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Why does this game have so many idiots?

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Reposting because a mod wanted me to make it discussable.

So recently I have tried an experiment of working as a doctor in Cherno/Elektro. I empty my inventory of everything but bloodpacks and bandages, drop my weapon and pack, then stand in the church and advertise that I'm just here to transfusion people. (Trying to reach 10000 humanity).

I can understand bandits killing me (because they're assholes and just like to kill people for no reason). But so far the 2 people who have came in and killed me were idiots with makarovs who missed about 20 shots before finally hitting me.

Has anyone else ran into people who just have no clue what they are doing?

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Try to think of it realistically. In a real-life situation, do you think that every survivor would just run to you with grateful eyes and not question your motives?

In the game, you should know this by now, sometimes it is safer to put a bullet in a guys head. Survivors get shot in the face for a can of beans, and you carry around medical supplies in a city advertising that..

If to be more serious... I think the reason that is not working for you is that most people dont need supplies at the moment. And they don't want some survivor tagging along just for the blood transfusion some later point in game.. Why don't you just join a group of people and be a healer for them?

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Me and my buds were holding up somewhere really good as it is close to alot of useful things. Well we had intruders that I noticed due to random in base wanderlust. I had just finished off my last clip for my weapons about 15 minutes earlier So I am running around just sprinting enjoying the lightning speed and outrunning the last zombie in the area. Then when I find these guys I raise the alarm to everyone. I chased them around because for some reason the unarmed bandit was so terrifying. Then the one guy that was anywhere nearby got back as me and one of the intruders crawled under the fence when he was trying to run. Well the one im following gets mowed down by my friends AK 74 Kobra, then like the dumb idiotic nimrod he is, Unloads the rest of his clip into my unarmed face. Bad luck on my part maybe but at least it glitched and spawned me back where I had been 10 minutes ago with another alice pack with 12 raw steaks and some medical supplies.

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First of all, I think that advertising your location is always a way to ask for trouble. Secondly, anyone that would respond to you is most likely one of three kinds of people:

1. Somebody who is looking to murder you

2. Someone who is incredibly naive

3. Someone who is absolutely desperate

Since the odds of #2 finding you are pretty low, and the odds of a #3 being around and near you are also pretty low, the vast majority of people that I would guess you would meet would be of the #1 variety.

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Reposting because a mod wanted me to make it discussable.

So recently I have tried an experiment of working as a doctor in Cherno/Elektro. I empty my inventory of everything but bloodpacks and bandages' date=' drop my weapon and pack, then stand in the church and advertise that I'm just here to transfusion people. (Trying to reach 10000 humanity).

I can understand bandits killing me (because they're assholes and just like to kill people for no reason). But so far the 2 people who have came in and killed me were idiots with makarovs who missed about 20 shots before finally hitting me.

Has anyone else ran into people who just have no clue what they are doing?


This is a very ironic post.

Might I suggest a better method? Perhaps getting your hands on a powerful pistol and a high-powered sniper rifle. Then, pick a suitable location (such as the firestation in the Elektro Power Station. Fortify it so that if someone were to breach, they would easily be killed (bottle neck them).

Advertise that you are accepting patients in that location. Instruct anyone approaching to stop, get on their belly (prone with the Z key), and drop all their weapons (make sure to have them to do this on a flat, easy to see surface, such as the road). Tell them to stand up, if they have no weapons, allow them to approach.

If they do not comply, shoot them in the head with your trusty rifle.

Honestly, being stupid by leaving yourself completely unarmed will get you no where but in the belly of some Zed in a real zombie apocalypse, and sure as hell wont in a game on the internet.

Until the game gets more stable and has more "options", and can have actual 'permanent' settlements, I suggest you do NOT leave yourself unarmed. Never do that unless you have people to protect you.

Why not try creating a new DayZ group called the Medics of the Apocaylpse or something. You can set up a centralized location somewhere near a town with a hospital where you can store hospital gear in tents. Sent out patrols with two guards and one medic. Medic can be unarmed.

Maybe set up a few tents that you can fill up with medical supplies for anyone to grab (try to spread the word that you should only take what you need) throughout the map.

If you produce content for the game, you'll find that people will flock to you and support you. Provide your group with a TS server somehow (set up on someone elses or see if someone can volunteer to pay for it if you can't afford it). You may find donations in the form of weapons, medical supplies, or even vehicles, too.

Make lore for yourself. Think the Brotherhood from Fallout. Or that one Caravan company from Fallout New Vegas (completely forget the name). Something similar to that. You've got the world, and a bit of the tools(hopefully more to come), you just need to find the people and organize them.

You'll still get killed, your gear and vehicles will disappear or get stolen (probably after you die) and you still have the zombie hordes to deal with. But it would be fun.

And remember, you can't help anyone if you're dead just because of some ass hole with a gun.

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Yeh, I wouldn't advise the medic route. If you want to help people, stick to the coasts, help people being chased by zombies, or hunt the trolls spawn-killing.

Expect to die a lot, so don't bother salvaging much.

There is too much griefing to adopt a town sheriff/doctor persona. Either that or find a squad.

Bottom line, there are some real dicks. Adopt your playstyle so that their dicketry has a minimal effect on you.

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My line of thinking is like the wandering medics in Fallout. They wander around and heal people. Nobody fucks with them because they benefit everyone. But yeah people in this are dicks.

Also having some luck now. 2 bandits came in seperately and got transfusions. No firefights. Looking good.

If you're in cherno and need a transfusion I'm in chicago 1 blues. Please don't be a dick.

EDIT: Going to sleep now. Had some people on the server recognize me. I figure if I keep doing this across multiple servers for a week or two people will begin to recognize and trust me. Because of the fact that I don't plan on starting a group right away (maybe in the future) my strategy is to spawn near cherno or elektro, get bloodpacks from hospital, then set up in church behind pulpit. Hope this works better over time once people recognize me more.

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You've got balls I'll give you that, by advertising that you have medical supplies and your location you're just asking for trouble. I'm a loner bandit and I wouldn't shoot you(mainly because I need another person for a transfusion(I know, I'm cruel, but thats life)) but when dealing with groups I don't think you will be as lucky. If I were you I'd get some security by either creating or joining a squad/clan.

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Power to you, OP. I agree with Royalfork though, you should have some protection when doing such a thing. You could "Hire" bodyguards or whatever for your operation. I'm not entirely sure what you'd give the bodyguards as payment, but yeah!

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If he's offering to both give and administer blood packs, then he may be very popular with the solo bandits who can't do transfusions alone.

Best of luck building up some connections!

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"Why does this game have so many idiots?"

Basically, it's because the game is realistic. Why did MLK get assassinated? What about JFK? What about every other person throughout history that worked for the betterment of man? That's life. You need security. These "idiots" exist everywhere, except this game doesn't handicap them.

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Well honestly I feel that bodyguards are less secure because then you actually become a target. Being solo actually makes me feel more secure.

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Since your goal seems to be getting 10k humanity rather than actually helping people, perhaps you should join up with a core group and be their medic. I imagine this would be a very welcomed addition.

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Since your goal seems to be getting 10k humanity rather than actually helping people' date=' perhaps you should join up with a core group and be their medic. I imagine this would be a very welcomed addition.


That's more of a personal goal. I want to do it by helping everyone with my open clinic. 10000 humanity isn't the only reason I'm doing this.

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Well, If you don't want security or to have any armament on your self. I'd atleast advise that you tell people to come to a 'false' location that you can watch from a distance so you can judge if they intend on shooting you. Then you can decide whether or not to invite the person to your 'real' location over direct chat.

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On the server I play on, there was a guy with the CEMA tag trying to get the chopper going for medevac purposes that got killed by a bandit. I felt bad for him, but at the same time, it was more his fault than anything. You need to address the obvious. If you continually get killed by "idiots" while trying the same thing and expecting different results, who is the actual idiot? Don't get me wrong, I commend what you're doing and wish it could be otherwise, but you need to address the reality of the situation and deal with it. Perhaps some screening process instead of announcing a static position, so you can wisely assess each situation as opposed to 100% acceptance of every "customer"? I wish you the best of luck :D

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Direct chat is broken. Pretty much every suggestion in this thread is of the mindset I definitely DON'T want. It causes most of the problems I have.

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@OP: I think you might be trying to "RP" in a mod that currently doesn't have a proper system, nor mercy for those who "just want to be friendly and help out others".

You might be as someone already mentioned, better off doing so in a group.

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@OP: I think you might be trying to "RP" in a mod that currently doesn't have a proper system' date=' nor mercy for those who "just want to be friendly and help out others".

You might be as someone already mentioned, better off doing so in a group.


Well once I am well known among most players by doing this for a few weeks there will be a system.

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play a medic but have a buddy watching over just in case. get somebody to camp the front door of the church with that remington and BOOM!. problem solved.

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good work this man!

hopefully once you help enough people out the community will start watching your back and punishing anyone who kills you - people wont think of you as an easy target if they know theyll have all the local bandits on their ass if you die!

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Is Kirvin your IGN? If not, let us know what it is, I'll help look out for ya, or at least not shoot you, if I ever see you around.

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