[email protected] 9 Posted July 9, 2012 Explain to me WHY rocket would go all this extra effort AND WARN PEOPLE THAT THEY CAN'T CHANGE THEIR GENDER?Holy shit' date=' like you're actually serious with this thread? He warned us because it's supposed to be a big decision. Just like being something other than a persons born gender is a big decision in their life. He didn't want people swapping back and forth on a whim.I think you're reading way to far into this.[/quote']What is wrong with swapping gender on a whim? It's not a choice the developer should force, it's an individual's choice. What if I decide that I want to be the other gender once. GENDER IS NOT A BIG DECISION IN LIFE THAT YOU CAN'T CHANGE. YOU CAN CHANGE IT, AND YOU SHOULD BE FREE TO CHANGE IT. What is wrong with all you people?I'm ignoring all the hate speech trolls, by the way. You're not going to offend me to boost your e-peen.In all seriousness, I have a transgender-wanna-be friend, and both me and my GF and a few other of our friends support them entirely. You are just an idiot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dizzymagoo 19 Posted July 9, 2012 HOLY SHIT I'VE SEEN IT ALL! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zexis 127 Posted July 9, 2012 What the fuck am I reading? This is a free modification to a videogame. Most games don't even let you choose a gender. I'm assuming you're trolling, op, but if you aren't, this isn't the smartest place to bring the LGBT fight, eh?I'm all for equal rights and such, but this is just stupid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miragexl 33 Posted July 9, 2012 Someone is a tad stupid."don't buy Day Z. It's not worth it."You don't buy DayZ you buy ArmA 2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wisp (DayZ) 19 Posted July 9, 2012 I also might make note that unless rocket feels like implementing things like injectable testosterone and estrogen pillbottles (and anti-androgenic drugs I guess..) any transgender person in this particular zombie apocalypse would be screwed.Luckily it's a game, and we can actually, you know, select our gender before we're "born". Moreover there's a difference between sex and gender that you don't seem to be comprehending.(Rocket: Please don't implement horomones. Or if you do, make sure that they're all this guy can pick up. <3) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fighter139 191 Posted July 9, 2012 This is a repost of someone else's. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HooDoo (DayZ) 0 Posted July 9, 2012 If I recall correctly, the gender thing is an "Arma2" thing.. not a "DayZ" thing. I played Arma 2 a little bit before installing DayZ and it asked me to decide gender then. So if your serious then your barking up the wrong tree. If your trolling, well honestly I've seen better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad_mojo (DayZ) 1204 Posted July 9, 2012 Explain to me WHY rocket would go all this extra effort AND WARN PEOPLE THAT THEY CAN'T CHANGE THEIR GENDER?Holy shit' date=' like you're actually serious with this thread? He warned us because it's supposed to be a big decision. Just like being something other than a persons born gender is a big decision in their life. He didn't want people swapping back and forth on a whim.I think you're reading way to far into this.[/quote']What is wrong with swapping gender on a whim? It's not a choice the developer should force, it's an individual's choice. What if I decide that I want to be the other gender once. GENDER IS NOT A BIG DECISION IN LIFE THAT YOU CAN'T CHANGE. YOU CAN CHANGE IT, AND YOU SHOULD BE FREE TO CHANGE IT. What is wrong with all you people?I'm ignoring all the hate speech trolls, by the way. You're not going to offend me to boost your e-peen.Cross dressing or gender blending is not changing your gender. We're all free to express ourselves in any way we wish. But gender changing is somewhat final. When you undergo sexual reassignment surgeries, and take hormones/testosterone... you've made your choice. Doctors won't just revert these things on a whim. People don't physically go from one gender to another and then back to the original all the time.This would only really be an issue in my eyes if the avatar system was extremely complex but still didn't support males weaing female clothing or makeup and the other way around. But, the game is nowhere near that level of detail, so just wait. Or suggest this be added. Coming on here posting this thread is not the right way to go about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Combine (DayZ) 247 Posted July 9, 2012 Xapped....really?I don't understand you, to be honest. There are bigger concerns coding and story-wise. For god's sake, we're playing in a post-apocalyptic (former) eastern country swarming with zeds. No one there would worry about his damn gender, or in fact, they'd worry about keeping it and staying alive. This ain't your average intact western world where people worry about what to eat next because there's so much to pick, but where they worry what to eat next since it's hard to get. Get what I'm saying?To all those others: I'm not even against it, do your thing. I just want to tell this man: Get your priorities straight (no, that was not some witty joke). In my book, there are bigger concerns. You play a character that's "mostly" male or female. Those who'd, from an ingame point of view, in a former eastern country, worry about all that stuff would be either dead, a zombie or thinking of other things. Survival.Or am I missing something critical here? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fighter139 191 Posted July 9, 2012 The developer of Day Z' date=' Rocket or Dean Hall, is inflicting his own outdated and insulting beliefs to everyone who plays Day Z.At launch, you get a GIANT warning of how your gender is ONE TIME and is permanently bound. You can never change it. This is just downright pathetic. [b']First of all, gender is not binary. There are many people who identify themselves as something other than male or female, but I won't get into that. Secondly, gender is not static. People can, and do change their sex / gender, and it's their choice. I'm not trans, but I fully support their cause of expressing themselves. But if I played Day Z prior to that, I'll be forced to be male - something I don't want to be. There's a reason why there are sex changes. Gender is not static, it can be changed. The developer of Day Z instead insists that it cannot be changed for no valid reason other than personal beliefs. The developer is also an employee of Bohemia Interactive, and can be said to represent ARMA in a way.Bohemia should do the right thing and fire Dean Hall, for going against the LGBT movement and imposing his own anti-transgender beliefs. But what you can do is, don't buy Day Z. It's not worth it. And don't support an anti-LGBT company / individual. Support companies like Google who give you the option of selecting a non-binary gender, not selecting one at all, and changing it whenever you like./thread Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted July 9, 2012 I like how everyone just derails the thread with spiderman and fluttershy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted July 9, 2012 I also might make note that unless rocket feels like implementing things like injectable testosterone and estrogen pillbottles (and anti-androgenic drugs I guess..) any transgender person in this particular zombie apocalypse would be screwed.Luckily it's a game' date=' and we can actually, you know, select our gender before we're "born". Moreover there's a difference between sex and gender that you don't seem to be comprehending.(Rocket: Please don't implement horomones. Or if you do, make sure that they're all this guy can pick up. <3)[/quote']I'm a girl, thanks.You select your gender once forever, not for every time you're born. It's once only, like the giant warning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted July 9, 2012 I like how everyone just derails the thread with spiderman and fluttershy.Cause even transgenders are disagreeing with you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Combine (DayZ) 247 Posted July 9, 2012 Well, what do you expect? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites