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POLL:Cherno VS Elektro LOOT

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Which City has the better loot?!


Just Post Which City is better and why.

PS. Idont think there is a poll option and if there is this thread box is covering it probably.

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Berezino - Superior to both Cherno & Elektro because it has the same quality loot but is not on the south coast.

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Elektro, loot is more compacted and you save more time running back and forth the firestation.

loot run can even be streamed lined in elektro

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BaitedHook Id have to agree with you there ;)

As i have an easier time running through elektro than chern

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Berezino - Superior to both Cherno & Elektro because it has the same quality loot but is not on the south coast.


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Quoted for truth havent seen that on the forums for a while haha.

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I agree and disagree with Baitedhook. Whilst loot is more compact and easier to find in Elektro, you must remember this apply's for everyone else too, so the chances of getting good loot decrease's compared with Cherno.

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Cherno. It's big and has a lot of loot spawns but also there's players around which adds to the thrill and constantly hearing gun shots is just exciting.

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Neither. Berezino has about the same loot, yet isn't as big as a deathmatch pit. Also, if I were to chose between the two: Cherno is crappy alone due to FPS issues.

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Oyeah forgot bout Cherno FPS problems. Definately Elektro ;)

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i would have to say none out of electro or cherno the only time i go there is on new spawn to grab some med supplies

i personally prefer berenzino decent loot near to no players theirs it pretty much a save haven for survivors

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Elektro, hands down. Just camp in the restaurant or whatever it is next to the supermarket, you can get away with alot of ganks there on noobs serverhopping the supermarket :D

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