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Vehicles less rare?

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If the vehicle limit on a server actually is 20, then that seems fair enough, considering the max number of players on a server.

But that 7-day respawn time seems a bit exaggerated (implying I understand when the respawns happen: vehicle gets smashed? any other reasons for respawn?)

Vehicles respawning is normally a non-issue because at any given time most of them aren't being used. Add on top of that spontaneous self-repairs and I'm not sure respawn frequency is the solution. Someone else's suggestion for almost constantly available crap vehicles is neat, though. A place where you can almost always find a bike, if you want to bother fixing it, and it only lasts for a day.

It's not the ambition of mobilehomeownership that most people have, unfortunately.

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Atleast put more push bikes out!

not really any more need for cars and buses and etc but atv's,bikes would be great cause i love this game the way it is, but dam i am sick to death of running everywhere.

Edited by Adrick
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Atleast put more push bikes out!

not really any more need for cars and buses and etc but atv's,bikes would be great cause i love this game the way it is, but dam i am sick to death of running everywhere.

yeah specifically maybe more bicycles, would be nice to travel town to town on them, hiding them outside town in bushes and whatnot, thats what I do and it works really well, you basically cut out the running with an enjoyable bike ride, although I do not think I could really go uphill at 25 k/h...

That way vehicles retain there rarity and high value, but people don't have to run everywhere.

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In the 70 hours + I've played the game I've found 1 bus

Not so much add vehicles around but more push bikes with a light on them. That be better.

I've not really found a vehicle. I've followed tones of maps with vehicles on them and not found a single one in any of them. I've even saved myself on the slot and joined different servers and looked around to see and not one.

Hard to find for me. I think more push bikes with lights on them. Also allow 2 seats in a bike.

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Hard to find for me. I think more push bikes with lights on them. Also allow 2 seats in a bike.

I honestly thought someone could get on the back of the bike on that rack, I know I have ridden many people behind me on my rack when I used to ride a bike with one.

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There should, in my opinion, be at least one or two off-road vehicles in a town (like the Hilux and UAZ), four or so civilian vehicles, one or two trucks/vans, and half a dozen bicycles. Maybe a smattering of motorbikes.

They could spawn with a random set of broken parts, or even just an empty gas tank (and finding gas is a chore in itself), and if they go unused for, say, 48 hours, then they disintegrate and respawn on the next server restart.

That said, overall I'd like to see Rocket go over his current spawn locations and rates and redo them completely, so that living in Chernarus isn't all about making your way to one or two of the Big Five Loot Spots: NWAF, Elektro, Cherno, Berezino, and Stary Sobor.

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There should, in my opinion, be at least one or two off-road vehicles in a town (like the Hilux and UAZ), four or so civilian vehicles, one or two trucks/vans, and half a dozen bicycles. Maybe a smattering of motorbikes.

How many total vehicles are you proposing? - not including bikes

Edited by RunningScared

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How many total vehicles are you proposing? - not including bikes

By my estimate, a lot. And that isn't such a bad thing, if most of them are in pretty bad condition. Repairing vehicles requires collecting parts, that's a very dedicated task for even a small group, since car parts take up so much space.

It'd also mean that industrial centers would be more dangerous, as people go there looking for parts.

With so many vehicles around, there wouldn't really be many safe places to leave your car, so getting in one and using it for transport, rather than setting up a camp, would be more prevalent.

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I see lots of cars everywhere, they are all destroyed beyond repair though, the few cars that are still fixable are rare, isn't that real enough?

Right because zombies demolished all the cars and their engines so that they are unrepairable.

Make vehicles less rare and at the same time make them need extra repairs to run. That way more players get a chance at fixing a car or a vehicle and using it. I have been playing for months now, yet to find 1 single vehicle.

Just make them a pain to repair and get working. but make them less rare. Right now its unrealistically, retardedly rare.

Edited by VISION305

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Ive played ~100 hrs now ... and i saw a bus .....

its just stupid ... on 99% of the servers all cars / vehicles are already taken away...

maybe a solution would be to have to build a "parking lot" in order to save a vehicle from respawning...

like .. you would have to build one . and only there u can save your vehicle and if you cant do it it will respawn as a damaged vehicle after 48 hours ..

the thing would be that it has to be a pain in the a** to build such a thing .. like you would need 20 wood + 20 metal parts + 3 tents+ a shovel + 5 tank barriers +20 empty cans (there for a reason)... that way the hording would have atleast a downfall i think ... still there would be players hording it .. but bandits really would have a punch .. because .. which survivor would carry empty cans with them the first time going into a city ...

. it would be a win/win i think .... more possible car spawns ... cars get even more valuable and bandits might have to enter a city themselves to find what they need

yes i know there still could be like a gang of 20+ bandits lurking around elektro and shooting anyone whos going out .. but against these large groups you cant have an impact ... just avoid clanservers .. there u always just get raped

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I agree. To be honest I think the current amount of spawns would be okay. However people server hop and farm them like they do with military loot and etc. Adding more may make some more legit players have an actual chance to get some.

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Right because zombies demolished all the cars and their engines so that they are unrepairable.

If you did not notice the military came in to control the outbreak, and they obviously were fighting with the civilians, not the zombies.

How do you think all the destroyed cars laying around got there?

You think the developers are assuming the zombies destroyed them?

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If you did not notice the military came in to control the outbreak, and they obviously were fighting with the civilians, not the zombies.

How do you think all the destroyed cars laying around got there?

You think the developers are assuming the zombies destroyed them?

That's a great story but where are all the tanks and weapons? Did the zombies eat those up?

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Nope. They are perfect the way they are. The game is about running around, vehicles make the map feel very small, and it makes everything very very easy.

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Why does every clan basically shit cars out of their ass? I saw a car - shot it up, there were 4 guys inside. I show with my as50. The car blew up somehow. About 10 minutes later 2 more cars arrived with 3-4 people in both. All from the same clan! They were chasing me around with a UAZ and a fucking SUV. Why can't i shit cars out of my ass? Everyone in a clan just shits cars when they are bored and clans have like 10 cars.

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That's a great story but where are all the tanks and weapons? Did the zombies eat those up?

Some military probobly survived? They survived and as they were leaving the country trying to get back home where they were needed (Infection spreading) They falled down with the best guns they had. OBV the guys with best guys survived until their pilot turned loco or they got hit by the mike tyson zombie

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I disagree there should be a challenge on getting a vehicle because they provide advantages over other players.

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There is the challange to fix the vehicles before you can use it, currently.

I think the map was created for vehicle use, it's just too big for running...

Since i have vehicles i don't even consider walking 100 meters anymore... ._.

But running 8 Kilometers? No thanks...

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That's a great story but where are all the tanks and weapons? Did the zombies eat those up?

What guns do you think survivors are running around with? Mom and Pop had military grade weapons?

I heard that Tanks can spawn in the game, not sure if its true. I think someone mentioned seeing a tank but didn't know if it was hackers or not.

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Vehicles are pretty much a non factor at the moment. Apparently they are reserved for clan members, server hosts and hackers. While the rest of us would like to atleast SEE ONE drive by once in a while.

Make them a factor. Maybe make the repair items a bit more rare and make vehicles a bit less rare. But right now they are a non factor. They dont exist.

Everyone that disagrees with me makes it sound like I want a ton of cars everywhere playing bumper cars with players or something. Just make them a bit more practical to find and repair. that is a msision in itself.

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I agree and they need to fix the off map hoarding too. I've been playing for a couple months and I've only ever found 2 bicycles and one bus whilst never seeing anyone else drive any vehicles on my home server :/

I disagree w/ this

if ur good enough u deserve to do whatever u want

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vehicles should be traceable in some way (maybe gps update every x hours), that would make it much harder to hide them and give some more motivation to search for them.

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vehicles should be traceable in some way (maybe gps update every x hours), that would make it much harder to hide them and give some more motivation to search for them.

That would be lame as shit.

Just an update as to the idea that vehicles should be less rare, in the past week me and my friends have been exploring a server that we call home. We have now raided numerous camps and our own hidden camp now contains a yellow Volkswagon hatchback, a Bus, a tractor, a V35 Military truck, 2 motorcycles and 2 bicycles.

This is about one week of exploration.

Vehicles do not need to be less rare, people need to be less lazy.

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