo, AS50, L85A2 and the list goes on and on. I'm now looking forward to getting them all back again :lol:. People are far too attached to gear YOU WILL LOOSE over and over some to bugs some to players.

Off I go now to find more crashed helo's :P and moar loot!

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I had a ghillie suit on, when i logged in again it was gone, but i had a spare one in my bag, tried to put that on and my whole inventory was wiped :(

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I was venturing in Mogilevka, Found a ghille suit, Put it on, Froze, Lost Lee Enfield, Makarov. And, I don't even have the ghille suit on... All i was left with was my backpack, map, knife and what I had in my backpack. Nothing else.

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Stop bitching. I got bugged and teleported a mile off the coast of the debug forest, swam to shore, and remembered i had just stuck an m24 in my backpack directly before picking up the ghillie... Fought my way clear across the map with 15 rnds. Persistence! :D

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After my first Login at Version 1.7.2 My Camo Clothing i had in the previous version turned into a Civilian Clothing but i Still had all My gear.

Then i Found a new Camo Clothing and Equipped it. After that i was swimming around in a house and nearly all of my gear was deleted (only had my backpack with things in it and tools)

Then i found a Ghillie Clothing and Equipped it, in the Hope it wouldn't be the same thing but i got the exact same bug...

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Same thing here....me and my buddy found a crashed heli with 2 suits... a camo and a ghilli... we put it on and both glitched into the ground and lost our equipment except of the toolbelts.... on top of it we were shot later at the same crashsite -.- so plz FIX THIS SUIT GLITCH TELEPORT ISSUE

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it happen to me also !!! same postion next to military tents at stary sobor, but this is not it .... today i joined again and i found that i lost everything and im in the middle of nowhere debug i think .... so after 45 days no death i lost everything, but i didn't lose hope then i had to respawn and i played little bit manged to restore some ammo and weapons then server disconnected and when i joined other server i found my self at the beach with no ammo no weapons like if i died and i just respawned !!!!!!! seriously ?! what is this ?

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Happend to me as well, found it in some high value drop residental building in Elektro. It was painful to see all my equipment go away except the toolbelt, just found my first gun too. Swimming in da florr

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Hope they rollback central server 1 day before 1.7.2 this is really bad need more tests before launch bad patch This patch ruined many youtube channels that started dayz wave

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Hope they rollback central server 1 day before 1.7.2 this is really bad need more tests before launch bad patch This patch ruined many youtube channels that started dayz wave

is it possible ?

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You guys do realise that Ghillie suits where buggy before this patch right?...it is advised not to use them.

It even says it in the manual/wiki, you did read the manual right?

You are aware that they removed the teleport bug with the guillie/camo ages ago right?

It even said in the patch notes for that patch.

You did read the patchnotes right?

(wiki is wrong about alot of things, including items in general: ex, tents, m136(which is an AT-4)+++)

Back on topic, i've farmed up camo's and are gonna farm some guillie's, and store em until they fix it.

Figured i wasn't the only one with the problem.


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You are aware that they removed the teleport bug with the guillie/camo ages ago right?

It even said in the patch notes for that patch.

You did read the patchnotes right?

(wiki is wrong about alot of things, including items in general: ex, tents, m136(which is an AT-4)+++)


Quote the line here in this thread from the change log that says they fixed a bug with the Changable skins (Ghillie Suit) causing teleporting.

They had added a fix for bandit morphing and spawn problems, but the Ghille suit has been bugged since its introduction and never had a fix since as far as I can see...

I just think its amusing the amount of people moaning over some thing that was known to be glitchy...even if there where "workarounds".

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