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Asphyxia (DayZ)

Mandatory server restart notification

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I know most servers currently have this implemented; giving you a 2-5 minute warning of when a server is going to be restarted. But some, and most servers out there do not have one pre installed.

Mainly it would be used for saving vehicles/tents just in case, yesterday I lost a car full of gear because of a server restart, usually it goes back to the last place you saved it...but in my case it didn't. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has had a problem with this.



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Also happened to me and a friend after spending till 4 in the morning running around finding a trashed off road and fully repairing it, we went to Zelengorgsk and the server restarted without warning... No need to say me and him were a bit pissed off when it wasn't there when we managed to get on again. So yes I agree with your post! :P

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