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Who else bought ArmA 2 + OP Arrowhead just for DayZ ?

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I just bought "Combined Operations" in order to play DayZ. Will probably get quite into the un-modded versions too. I don't think I would have bought this game if it was not for the DayZ mod. Just waiting for it to all download on steam right now ....:D

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Bough the Combined Operations pack on Steam specifically for DayZ after hearing my brother talk about it and watching some videos.

I know three other people that have done the same. This game has a lot of potential and I'm surprised nobody has done anything like this yet.

I hope they get some major funding and can really put some time into this mod or create it's own game based off the same idea. For being in "alpha" it sure is a blast and I hope they can make it better!

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I bought it for ACE, preordered actually, I was patiently awaiting the initial release of ACE for OA like I am DayZ 1.7.2. I got the beautiful retail box of combined ops.

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*Raises hand*

I enjoy that which is hardcore... to a point. This game isn't ridiculous, but instead just the right amount of hardcore for me.

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I bought the ArmA crap just to play DayZ as well.

In all honesty DayZ should be a stand alone game and not a mod (kinda like Iron Front is a separate game using ArmA engine).

I'm very new to DayZ (only just started today) but so far enjoying it alot. First time around I lived 2 hours \o/

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