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Why does this game have so many idiots?

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Reposting because a mod wanted me to make it discussable.

So recently I have tried an experiment of working as a doctor in Cherno/Elektro. I empty my inventory of everything but bloodpacks and bandages' date=' drop my weapon and pack, then stand in the church and advertise that I'm just here to transfusion people. (Trying to reach 10000 humanity).

I can understand bandits killing me (because they're assholes and just like to kill people for no reason). But so far the 2 people who have came in and killed me were idiots with makarovs who missed about 20 shots before finally hitting me.

Has anyone else ran into people who just have no clue what they are doing?


These people know what they are doing... mainly because they aren't children. It's a dangerous idea to invite random people to the hospital for treatment, because most people don't care about your character. That's why you should find two guards with scoped rifles and make sure the patient has his gun holstered. If he pulls it out, have the snipers kill him.

This just isn't a safe game. You can trust a zed more than you can trust a human; sure, the zed will try to kill you, but at least he's not going to stab you in the back.

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Perhaps those other 'idiots' don't speak your language? I know I've been in-game with Italians, Russians and other non-English speaking individuals before. Maybe they didn't understand you, or possibly didn't read your post quickly enough to know your intentions.


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Perhaps those other 'idiots' don't speak your language? I know I've been in-game with Italians' date=' Russians and other non-English speaking individuals before. Maybe they didn't understand you, or possibly didn't read your post quickly enough to know your intentions.



Unless the OP had a gun out, any sensible person would not fire upon him.

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Well kids are morons today, thats a known fact.

Case closed :D

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Kirvin- I was in the same server when you were doing this. I, and others did not question your motive. Had I needed a transfusion I would have gone to you for it without doubts about your motives. But you know most bandits kill for sport. Also, big cities are where said bandits pick off survivors. Anyways - it was a really cool idea. If you remember me - I was the guy who offered you my makarov to shoot me so you could give me a transfusion (because I didn't need one at the time) lol.

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I am Miami_bat in-game, if your a survivor/newbie survivor remember this name dammit, I am no, and never will be... a bandit/killer.

I rather help. :angel:

So if you do kill me you are a bandit or are wanting to become a bandit, in that case your a scumbag lol.

BUT ALL IN ALL MIAMI_BAT IS NO BANDIT SO DONT KILL ME NEWBIE's, if you see someone at a distance use your cursor to see if he is a bandit, it helps alot so you know... but if you see my name you know I will help! :@

Even if I do get killed by survivors over and over, I would never stoop so low to kill my own kind, so kill away if you must I'm not the one that will be a scumbag in the end! :P

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Too many idiots indeed the life expectancy went down with 4 hours!

I just move away from the coasts and towns now.

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When you're scared, alone, need help and someone offers it, it's hard not to rush in that direction not knowing whether it's a friendly or a "friendly."

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To everybody above this line:


It's a game. Presuming to know everybody's knowledge or motives is impossible. Name calling and believing your gameplay to be 'better' is counter productive. And, of course, that is just my blowhard, holier-than-thou opinion of the whole thing.

Or is it?



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I've noticed the same. I've recently bumped into a lot of people who appear to be new (makarov and survivor skin), and shoot at anyone on sight. Trying to communicate with them through side channel or direct has no effect, they don't even try to respond. They just want to shoot you. Typing "Don't shoot, I'm not going to kill you!" or anything like that seems to have no effect.

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you're taking the hard road Kirvin, you gotta know that. there are plenty who would watch your back if they knew what you were doing.

a lot of these idiots, well, they're just ignorant about what goes on. ignorance is a better than stupidity, stupid means you aren't even capable of learning what to do :p

there are so many reasons you are getting shot:

-if you came here to shoot zombies in an excellent simulation game, then you've probably only done pve before. if your main interaction with the world is your gun, then sooner or later newbies will try interacting with you. it's like ppl clicking on popups, they do it just cause you're there.

-or, they didn't go through boot camp, so they haven't yet gotten to shoot an avatar trying to help them.

-another reason would be that they have no connection with the world/game cause they *are* new, and it doesn't yet matter to them what they do. if they stay, they may change their behavior.

-or they're just jerks as well as idiots.

-they're anarchists experimenting with their philosophy in a realistic combat-survival arena, and they want to assess the social/political impact of denying vital medicines, as well as what impact that has on the society, and find the limits of their own conscience-- and whether morality is inherent or learned.

i've gotten the two most 'educated' ppl i know in real life to try multiplayers-- people that were interested in the mechanics of gaming and physical simulation-- and they don't understand that the other avatars are powered by real people until you explain it to them, even though you have clearly told them many times what multiplayer means.

i think it's awesome that you're trying, though, i would readily play a support role as part of the mod.

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Yeah man it's harsh. You'll meet all kinds of assholes and the fact that consequences do not exist make it WORSE! Oh there's the bandit system but that's not enough, it'll only stop a percentage of people from killing random people, but there's those who don't care anyway, so they just shoot and grief, an asshole way of playing the game, not caring for the struggle others put to get where they at and so on, but expect that in a game like this. Character doesn't exist most of the times.

You just gotta start living with it, what I do is, I be a bandit hunter. Whenever I see a bandit I smack him hard. Unless I read his chats around saying he's friendly and only wears the skin because he had to defend himself, I might overlook but otherwise, stick to the idea of punishing those bandits. Bet they get mad. They have to feel just like you feel when you get killed by a random guy, especially since bandits might usually have a lot of loot.

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Oh there's the bandit system but that's not enough... Whenever I see a bandit I smack him hard... Bet they get mad...

Congratulations. You play just like they do. (Don't be insulted. That's not a bad thing!)

As it is, the bandit system is totally terrible for both sides. Survivors can't trust anyone, not with a survivor skin because they could change, and not with a bandit skin because they could be lying about defending themselves, or they could really, really play as a not-so-nice influence.

As it is, the bandit system isn't, and isn't meant to be, a punishment for playing that way. You probably won't see a punishment for playing this way either, because it's totally legal and allowed in the game. (And even if all of the survivors stood up and called for it, it's entirely unlikely to change, because it would lose a large chunk of the player base who like it.)

As for your gameplay, you're passionate, and you like the way YOU play. That's pretty much the same for those others who like to play THEIR way. It certainly doesn't make them any more an asshole than you (again, not an insult - an equalization) when you choose to shoot a defender if you don't trust him. If he was telling the truth, what does that make you?

Right. Now, you're getting it.



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So you let your guard down, people kill you, you call them idiots?

Am I missing something?

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"Don't shoot! All I have is a flashlight and medical supplies that I will give away freely!"

*gets shot*

I know that feel dude. I'm in no way a threat except for maybe blinding them, trying to play the role of a field medic, willing to lay down his life for others, and boy, do I ever do that a lot.

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"Don't shoot! All I have is a flashlight and medical supplies that I will give away freely!"

I commend you, but in no way should you ever feel safe. Nobody knows what's in your pack, unless they command you down on the ground and search you. (It would, of course, be NICE if they did!)

As was mentioned above, if I saw this happen (and now, I'm going to watch out for it) I would approach cautiously, but be very, very aware of anyone else ready to snipe me. Hell, if I heard you were advertising free health care, *I* might even take up a position on the treeline and shoot people who came near you...

Imagine the rep YOU would get then!

You: "But, but, but!!! I was just giving out health care!!!"

Others: "Sure you were, you were obviously a DECOY! Planted there to draw us in!!!"

I, for one, welcome our twisted planning overlords. Oh wait, that's me. (Feel free to use the above to your advantage.)



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Oh there's the bandit system but that's not enough... Whenever I see a bandit I smack him hard... Bet they get mad...

Congratulations. You play just like they do. (Don't be insulted. That's not a bad thing!)

As it is' date=' the bandit system is totally terrible for both sides. Survivors can't trust anyone, not with a survivor skin because they could change, and not with a bandit skin because they could be lying about defending themselves, or they could really, really play as a not-so-nice influence.

As it is, the bandit system isn't, and isn't meant to be, a punishment for playing that way. You probably won't see a punishment for playing this way either, because it's totally legal and allowed in the game. (And even if all of the survivors stood up and called for it, it's entirely unlikely to change, because it would lose a large chunk of the player base who like it.)

As for your gameplay, you're passionate, and you like the way YOU play. That's pretty much the same for those others who like to play THEIR way. It certainly doesn't make them any more an asshole than you (again, not an insult - an equalization) when you choose to shoot a defender if you don't trust him. If he was telling the truth, what does that make you?

Right. Now, you're getting it.




Killing random people =/= killing the killers

It's not the same thing mate. It's like saying the police is as bad as those mass murderers for killing them when needed. You cannot arrest in this mod, the only thing you can do is simply kill them. I see it as a way of policing, sheriff style. Kill a bandit, save a guy who probably spent countless hours to be where he at.

I might try being a bandit once as a way of gameplay.

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It's all good. Personally, I like the ability to not know who you're dealing with. I also prefer to play as an RP'er, and won't always choose to 'shoot first and ask questions later'.

The skins, in my opinion, are the worst possible way of playing the game. They label a player, and you can't be certain why they are painted that way. I've talked to a couple of buddies that play, and they've both 'gone bandit' when they went bandit hunting, and now they wonder why they are being shot on sight.

As such, 'random people' are not necessarily random, and especially when they're skinned without their knowledge.


(Damn, I'm a broken record!)


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well killing bandits gets you a "Bandit kill" :P only shooting civies will grant you less humanity - bandit. Imo the skin system is good, don't forget that there's always Bob and Mike who'll just play to grief, shoot everyone in sight, it wouldn't be fun if they wouldn't be labeled, they could go on forever, that way you have a way of knowing that guy's intentions. It's just fair that way imo, you kill a human you'd normally have that fear psychologically (What if i get caught? etc) well in a game you don't but being labeled you do got to fear getting killed :P

I always ask survivors if friendly and sometimes bandits depending on their names and chat readings tho :D liek i said ill soon try be a bandit <3

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Imo the skin system is good' date=' don't forget that there's always Bob and Mike who'll just play to grief, shoot everyone in sight, it wouldn't be fun if they wouldn't be labeled, they could go on forever, that way you have a way of knowing that guy's intentions.[/quote']

We both agree that griefers are not fun to play against.

Unfortunately, we'll have to disagree that the system is in any way fair. And, you DON'T have a way of knowing their intentions, as people who don't wear the bandit skin could shoot you just as easily, and then kill 100 zeds (for example) to return their humanity. It's the same with those in the Bandit skins.

And I don't believe you only lose humanity for shooting survivors and not bandits. I believe you lose it regardless of who you shoot, unless they shoot first. (This was discussed in a different thread, however I don't believe that they ever answered regarding the shooting first mechanic.)

If you have proof of this otherwise, I'd love to see it.


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Kirvin, even if you are successful in making other players friendly to you, what you will achieve is bandits using you as a decoy attracting easy targets. Eventually this will again result in your services being unpopular and/or your location becoming a known PvP playground and you'll end up being a doctor for the survivors in that PvP. :)

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I don't like team up with people for too long so i always end up with 2000 - 5000 blood and no one who wants to help me. This medic thing is a great idea!

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I think what Kirvin did was fantastic.

The idea that people will do that is a wonderful addition to the game.

However, I hope Kirvin has learned a lesson about the basic rule of this game,"Trust but verify".

The fact that there is somebody who will to lay their digital life on the line to serve others is worth his weight in gold and I would be very surprised if Kirvin has not been invited to several groups already.

My opinion on banditry and PK has "evolved".

The people who shot him were idiots, IMHO, because they missed and made so much noise. I would have thrown tin cans at him until he died ;D.

I don't have a bandit skin and I have only shot 1 player for "lulz" but I have been present and ready to kill on many raids so while I wear survivor's skin, I am in no way "friendly".

Griefers or scumbags, as many people have labelled them, are a part of the game and in turn so are the groups that specialize in hunting them on the coast while providing support and assistance to new players.

If everyone was a carebear the game would be boring even if the zombie count were raised to 5,000 just the same as it would be if everyone was a bandit.

I still have lapses of carebearism when it comes to outright deceiving people but I'm sure another week or so will wear off the remaining thin veneer of civilization and allow me to fully explore the limits of the unbelievable game.

I want to thank Rocket and everyone else that has helped me on this journey of digital self-discovery.

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"Don't shoot! All I have is a flashlight and medical supplies that I will give away freely!"

*gets shot*

I know that feel dude. I'm in no way a threat except for maybe blinding them' date=' trying to play the role of a field medic, willing to lay down his life for others, and boy, do I ever do that a lot.


It's not about you being a threat, it is about resources and eliminating the competition.

If I take your supplies and let you live, you could follow me and plot your kill.

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MasterCaution' pid='30134' dateline='1337265056']The people who shot him were idiots' date=' IMHO, because they missed and made so much noise. I would have thrown tin cans at him until he died ;D.[/quote']

Hey now, that was my idea. I'm implementing a royalty system when this is used in-game.



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