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Colorado 1 Admin Abuse !!!Dev Server!!!

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As a person with a pretty colored name there are things I can and cannot say. Im not sure which one of those what im about to say is. But here we go...

We all take risks. Last night I put my entire "DayZ Career" on the line by what I did. If I get a large punishment, lose my status, etc... then thats my own fault because I pulled that stunt and went out on a limb. If you pull a stunt and go enable side chat on your server. Then so be it, just don't complain when you get blacklisted for it. I certainly won't complain when/if my status gets stripped. Im simply stating that im not going to help you enable side chat because it is against the rules.

I hope that came out correctly. I guess to sum it up. Yes I broke the rules and will suffer my consequences even though my intentions were good.

If you want to break the rules, be prepared to suffer the consequences, even if your intentions are good.

The only person I am helping break the rules, is myself.

You guys come to me and ask a question "Are we allowed to enable side chat?" My answer "No... its against the rules" Im not stopping you from doing it, but when someone comes to the forums and posts about it and makes a huge deal out of it and your server gets blacklisted, sucks for you.

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I dont want sidechat. Sidechat is stupid, and I am glad it is gone. All I want is the disconnect messages. Thats what I cant understand why they are gone.

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Sidechat is partially gone (some people appear to still be able to use it despite disabled?). Connect messages are still on.

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disconnect messages are not on with all servers...its a per server basis cause some people edited their mission file.

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I was Michael and I did interact with you guys last night an your trading camp.. I heard about the trading camp and ran from Stary to the middle of Electro/Cherno to check it out, I was not disappointed. I traded a man named "Doctor" a FAL NIVG, M14 AIM, tank trap, and a few other things for a range finder and a ghillie suit. Everything was fine and dandy; I headed east to Electro to grab some morphine. I heard shots and figured the base was coming under attack and went north to the mountains to flank whoever was shooting down onto the camp. I killed two people on the mountain side in witch then the server promptly disconnected.

I believe a trading post would be a cool addition to the DayZ gameplay, but it would have to been done in a different way. The loction was probably the worst anyone could have picked, being at the base of a forest/hill/mountain/cliff and on the other side cut off by water.

While it was fun, it just could have been done differently.

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I gleefully enjoy the progression here:



Today, 11:33 AM

Q: Where did this trading post come from?

A: No idea. I will look into it.

Q: What actions are you taking to prevent this?

A: None. To be honest, it appears the people who did it caused no harm and had good intentions behind it.

Q: Did you actually see the trading post?

A: I saw a picture of it.

Q: Why didn't you step in and take action last night?

A: I wasn't online. So whoever said that I was in my teamspeak last night or whatever, you're full of shit. I was happily sleeping in my bed.



Today, 11:53 AM

First of all you dumbfounded retarded fuck.


It was a test last night that was actually very successful, the people who did it had permission from me to do it and I assisted in the assembly of the trading post. All of the items used in the trading post were legit. They were items looted from the server for the 24 hours prior to the setup of the trading post. It was my group that was operating the trading post. I was on board with this 100%.



Today, 12:18 PM

Fifth of all... I don't see why you're so butt hurt about this. It was a test...


I saw that this was pointed out earlier, but seriously: did Dizzymagoo go from essentially implying that he (or she I guess) was hands-off of this whole affair, and once someone produced a reply that he didn't appreciate, comes out berating his accusers and shitting five flavors of hellfire while simultaneously admitting to pretty much everything?

"Q: Where did this trading post come from? A: No idea. I will look into it." Apparently "No idea" means "I helped set it up." Wouldn't that be a pretty important piece of information given the context of the question?

And, "Q: What actions are you taking to prevent this? A: None. To be honest, it appears the people who did it caused no harm and had good intentions behind it." You mean... some people and YOU thought it caused no harm? some people and YOU had good intentions behind it?

Why weren't you just concise, up front, and straight with this from the get-go instead of essentially lying through omission and then flipping out when someone caught you? I mean, props to you for being willing to whatever consequences might come and cooling off later, but damn, you took a few wrong turns getting there imo.

I still call bullshit on the timing of the server restart too. Especially given that you've been misleading about other points of information before. If you were testing this trading post scenario for the "betterment of DayZ" or whatever it was you were claiming, wouldn't you have disabled the auto-restart to ensure your experiment went smoothly? Or did you forget? And if you didn't forget, why didn't you notify everyone that it was going to happen and to just reconnect after a few minutes or however long it would take?

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Why? Why you ask? Because it was an experiment that doesn't matter. Instead these people have to go and stick their damn nose in everything.

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Do as I say, not as I do, pulled from an earlier thread:

This all falls on the server admins. Im the host of 3 servers all with side chat disabled and my members never have an issue getting a hold of me some how. Teamspeak, email, phone, skype, etc. All my contact information is posted on my website and the url is rotated in the server messages.

As for the OP. Side chat being disabled is frowned upon. If you need support with your server, I won't help you if you're modifying the mission files after being asked not to by rocket. You said yourself rocket said not to modify the mission files. Why make a thread asking if its okay. I think you answered your own question in the OP.

My personal answer: DO NOT MODIFY MISSION FILES. Rocket does things the way he does for a reason. You should respect his decisions and not modify his work.

Edit: Honestly, how can you defend your position. It's half the reason there is confusion on these forums from server admins in regards to side chat or server messages. Then you go and turn it on, on your server, spawn in items, and lash out at people for calling you on it.

You should be completely stripped of any "dev" classification on these forums and have your server blacklisted. Not to mention you have already established that you will lie on these forums, there is no reason for you to be designated as a 'trustworthy' source when it comes to DayZ

Edited by Phisher

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Why? Why you ask? Because it was an experiment that doesn't matter. Instead these people have to go and stick their damn nose in everything.

So as a server admin do I get to experiment too with the server that I pay for? Oh wait no, I don't. Heck I don't even get to do much of anything as the admin of my server but I guess if I was a dev I could do whatever I wanted to.

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Why? Why you ask? Because it was an experiment that doesn't matter. Instead these people have to go and stick their damn nose in everything.

Dude, you went from oh fuck I messed up ok ya got me lets talk about me fucking up, back to fuck you insolent bastards overnight?The reason everyone is sticking their nose in it is we all know you will get a harsh slap on the wrist at best, but the rest of the community would have been drawn and quartered for anything closely resembling this shit. We pay for servers, and have our hands tied under this universal bend over and take it in the ass from the community policy. Well, we thought it was universal. What we find out is that if you have a special colored name you can more than likely get away with shit.We just want shit to be fair. I would love for shit like that to be available to any server owners to do...plus disconnect messages, but as it stands only people with colored names get that privelege.You want to get out of the spotlight as the evil Dayz Staff that abuses his admin? Then go talk to the dev team, and get shit changed. Own up to what you did, accept some sort of punishment, then tell them to enable disconnect messages again, allow experiments like this on all servers, and to treat everyone fair. Become a liason between us and Rocket, instead of some DayZ staffer that abuses his status, lies to us, then gets pissy and butt hurt when called on all of it, and asked to speak for himself.What I love about this whole thing is how Legacy started to come to your defense in blind faith of "Prove it" mentality like he usually does...then it gets proven and he doesnt try to defend you, and no other DayZ Staff has come in to your defense. It shows that you fucked up, and fucked up bad.

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Dude, you went from oh fuck I messed up ok ya got me lets talk about me fucking up, back to fuck you insolent bastards overnight?The reason everyone is sticking their nose in it is we all know you will get a harsh slap on the wrist at best, but the rest of the community would have been drawn and quartered for anything closely resembling this shit. We pay for servers, and have our hands tied under this universal bend over and take it in the ass from the community policy. Well, we thought it was universal. What we find out is that if you have a special colored name you can more than likely get away with shit.We just want shit to be fair. I would love for shit like that to be available to any server owners to do...plus disconnect messages, but as it stands only people with colored names get that privelege.You want to get out of the spotlight as the evil Dayz Staff that abuses his admin? Then go talk to the dev team, and get shit changed. Own up to what you did, accept some sort of punishment, then tell them to enable disconnect messages again, allow experiments like this on all servers, and to treat everyone fair. Become a liason between us and Rocket, instead of some DayZ staffer that abuses his status, lies to us, then gets pissy and butt hurt when called on all of it, and asked to speak for himself.What I love about this whole thing is how Legacy started to come to your defense in blind faith of "Prove it" mentality like he usually does...then it gets proven and he doesnt try to defend you, and no other DayZ Staff has come in to your defense. It shows that you fucked up, and fucked up bad.

Pretty much sums it up.

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What I love about this whole thing is how Legacy started to come to your defense in blind faith of "Prove it" mentality like he usually does...then it gets proven and he doesnt try to defend you, and no other DayZ Staff has come in to your defense. It shows that you fucked up, and fucked up bad.

I just like to make sure people have their information, or doesn't falsely accuse on accident of something. I have no other words for this topic but personal reasons, even if the topic at hand is quite sketchy with certain posts running amongst here.

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To sum this up once and for all.

Did Dizzy mess up? Yup, most certainly.

How bad did he mess up? Depends on who is looking at. From most people's view points in this thread you would like to see him fed to some sharks or beaten publicly. We won't do that ... probably.

Is Rocket aware of the situation and handling it? Yup.

Is Dizzy going to be punished in some way? Probably.

Can/should anyone do this? Fuck no.

What about server messages, can you turn those back on? No. Nein, Nda, Jok, Nope, Nada, etc.

Can you turn on side chat? Again, No. Nein, Nda, Jok, Nope, Nada, etc.

Can we the Devs/Staff turn messages or chat on for you? No.

I'm going to say this though, there is always the talk and consideration of whether or not side chat, disconnect, etc should be put back in. This is an alpha and during this phase is when these kinds of test happen.

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I think what the community (specifically server admins) need is some sort of act of trust on this issue - publicly. You can understand why there was confusion in regards to modifying the mission file for things like side chat or server messages (conflicting statements from Rocket and Dev's) - but there was never any confusion in terms of spawning in certain items that weren't originally there, and eventually side chat was put to rest once everyone was on message (In large part thanks to Dante). Dizzy, is blatantly lying about doing both of these things. Why should a player trust anything Dizzy says? Having the "DayZ Dev" title gives him credibility on these forums whether he deserves it or not.

I am not looking for a pitchfork mob, but admins haven't exactly had questions answered 'politely' by Dizzy. Only to find out that he is guilty of all the things he was scolding other admins for.

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I'm not going to disagree Phisher but a large portion of this thread has been about people complaining about server messages. So I'm ending the discussion on that, also as I have stated rocket will handle Dizzy. What he decides to do on the matter is the result. This isn't a thread asking for a judge or jury, the spots are filled. The facts are in as well. I can promise you that we will handle it and look into the situation but I'm not going to make any promises about anything happening to Dizzy, since again that is rocket's call.

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I'm not going to disagree Phisher but a large portion of this thread has been about people complaining about server messages. So I'm ending the discussion on that, also as I have stated rocket will handle Dizzy. What he decides to do on the matter is the result. This isn't a thread asking for a judge or jury, the spots are filled. The facts are in as well. I can promise you that we will handle it and look into the situation but I'm not going to make any promises about anything happening to Dizzy, since again that is rocket's call.

I think that is completely fair and I appreciate your understanding (as always) :)

Edited by Phisher

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I am not looking for a pitchfork mob, but admins haven't exactly had questions answered 'politely' by Dizzy. Only to find out that he is guilty of all the things he was scolding other admins for.

Well said!

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Of course I messed up everyone. The point of the matter is, you don't need to keep repeating yourself. I usually don't answer "politely" because people don't use the search function because they're lazy. I personally went to rocket and explained to him what I did and apologized for my actions to him. I was doing a test for something to try and implement some new ideas for game-play and see how they worked out. I could have done it on a closed server, but the only people who would have joined would have been my friends. Have you ever tried a trading post with people who all get along? It works way too well. Therefore a public server where people don't know each other was the appropriate setting for the test. However another point that I would like to touch base on is that if I made a passworded server and had 16-20 people in it. This thread would be titled "Colorado 1 Admin Abuse! Passworded Server! HES A DEV! Hang him by his balls!". The way I looked at it. Either way I was getting in trouble. I went out on a limb to try to test some new ideas that would be sweet to have in DayZ. I apologize if the community feels that testing new ideas are bad. But ideas have to start somewhere.

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I don't feel this thread needs to go any further.

Thank you for your response Dizzy.

I think most aren't angry at your wanting to go out on a limb to test a possible new idea. It's something all of us would love to be apart of in some fashion - after all that's kind of what this whole thing is about. Your reasoning for wanting it to be with people you didn't know is completely valid. The frustration, some more than others, comes from your denial, backtracking, and mud-throwing at the community for pointing this out. The aforementioned side-chat issue is a separate deal, but is showing a pattern of do as I say, not as I do.

The non apology of "I apologize if the community feels that testing new ideas are bad" just goes to further show that none of this is registering for you. I hope you realize It is why server admins don't like paying money every month when they feel they aren't getting a fair shake, or a different set of rules exist. I would hope that if you appreciate DayZ as much as some players or dev's do, that your "DayZ Dev Team" credentials carries weight, whether you would like it to or not. If you feel people are being lazy by not searching then just don't respond or copy/paste some pre-wrote message.


Edited by Phisher

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The community does not think testing new ideas is bad, the community hates that our hands are tied on everything, and then we find out your threw it all out the window on your personal server. You want to test? Do it as a DEV, start a server, or change the server name to Dayz Dev test server temporarily, and in the motd say that it is rocket approved, hell link to a thread...leave it unlocked because at that point people will probably be chomping at the bit to get in.

You can look at my OP, I mentioned the situation, and said I was under the impression it was an official test of sorts. It was only when I was told it was not that I tripped out...

And I stated before that I dont believe it is the communities place to decide on a punishment, only rocket could do that. But I fear it will be lip service for the community, if anything. On an item that anyoone of us tried on our own would have caught a blacklist a guid global ban. 1 sided is the problem...

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And bring back disconnect messages because no one can come up with a reason for them to not be here.

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So effectively Dizzymagoo was playtesting a gameplay concept. which in a role as a developer for dayz I think is completely legit to do as the game is in alpha.

I think it may have been smarter to get dev approval and use a dedicated group of playtesters rather than just throw it out at the public. but to be honest. as dizzy says. testing is best done in a real live environment rather than a sterile testing one.

BUT usually you playtest it first then you take it public for a test if your going to do that kind of thing.

I dont think dizzy should be punished for showing some initiative and trying to push development forwards by testing some ideas on his own server.

I might suggest you guys set up a large number of playtesters on a different hive where you just test things in a semi live environment so glitches, tests cannot advantage players on the main one though.

kind of like the eve beta client for eve online. uses its own database and stuff completely seperate so they can live test things at any time.

that way your playtesters will know your testing stuff rather than sprinigng randomness on them causing admin abuse accusations.

I mean most modding/dev teams have groups of playtesters and periodically have them all testing stuff. dayz is a big sandbox with a crapload of players but they are not really playtesters per say. I would suggest running a few "testing" servers officially where devs can try out things without repercussions back to the main database. it would allow developers to mini sandbox thier ideas with a reasonable number of players some of whom would probably only play on the test ones and develop thier characters there. I'd definatly help you guys playtest stuff :D

this would also give different developers a way of testing and demonstrating ideas to the rest of the development team without messing with the main live servers.

Edited by Fenrix

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I did test it on a private server that you can only connect to if you're on my VPN, the idea was well played out. I then did it on a public server during the late hours of the night when USUALLY my server is rather dead. It took off and my server became really popular. I could see it being a huge issue on a public server if I was just handing out guns or something that were spawned in and messing with the natural loot cycle. However that was not the case...

As to whoever said "this isn't registering for me", it is. I addressed the issue with rocket. We talked about it. I'm doing a report on the results of the test and sending it over to rocket for review. I'm not saying that because i'm a developer I can do what I want, i'm saying that because i'm a developer I feel as if I deserve a little more slack on the stunts and tests I pull. If I modified the mission files and pushed them out to every server as a test, that would be a completely different story.

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At this point, I think the thread needs to come to a close. All the issues have been addressed. Rocket is aware of the situation. Let fate take its course.

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closing it seems like a bad decision. in light of your denial of doing your test earlier. it just looks like hiding developer abuse. leave it open and let it die naturally.

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