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Why does this game have so many idiots?

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if you see someone at a distance use your cursor to see if he is a bandit

That only works on scrub difficulty... if you plan to utilize any sort of stealthy tactics while you play, you gotta go veteran, which I *always* do.

Bandit skin is a completely useless idea, too, but as long as everyone realizes that, then it at least shouldn't cause problems. I don't have a bandit skin. I should, I RP as a very cold, ruthlessly efficient, calculating monster in game, yet my humanity is through the roof. If you meet me, I'm likely to kill you, but if I do, I'll likely be able to justify it mathematically.

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I seem to recall a movie where a group of missionaries are taking a trip down river and the guy steering the boat asks why they don't have guns, and laughs at them when they claim being peaceful will save them.

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Benefit way more by just killing you and taking all your shit.

But yeah to be constructive. If I were you' date=' I would set up shop outside, Get some buddies to protect me. Maybe one to two visible guards and one sniper off in the distance.


Okay in the first place both of these idiots that killed me (not just calling them idiots because they have bad aim, but also because they were running around on the street in cherno with makarovs and zeds chasing them) did not even loot by body. Respawned a few times until I spawned at or near the same city, went back to my body, nothing missing.

And I'll say it for like the 4th time. I'm not going to go with bodyguards. Several reasons. Mainly first I would have to find them. I would have to give them an incentive for helping me. We would have to be on at the same times (orginization difficulties). Then there's simply the fact that I don't want people to feel uneasy. Also when bodyguards get jumpy and shoot someone. For instance the guys I healed last night decided to stick around in the church and help out. A bandit ran in with zeds chasing him and he was shooting (I'm 80% sure at the zeds because no one was wounded by his shots) and I said not to shoot him and they did. Bad outcome.

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Might I suggest a better method? Perhaps getting your hands on a powerful pistol and a high-powered sniper rifle. Then' date=' pick a suitable location (such as the firestation in the Elektro Power Station. Fortify it so that if someone were to breach, they would easily be killed (bottle neck them).


you must've missed the part about reaching 10000 humanity

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Has anyone else ran into people who just have no clue what they are doing?

Yes I am on the internet.

And to answer the question in the title of this topic, because we are on the internet. Next question?

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Might I suggest a better method? Perhaps getting your hands on a powerful pistol and a high-powered sniper rifle. Then' date=' pick a suitable location (such as the firestation in the Elektro Power Station. Fortify it so that if someone were to breach, they would easily be killed (bottle neck them).


you must've missed the part about reaching 10000 humanity

10000 humanity and not killing people yes. I do not want to kill anyone even if they are shooting at me. The people who have killed me so far have all been terrible and easy to kill but it goes against what I'm aiming for.

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Welcome to the new Call of duty. "Arma Dayz". Now go out and shoot anything that moves. Don't get me wrong, its good Dayz mod has increased sales//$ for BIS.

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So recently I have tried an experiment of working as a doctor in Cherno/Elektro. I empty my inventory of everything but bloodpacks and bandages' date=' drop my weapon and pack, then stand in the church and advertise that I'm just here to transfusion people. (Trying to reach 10000 humanity).

I can understand bandits killing me (because they're assholes and just like to kill people for no reason). But so far the 2 people who have came in and killed me were idiots with makarovs who missed about 20 shots before finally hitting me.


Ok, so you are globally advertising that you are unarmed and carrying a full pack of valuable supplies...and you are surprised people are trying to kill you?

Maybe this wikipedia quote about combat medics will help you out:

"Traditionally, medical personnel did not carry weapons and wore a distinguishing red cross, to denote their protection as noncombatants under the Geneva Convention. This practice continued into World War II. *****However, the enemies faced by professional armies in more recent conflicts are often insurgents who either do not recognize the Geneva Convention, or do not care, and readily engage all personnel, irrespective of noncombatant status. For this reason, all modern combat medics are armed combatants and most do not wear distinguishing markings.[citation needed] Combat Medics in the United States Army and United States Navy Hospital Corpsman are virtually indistinguishable from regular combat troops, except for the extra medical equipment they carry."

TLDR: Adapt or die.

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I fully support Kirvin. It's exactly in the spirit of the "game" - an experiment. One that he will have a lot of hard work to do, presumably, but a great one nevertheless. Keep it up!.

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If you want to stay alive either carry a gun or have a few buddies on hand with guns.

The only idiot here is the one standing in the middle of a city during the zombie apocalypse, shocked that he's being shot at.

I'd blow your brains out, and I'm not even that bad. You're an easy target, and you've got valuable supplies. That blood could come in handy as I move deeper north.

I'm usually well-equipped before I head into a city. I imagine some greenhorn with a Makarov is even more likely to gun for you. After all, you're about the only thing weaker than he is.

Present yourself as prey and you will be hunted. Harsh but true.

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A pretty simple answer is that we live our everyday lives in a world ruled by unspoken and spoken social rules. Most video games these days also impose these rules on us ("you are the healer", "do not leave the map", "you cannot kill this person", "you cannot tell the story"). What you then have is a game world, a place where the primary attraction is the power of the imagination, and then strictures are put on it just like in real life. For the most part you're forced to play nice. Now, what you think you're presenting is benevolent, but by simply thinking that you're safe in Chern church you're in some way limiting our world again. You're saying "this place is safe - this place is ordered." You think you're being nice, but you're turning Chern into Ironforge.

That guy with the Makarov is shunning human decency. He's pulling his whip and screaming fuck the police as he paints your brains across the altar. That feels really good.

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The only idiot here is the one standing in the middle of a city during the zombie apocalypse, shocked that he's being shot at.

Well, that has been said to him many times already. You added nothing new.

but by simply thinking that you're safe in Chern church you're in some way limiting our world again. You're saying "this place is safe - this place is ordered." You think you're being nice, but you're turning Chern into Ironforge.

On the contrary - the mentality of "kill or be killed" is limiting the world in the exact same way you wrote about. You have the freedom to go around killing people (and I wouldn't think of taking it from you of course!), he has the freedom to stand with transfusion packs unarmed in a church. From metagaming perspective, his goal is probably much more "free" then yours, gameplay wise.

Let's see this through, I am interested in some updates on OP's stories

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I for one would not go out of my way to kill the church doctor fellow. In fact, personally I would be more interested in getting there to trade for supplies - though without weapons I'm not certain what he would want in return for saving mine or my group members' lives. "Hey, you just saved my life with open heart surgery. Take these beans." :D

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but by simply thinking that you're safe in Chern church you're in some way limiting our world again. You're saying "this place is safe - this place is ordered." You think you're being nice' date=' but you're turning Chern into Ironforge.


On the contrary - the mentality of "kill or be killed" is limiting the world in the exact same way you wrote about. You have the freedom to go around killing people (and I wouldn't think of taking it from you of course!), he has the freedom to stand with transfusion packs unarmed in a church. From metagaming perspective, his goal is probably much more "free" then yours, gameplay wise.

Let's see this through, I am interested in some updates on OP's stories

It's not as polarised as "kill or be killed". 95% of my time in game is walking around looking for a crash site.

The observation I'm making is that sure, transfuse people in Chern church, but don't then criticise people for killing you while doing it.

By transfusing people in Chern church he's making the assumption (by the fact that he's complaining about the latter here) that Chern is safe enough to perform surgery on people. Chern is not safe. It's one of the three or four most dangerous places in the game. He's gone to perhaps the most dangerous location in the game and attempted to neuter it entirely by thinking that the power of his goodwill overrides the tension and violence that already exist in the game, preformed on players previous experiences.

In fact, I think that had he offered transfusions in Olsha or Myshkino, he'd have been relatively safe doing it. They are out of the way, logical places to offer transfusions. It would have shown that he cared about his personal safety and was humble in the face of the dangerous nature of the game. By offering transfusions in that hell hole warzone, it came across like he was trying to knock the nuts off the game. As though he was walking into a supermax prison yard, walking between the White Supremacists and the Latin Kings mid fight and offering everyone a Mars Bar, then criticising them when he gets beaten up.

It's an interesting thing, but I've given and received far more safe and successful operations in the north than in the south. In fact, I've never really heard of a successful operation being performed over global chat in Chern or Elektro, or at an Airfield.

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I've been gaming since Medal of Honor, and I've noticed a rise in lame people. I just try to ignore them and not flame them. Don't feed the troll is my policy.

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I dont think a player can be 'lame'. Since this game is a ROLE PLAYING game everything does something different where he feels comfortable with. I personally never hesitate with every shot I fire, and when I get shot or see you watching me with your weapon drawn out and checking my precious loot I will not hesitate to light you up because in that moment it is a dead or alive situation where I prefer to life obviously. If people feel threatened they will shoot, simply as that. Some people are just in to kill people and get all their loot but that is just another dangerous thing to do. It's not called lame but it is called realism. Like Rocket said, look at the real world, its not any different than the current mod.

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Let's see this through' date=' I am interested in some updates on OP's stories


Well this time I'm just confused as to what one of the people who killed me recently was thinking. I'm in church as always. He comes in and closes door behind him. I walked up to him and there was no transfusion option so I said "oh you aren't wounded" and walked back to the pulpit. He shoots me.

I don't even...

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