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Zombie 1-Hit Knockdown

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Greetings everyone,

I got a problem with the engine making zombies glitching threw walls, make them hard to shot while runnig and stuff, but the greatest thing is that they knock u out for 10 minutes with 1 hit only and then consume u.

How in god's name shall I have a chance to encounter this alone???

And for all who recomment: "get friend" and stuff: fuk you

I'd really like to have a chance at surviving a long time alone, because my friends are not all the time online.

yours, stealthboy

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It happens to me on very rare occasions, therefore i dont find it a problem, mainly as your goal should be to avoid zombies.

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How in god's name shall I have a chance to encounter this alone???


yours' date=' stealthboy


Made me laugh, thx!

Anyway - I've never been knocked unconscious for 10 minutes, it seems you are exaggerating. If you are below 9000 blood chances you get knocked out by an infected are pretty high.

Be stealthier, stealthboy.

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Stealthboy you're not very stealthy are you?

Game is still in alpha that's why the glitches and bugs.

My advice to you, run seeing as you said its very hard for you to shoot them ;)

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1. Not 10 minutes. You can get 5 minutes for logging out after being shot by players or 2-10 seconds because of low blood / zombies.

2. You can only get incapted if your blood is lower then 9000.

3. Happens rarely and promotes teamplay / health management.

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Or you could just start shooting the zombies before you move in.

Clear the out and you just have to run in and loot fast, then run out. No zombies to hit you.

And as long as you are far enough back you can usually manage to hit one, maybe not the one you are aiming at, but they group up enough that one will usually go down.

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I think it happens if they hit your legs

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I believe that when a zombie hits you there is a small chance of leg fracture. It may be that sometimes you get unlucky and the first hit breaks your leg. Best advice is to be more stealthy and if you do get seen, run into a house before you fight a zombie so they slow down. Stay away from walls because for now at least they can hit through walls. Better yet, run through a house and crawl out a second entrance. This usually will let you escape without having to fire a gun.

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thanks for all the tipps, I am normally very stealthy^^

But when I am followed I sometimes get glitched in some wallbugs or something and then starts the meele fight....... :D

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I truely hate the wallbug like you do, though I was never knocked out by one hit from a zombie, only from loss of blood.

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