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was it bait?

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I made my way from Kamenko to the NW airfield last night and was planning on logging out anyway.. but then I saw a bicycle in the middle of the runway.. 20 yards from one of the hangers.. I'd guess the population of the server at the time was 15 or so.

I thought of running and pitching a tent and putting my valuables in it.. then going for the bike.. but then just decided to play it safe and log.

What were the odds of me running and taking that bike successfully... and would you have went for it?

keep in mind it was at least a 4 hour solo journey to the airport.. I killed 3 players along the way almost getting killed to others a few times.

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You will never know now :/

But ask yourself the question: Did you need this bike? Would it have been worth it dieng for?

You need to survive bro, so good call by you!

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Most likely could have nabbed it without any trouble what so ever.. me and a buddy headed to the airfield earlier today.. killed a few guys on the way who tried to sneak up on us.. one alt-f4'd ¬¬.. but we got to the airfield and my buddy yells "A CHOPPER...".. we risk it, he takes a mad dash for it and basically in the end we are flying out of the airfield with a fully working chopper :D.. got it all on video too.. you should have taken the risk man.. risks are what make the game fun imo.

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Most likely could have nabbed it without any trouble what so ever.. me and a buddy headed to the airfield earlier today.. killed a few guys on the way who tried to sneak up on us.. one alt-f4'd ¬¬.. but we got to the airfield and my buddy yells "A CHOPPER...".. we risk it' date=' he takes a mad dash for it and basically in the end we are flying out of the airfield with a fully working chopper :D.. got it all on video too.. you should have taken the risk man.. risks are what make the game fun imo.


Nice find bro!

I was by myself just outside the perimiter of NWAF, there was a heli crash just outside, was so paranoid to loot it, but did, only to find out it was already looted. Still bagged some camo. Went into NWAF to have a peek if there was a chopper there, none so I legged it.

Can't enter that place without some back up. Nice find once again, do any strafing runs over Cherno/Elek?

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sry but there are sooo many pussies in this game. #missedimportunity

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Most likely could have nabbed it without any trouble what so ever.. me and a buddy headed to the airfield earlier today.. killed a few guys on the way who tried to sneak up on us.. one alt-f4'd ¬¬.. but we got to the airfield and my buddy yells "A CHOPPER...".. we risk it' date=' he takes a mad dash for it and basically in the end we are flying out of the airfield with a fully working chopper :D.. got it all on video too.. you should have taken the risk man.. risks are what make the game fun imo.


Helicopter outweigh bikes, just by a little bit.

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Most likely could have nabbed it without any trouble what so ever.. me and a buddy headed to the airfield earlier today.. killed a few guys on the way who tried to sneak up on us.. one alt-f4'd ¬¬.. but we got to the airfield and my buddy yells "A CHOPPER...".. we risk it, he takes a mad dash for it and basically in the end we are flying out of the airfield with a fully working chopper :D.. got it all on video too.. you should have taken the risk man.. risks are what make the game fun imo.

Since when have choppers been back in the game. They were taken out due to the fuel leak bug as well as causing massive desync issues. Are they back in the game, or are you bluffing to create a good "story"?

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im not bluffing i have it on video.. choppers havent been taken out.. my friend wasted all the ammo unfortunatly so we didnt do any strafe runs :(

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I saw a bike right in front of the NWAF once, by the front gate. I was really wary to check it out, because it seems odd that someone would leave a bike sitting in front of the gate, but I went for it and made it out of there with a working bike :D

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I do regret not going for it. but im still alive and decently geared so i guess it worked out.

Edited by hbombs

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You know what? Once I dropped bicycle it in the middle of the NWAF when my friend drove pickup truck there and we loaded it with ammo/weapons. We was ambushed... yeah, dumb. I know. But nowadays bandits are so pussies that they log when someone starts shooting. I swear I didn't knew where the shooter was but he logged and I managed to heal my friend in time... And we left NWAF with loot hastily.


Yeah, given the chance... I'd steal it. Just shoot in the air and every dude with AS50 and NVG will log out anyway :D

Edited by Jimmy Rustlers

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