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BattlEye Extended Controls - Scheduler Question

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No such luck... here is my current Scheduler.xml file, which still does not work:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<!--Heart Beat Check-->
<job id="0">
<cmd>say -1 Testing scheduler</cmd>


Edited by SubEclipse

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Send me your info and I will take a look at it

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Try removing the absolute path to scheduler.xml and use

Scheduler = Scheduler.xml

Edited by Rolle

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Send me your info and I will take a look at it

Will send in PM soon, thanks.

Try removing the absolute path to scheduler.xml and use

<code>Scheduler = Scheduler.xml</code>

This is what I have set currently... I removed the absolute path last night after realizing the Admins.xml file was working properly with the relative path.

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I figured it out!

My problem was simple... I hadn't uncommented [misc]

I bet this is the same solution for the op.

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OH, good catch! this was my problem as well! i was going crazy trying to figure out why i could not get it to read a simple schedule (one repeating message)

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Boom! Thanks guys. I had to uncomment [Misc] myself.

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how do i know when i got bec running??? seriously this is killing me! in need of big help! i have done everything as they told me on their site, but no luck... im losing my mind.

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this is how my config file looks like. i have a rented dedicated server from Multigamers.no [bec]

i have changed the names of the folders from config_example.cfg to Config.cfg same goes for the schedule.xml or what the name was. what is wrong? how do i find my BePath on the server? i have tried everything. plz help plz... all i want is a message 5 min before server restart for my players and its gona be as hard as this.... damn...

Ip =

Port = 20100

BePath = C:\Users\JonnyBoy\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye

LogDir = Northern Villains server log

Admins = Admins.xml

Commands = Commands.xml

Scheduler = E:\bec\Config\Scheduler.xml

## Optional settings for misc functions


#AsciiNickOnly = True

#AsciiChatOnly = True

#IgnoreChatChars = £æøå

#ServerExeName = A2Server_1.exe

#NickFilterFile = BadNames.txt

#WordFilterFile = BadWords.txt

#Warnings = 3

#Color = 0c

#Timeout = 40

#KickLobbyIdlers = 300

#Scheduler = E:\bec\Config\Scheduler.xml

#MaxPlayerNameLength = 18

#DisallowPlayerNameChars = [](){}<>/\^¨|§!"'#¤%&@£$€

#ChatChannelFiles = true


#FloodControl1 = 5

# Or

#FloodControl2 = 5

#FloodSampleTime = 5

#FloodLockTime = 10



## Optional settings related to Chat restriction


#Global = 3

#Side = -1

#Group = -1

#Vehicle = -1

#Command = -1

#Commander = -1

#Direct = -1


## Optional settings related to Reporting function


#User = Donald Duck

#Password = 313


# Optional settings related to Heartbeat


#BanFile0 = C:\SERVER2\BattlEye\bans.txt

#BanFile1 = C:\SERVER3\BattlEye\bans.txt

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You have a few issues... scheduler shouldn't be moved up to BEC, and you should use relative paths... You may want to use a log path w/o spaces as well.

For the uncommented lines, you should use:

Ip =
Port = 20100
BePath = C:\Users\JonnyBoy\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye
LogDir = NVLOG
Admins = Admins.xml
Commands = Commands.xml

Scheduler = Scheduler.xml

Then launch

bec.exe -f Myconfig.cfg

If the program opens and then quickly closes, you probably have set the path to your config file incorrectly... otherwise it will display the error in the command prompt window.

Edited by SubEclipse

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P.S. Guessing based on your file paths and port that this is a private server... I've only set this up on my public server, so I have no idea what else you may run into, but I would expect it should behave the same way.

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ok thx m8 :) ill give it a shot :) i have access to the server files and the config.cfg file on the server has this path above may that be the right one? or should it be on my computer? 9443792/BattlEye/BEServer.cfg

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The config file you need to point BEC to is the BEC config file (which must be in the Config folder with your xml files for admins, scheduler, etc).

For instance... I have my BEC config file named "Myconfig.cfg" which is in the Config folder. The command I use to launch BEC is:

bec.exe -f Myconfig.cfg

One last thing, from your last post it sounded like maybe you were trying to run BEC on your PC, pointing it to a different server. I've never actually tried this scenario myself, and I'm not really sure if that's possible. I have BEC installed on my DayZ server.

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ok so the cmd window is now up and running and dont close, i had to write e:\bec\bec.exe to make it run now i have some options here like -H for help and -f for filename, is it running now?

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hmm, maby thats why i dont get it to run :S is there any other way to display som MOTD server restart messages? maby with Arma 2 Rcon or something?

i have rented this server from a company in norway. www.multigamer.no

Edited by Distance

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If it's running, the first few lines in the window will look like this:

Bec, Arma2 Server Tool V.1.460
Copyright (C) by Stian Mikalsen
Email: [email protected]

11:51:18 : Checking for updates...
11:51:23 : Bec is running latest version!
11:51:25 : Requesting login on
11:51:26 : RCon admin #0 ( logged in
11:51:26 : RCon admin #0: (Global) Initializing Bec

hmm, maby thats why i dont get it to run :S is there any other way to display som MOTD server restart messages? maby with Arma 2 Rcon or something?

If all you want to do is display some MOTD text, put them in the server.cfg file... ex:

motd[] = {
"DayZ is in alpha and as such bugs and frequent server restarts may occur!",
motdInterval = 1; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message

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its not showing this 11:51:18 : Checking for updates...

11:51:23 : Bec is running latest version!

11:51:25 : Requesting login on

11:51:26 : RCon admin #0 ( logged in

11:51:26 : RCon admin #0: (Global) Initializing Bec

so im gona guess its becus i dont have it installed on the server computer as i cant do that i guess ill have to contact the company i rented it from. yes i only want to show a warning 5 min before server restart and maby a count down from 10 sec to sero, server restart is scheduled to every 4th hour. so any good ideas on how to do that? should i make my own script and upload it to the server or should i just use that intervall command u posted, gona be hard to time it right tho :S

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Bec, Arma2 Server Tool V.1.460

Copyright © by Stian Mikalsen

Email: [email protected]


Usage: bec.exe [options]


-h, --help show this help message and exit



this is all that shows in my cmd window.

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Yeah, that's a little different than a MOTD... You'll want to use something like BEC for those warnings (that's exactly what I do).

If it's a server rental, they may not allow you to execute files on your server as you could with a dedicated server.

Asking your server host is definitely the next step.

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Bec, Arma2 Server Tool V.1.460

Copyright © by Stian Mikalsen

Email: [email protected]


Usage: bec.exe [options]


-h, --help show this help message and exit



this is all that shows in my cmd window.

This looks like it's not finding your BEC config file

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guess thats becus its on a computer in stavanger and im on a poor island far east xD hehe. well thx for fast replies you been a great help m8 :) ill give u some beans :)

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guess thats becus its on a computer in stavanger and im on a poor island far east xD hehe. well thx for fast replies you been a great help m8 :) ill give u some beans :)

No prob... good luck.

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Is there a proper way to restart the server by the way?

Do I have to use #restart or #shutdown?

From what I have seen #restart only reloads the mission, but I would like to shutdown the server and start it again.

I configured BEC to use #shutdown for now but I were not able to test if it restarts it after shutting it down yet.

Is it possible like this or do I have to use a batch file for this?

Edited by DomiStyle

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I just use a batch file to restart the service I have created. I used to use a batch file to kill the process before I decided to make it a service.

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