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Colorado 1 Admin Abuse !!!Dev Server!!!

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Soooo...this is supposedly a dev server which makes this a little disturbing. There was a trading post set up, with out of game structures and such. I am told it was a dev testing stuff so w/e on that aspect (fraps incoming). So a bunch of guys started sniping (I died early) the trading post, killed all the trading staff, and a bunch of the traders.

What is very disturbing is that as shit hit the fan, at least 50% of the server was at that location...the server gets reset. too much of a coincidence for me, and blatant admin abuse on a dev server.

How can you have all these high and mighty rules for admins, and then you dont stand up to them yourself? This is messed up, and should not occur...the devs should be held to a higher standard.

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So you started the killing fields of hell on Colorado 1. I was the USMC guy moving onto your position but someone killed me right before I got to your position. Too bad I didn't get the kill on you bro. As far as the sniping goes. At a boy!

Agreed I am going to speak to the Dev about this whole thing the Hardcore guys with were on with me discussed that very subject. I like the idea of a trading post. I think the location was absolutely horrible though. You were like the ghost out of the patriot. Except you didn't get all those kills that Mel Gibson did. Unfortunately I would have liked to see that.

PS: I lost all my shit and was trying to defend the trading post. Apparently everyone turned on each other. lol

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Considering the following:

1. There is no way to confirm that is a developer server. Names are just names, and names can be altered and so can profile names.

2. Was this immediately after?

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It was during the actual event. Once about 5 of the people running it were dead. The admin connected to the server is Dizzy.

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Considering the following:

1. There is no way to confirm that is a developer server. Names are just names' date=' and names can be altered and so can profile names.

2. Was this immediately after?


1. well there is this http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21630&highlight=colorado+1

That shows that it is dayz staff. I dont know if he is a dev or some forum guys, but its Dayz staff stating colorado 1 is his server. When you join you get the MOTD stating its his server, and I was able to get his TS3 info from his server. So it is safe to assume it is his server. Apparantely he was online during the event.

I also have a fraps of my portion of it (restart not included because I did not expect it). I die at the end, and the scoreboard clearly states colorado 1.

I am not complaining so much about the trade post if it was a sacntioned test dev status type thing...

If it was not, and is some rogue shit going on that needs to be addressed.

2. I died, as I died the killing continued, over half the server died to people unkown to me. THe USMC guys were there and can vouch for that, so can Mmetully...there were also about 10 people that dodged the pvp by logging...Well once all the "security staff" was dead, the server was reset with the trading post structure gone. This was immediate. So the admins lost their asset and restarted the server to keep it out of others hands.

Like I said, I have a fraps of my pov during the whole thing. Here is the youtube

you can see the structure that is clearly hacked in, security staff, and that I really suck with the as50. but the greater point is it shows what happened, and at the very end what server it was. As I stated I died, so I didnt get the server restart on fraps, but no one got to loot, not the victors, no chance to find your corpse, nothing.

So because of this abusive restart I lost potentially grabbing my as50 and nvg's...

Also they have side chat enabled and disconnect messages. I was not so politely told to get over not having access to that on my server...so this server should be blacklisted for editing their mission file...or be a little more reasonable and allow me to edit my mission file to allow disconnect messages only

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I do find this kinda distressing, them editing mission files and all. I'm not complaining either but I find it distressing when and admin can abuse the server rules and yet when I ban people for "ghosting" and abusing disconnect I get admins like Dante-Shawn in my TS 3 telling me I can't do that.

Don't get me wrong I love what the dayz staff is trying to do and Dante_Shawn was very cool and respecting a person I would support even with his actions against me (I got a little mad but it was in the moment kinda thing) I appreciate the hard work they are doing, but some servers like me pay alot of money to host servers for them and actually care about the community.

I know your "proof" has no real time stamps and doesn't show the "restart" you claimed happened or anything so this could have happened before the sidechat changed, but it does bring up a point.

I'm not saying your wrong or their wrong, but the evidence doesn't really support your claim.

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it was from yesterday. It was uploaded, and processed about an hour after everything went down. If I had known there was an incoming restart I would have kept it rolling, but I did not cause of space concerns with fraps. There are a ton of people who can state the server was restarted and when though...Also with side chat being disabled, all the server messages are in red. Also look at the format of the server name at the end. All of those things were done well after side chat and disconnect messages were removed. So I think that should be proof enough of that at least...

And if an admin tells you you cannot ban for avoiding pvp with a disconnect, they are wrong. It is clearly stated in the forum that you can ban for someone doing that.

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it was from yesterday. It was uploaded' date=' and processed about an hour after everything went down. If I had known there was an incoming restart I would have kept it rolling, but I did not cause of space concerns with fraps. There are a ton of people who can state the server was restarted and when though...Also with side chat being disabled, all the server messages are in red. Also look at the format of the server name at the end. All of those things were done well after side chat and disconnect messages were removed. So I think that should be proof enough of that at least...

And if an admin tells you you cannot ban for avoiding pvp with a disconnect, they are wrong. It is clearly stated in the forum that you can ban for someone doing that.


Rocket may have said it's and "exploit" I know, I have have talked to many staff members but no you cannot ban for avoiding pvp/disconnect to drop zombie agro.

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Yes you are:


but back tot he more important points.

1. Was the trading camp a legit test by a dev or something hacked in?

2. Why is a dev, or staff, server allowed to have side chat and disconnect messages enabled when no one else is? Someone allow us to have disconnect messages...they are vital to server administration.

3. Bans may not be appropriate because of the fray of nonsense going on, but there were a lot of disconnects during the hail of gunfire as a ran away. Maybe reiterate to people they will catcha ban for disconnecting to avoid pvp.

4. Why was the server, owned by staff/dev, restarted in the heat of pvp? And how is this individual going to be held responsible for violating the trust of the community by blatantly abusing his administrative powers?

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I guess its about time I step into the thread. Oh lordy where to do I start?

Q: Why did the server reboot?

A: My servers are configured to reboot at early hours of the morning(Most likely just happened to restart when it did)

Q: Where did this trading post come from?

A: No idea. I will look into it.

Q: What actions are you taking to prevent this?

A: None. To be honest, it appears the people who did it caused no harm and had good intentions behind it.

Q: Did you actually see the trading post?

A: I saw a picture of it.

Q: Why didn't you step in and take action last night?

A: I wasn't online. So whoever said that I was in my teamspeak last night or whatever, you're full of shit. I was happily sleeping in my bed.

Any other questions?

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I guess its about time I step into the thread. Oh lordy where to do I start?

Q: Why did the server reboot?

A: My servers are configured to reboot at early hours of the morning(Most likely just happened to restart when it did)

Q: Where did this trading post come from?

A: No idea. I will look into it.

Q: What actions are you taking to prevent this?

A: None. To be honest' date=' it appears the people who did it caused no harm and had good intentions behind it.

Q: Did you actually see the trading post?

A: I saw a picture of it.

Q: Why didn't you step in and take action last night?

A: I wasn't online. So whoever said that I was in my teamspeak last night or whatever, you're full of shit. I was happily sleeping in my bed.

Any other questions?


Q: Why did the server reboot?

A: My servers are configured to reboot at early hours of the morning(Most likely just happened to restart when it did)

Bullshit, look into your admins. The server reset immediately following the firefight. I am not going to believe it was a mere coincidence...

Q: Where did this trading post come from?

A: No idea. I will look into it.

Well get the Guid's of the two people that joined your server that I shot, and globally ban them because they are hackers then.

Q: What actions are you taking to prevent this?

A: None. To be honest, it appears the people who did it caused no harm and had good intentions behind it.

WHAT! That is the most bullshit response I have ever had from Dayz staff...people HACKED STRUCTURES INTO THE GAME and you are going to do nothing because they had good intentions. A hack is a hack wether it has good intentions or not. Ban these people...

Q: Did you actually see the trading post?

A: I saw a picture of it.

I dont have much to say about this, I didnt personally see you. Was going off what other people said, but it had been on your server all day

Q: Why didn't you step in and take action last night?

A: I wasn't online. So whoever said that I was in my teamspeak last night or whatever, you're full of shit. I was happily sleeping in my bed.

see previous

Any other questions?

Why are you so cavalier about the people that clearly hacked your server in a major way. I dont care that it was not ill intentioned. If it was not a test by a DEV it needs to be dealt with in the harshest of fashions, and global guid bans need to be handed out to the perpetrators, who will be in your logs.

Why do you prevent me from having disconnect messages enabled, but you have them on your server?

What are you going to do to the individual that restarted the server?

Are you going to voluntarily blacklist your own server for violating Dayz rules for server owners?

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First of all you dumbfounded retarded fuck. Read my signature. Everything im doing/saying is me. Not DayZ as a whole. It was testing on a server that clearly upsetted you. Thats fine, if you don't like it. GTFO and go to a different server. Its stupid little people like you who complain over every little thing and try to make drama out of it that ruins projects like my little stunt last night and bigger projects like DayZ. We test things, we see what happens and we learn from them. I think I can sum up this thread with these words.

It was a test last night that was actually very successful, the people who did it had permission from me to do it and I assisted in the assembly of the trading post. All of the items used in the trading post were legit. They were items looted from the server for the 24 hours prior to the setup of the trading post. It was my group that was operating the trading post. I was on board with this 100%. Once again, if you don't like it. Go to a different server. You won't be missed, trust me. If you would like to participate in the test, why not provide some constructive feedback?

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Well, because you just said it was not a test, and you knew nothing about it, and were not involved two posts ago...

"First of all you dumbfounded retarded fuck" you asked me for some respect before, and I backed down but now your going to throw shit our here like this.

The was 100% not legit. There is nothing you can loot in a server that gives a two story bunker with a crows nest, and ladder going to it, and where is the camo netting from? You cant loot that shit.

So, if you were working as a dev, good for your for testing...if you were working on your own you deserve a global ban just like anyone else that would have hacked items into the game, and built an illegal, otherwise unatainable structure, would catch.

If what you say in this post is true, calling yourself a liar in the other post, then you abused your admin ability, and dayz staff status to put items in the game that are otherwise unatainable, to build a new structure...you also abused your powers, and violated dayz rules by allowing side, and disconnect messages on your server.

I am just pointing out, its a two way street...if I have to follow the rules you do too...its that simple, just because your name is in purple doesnt mean you should abuse shit.

I like the idea of having an ambushable point...but in your own words you are not anything sanctioned, and should be punished like the rest of us...


So, the sandbags and barbed wire on the ground could be legit, unlikely that many were looted though. But what about that structure that is up top, the one with a ladder on the back side, the one that had snipers in it, one of which I killed in the video?

What about the camo netting draped over that 2 story structure with the roof, what about the camo netteing on the left over the entrance. There were also extra stop signs, and road cones spawned in on the front of the structure where everyone was corralled...

So dont try to pretend like this was a legit undertaking...

and since when can you stack barbed wire?

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First of all... my name isn't purple... Its fuschia!

Second of all... I didn't "HACK" any items in. If you care for the details on how I got those items into the game all you have to do is email me at imstillnotgoingtotellyouhowigottheitemsintothegame@theprogamers.com and I will be kind enough not to tell you how. They weren't hacked. They weren't put in by some power that only I have because my name is a pretty color.

Third of all... you have no idea what I do for DayZ and you're going to start pointing all these fingers.

Fourth of all... I said the items, not the structures. All the items are legit. The weapons. Everything that was traded. Except for the blue van that rolled up and got shot to shit, that was brought in by a hacker who also had an mk17, he was issued a global DayZ ban.

Fifth of all... I don't see why you're so butt hurt about this. It was a test...

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Was it a sanctioned test, by DayZ, by rocket? Or was it a personal test?

I never stated the guns and shit were not legit, I couldnt figure out if it was a tent, ammo box, or server hopping to hand it out so i didnt bring it up...the structures were not, and you confirmed this. So we are in agreement, they shouldnt have been their legitimately. I dont care to put them in my server because I know I will catcha global ban over it...

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I think this thread got derailed really quickly. Here is the outline of my testing last night.

Would an established trading post be considered a safe heaven for players?

How would the players adapt to such great interaction?

How quickly would it get out of hand? Would it be able to be reconstructed and considered safe again?

The items that were brought into the server were the triple stacks of barbwire, the bunker, the sandbags, the cones, the signs. The rest of the items, the ones being traded and handed out were all farmed on the server. I re-enabled side chat during this test to speed up the spread of people knowing about it.

This test was conducted on a personal basis. If I need to be stripped of my colors and banned, so be it. It was a test for the better of the community. If the community feels that I am in the wrong by what I did, that's understandable and the rest of the admins can take the action needed.

I personally apologize for attacking you on the forums. Im not trying to justify what I did by saying this, but you don't understand the people I have to deal with on a daily basis. It was wrong of me to attack you the way I did.

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Honestly the initial problem I had was with the disconnect messages. I had a not so nice on my end exchange about the disconnect messages with you a few weeks ago. I am still dissatisfied with your response of check the logs...I just want to be able to ban pvp dodgers.

As far as getting pissed about the trading post, that only came after I found out that it was no an official test. My problem is, and you know this is true, shit like that is against the rules, and shouldnt we all be held to the same standard. If Rocket comes out and says, hey everyone can do that stuff as long as its nice, and for better of the community tests...the great.

But as it stands you acted as a regular server owner, just like me, and used that position to run an unsanctioned test thats against the rules. I will defer to Rocket if/what punishment you should recieve. It's not my place to decide, but the fact of the matter is you broke the rules regardless of your reasoning.

On a non flame note, I liked the idea, and I liked how it became a killing field after I started shooting. over 25 people died according to people in ts, and I only killed 2 and wounded 1. I think if they made a way for server owners to set a few permanent structures up to mix things up, or made lootable structure items to build shit like this on a server wide basis it would be cool...

You just went about it wrong.

Can I haz my disconnect messages now?

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I appreciate your understanding.

As for the disconnect messages, i'll hold you to the same punishment I receive if you do so. I've been running my servers since well before the messages were disabled and have still managed to assemble a pretty large list of disconnecters. Just look at the in game server time(Use your watch) and then look in the logs at that exact same time and you will see the players name. I promise you.

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I dont know how to enable it so w/e. But the problem with using the logs is I dont get access to the one with the disconnect messages until the server restarts. So I would have to stop the server everytime someone dodges, which is quiet often, to catch them...with the messages we could take screenshots and such.

Plus other admins have stated text can be altered, so they wont accept log entries as proof. So if someone appeals it, I get in trouble cause I dont have the SS in-game.

Why was it taken out anyways, gives no extra anything. Mention it up the chain of command for a lesser punishment? Enough people want it back, those that dont abuse the mechanic...

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More correctly, logs can be script hacked to erase or modify the logs in any fashion by remote players, yielding server logs unreliable.

As for Dizzy being online, I said that. I don't know if you were aware of the trade camp but your posts indicate you were. The trade camp was on before the hacker that detpacked the group up at nwaf that you sent to the ban queue (or in a very similar period of time). I was posting 'where is the trade post' in side chat when I heard you explaining he had received his database level ban.

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I'm sure the response won't be polite, but I don't seem to understand why every time we ask if to enable side chat, we are told to piss off, yet you, a developer, can do these things at whim, admit to doing them personally and not directly related to your role in developement, and not take flak/risk the same punishments as we would for doing them.

We keep reading that there is an "equality" required to the servers and it's stated to a point well beyond beating a dead horse. But it doesn't seem fair that we who rent or help pay for servers are less equal in regards to our requests when the same things seem to be allowed elsewhere because we haven't found the "in" required to be able to get those same features allowed, elsewhere. The only way we can get the side chat enabled on our server seems to be by editing the mission file ourselves and hoping to dodge the trouble we would receive because we don't have a Fuschia-colored name.

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I personally have no knowledge on why it was removed. I am happy with the fact that it was though. I like it because my screen isn't flooded with 1000000000000 messages about how people are connecting and disconnecting, the less you have going on keeping your brain busy, the more it thinks about how deep of shit you're in and starts to create a more paranoid feeling. Which I love.

In regards to Volatyle, im in the same boat you are... I enabled side chat the same way anyone else would. I'm not void of punishment. I may still get punished for all I know. My servers could be blacklisted, big whoop. Yes I care about the mod, yes I devote countless hours and tons amount of frustration towards it. In fact I have almost lost my real job a couple times because this mod has become a higher priority. I conducted an experiment with written results and valuable information that will be passed on to rocket in hopes that this could greater increase emergent gameplay and furthering player involvement with the mod. Im probably going to receive a punishment for my actions. I went out on a limb, pulled a little stunt in hopes for some good results. You all merely want to enable sidechat because you like screaming for help in Cherno. Emergent gameplay is what this is about. My experiment was to help gather results to improve this. If you go back to my server now. It has been disabled, because that is the way the servers were designed and because the experiment is over.

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I'm sure it all comes down to different strokes for different folks on how they choose to enjoy the game. And I agree the immersion you get from no side chat is definitely intense. But there are side chat enabled servers out there, you've said in this thread you enabled side chat, and Rocket has said that servers won't be blacklisted for having side chat (if pressed, I can go find the link again. It does actually exist). The thing is, every time we ask for help enabling side chat or even if we can personally edit the mission we are told it is not allowed, generally in less then friendly terms by a team member. If noone is allowed to have side chat, punishable by whichever/whatever, then we are we not allowed to operate within the same parameters.

Note that I'm not knocking you for going out on a limb and trying something new, I am all for it. As a fan of modding anything, I am very happy with the progression this mod has made. I am just asking why the universal set of rules is not universal, but rather conditional. If the comment was made that "it's my toybox and we'll play with it how I say only," then I could go with that. But then I, and others, would just expect it to follow those rules only.

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Vosler was in the video... LOLOLOLOLOL - Much love homie!

No trading post will be safe until server hopping and DC are refined(period)

I would have assaulted that outpost too, but with five people on a coordinated effort!

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In regards to your edit on your post Dizzy, you assume we want to kick and screw for help in Cherno. That all goes back to the assumption that you know the only way to enjoy this game. Coming from way too many years of MMO's with the same guys we came to DayZ with, we just like to be able to socialize with other players. To a degree, this is an MMO. It's nice for us to find other survivors with similar desires. And being an avid Eve fan, it adds another element of trickery to watch for. I'm not looking for a full fledged RP in this game. If I were, I probably wouldn't be playing this as it would conflict with some form or LARP practice.

I'm truly sorry you, the team, often feel such a need to react so horribly to anyone questioning the "Why" or "It's not fair" behind anything. If doing the work for this game and dealing with all of its fans (who all want different things from the game) has made life so unbearable, maybe you should take a step back and reevaluate where it's going or if you're happy with what you're doing. Thanks for a great game and for the time put in all the same.

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