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[NwO] New World Order [Now Accepting new Survivors]

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New World Order

Background: The NWO was formed when reports of an unknown virus outbreak was reported in the large country of Chernaurus. The NWO is on the island to bring order to the island and put an end to this outbreak that has brought the dead to life and has made people become bandits. We are supported by the United Nations and are funded by the UN. We are the New World Order and we will make this the New World.

Mission: Our mission is to eliminate the Bandit threat throughout Chernaurus and clear our cities of these undead heathans. We will use everything to our advantage, we will think tactically and we will scavenge through whole towns looting everything in our path so that friendly survivors and fellow NWO delegates have goods and gear so they can help us complete our mission. We will eliminate bandits that roam the countryside and cities and bring order to the island. We will repair cars and helicopters so that we can move quicker to places as well as loot and find high-quality weapons such as M240's and M4A1's. We will not rest until all of NWO is running the island fully geared with weapons and vehicles.

Out of Character Info:

Out of Character Info

We have our own server "OHIO 2" will roll as a group with the tags [NwO]. If you are interested in the sound of this continue reading.


1. Must be mature, age does not matter but maturity does so please wear your big boy pants when playing with us. We do have fun so dont think we are fun nazi's.

2. Must have Teamspeak 3, we have a 512 slot Dedicated Teamspeak 3 server that we open to the public of DayZ and all members of NwO are required to have Teamspeak 3 installed.

3. Must respect other members of NwO.

4. Must register on our website!


Thank you for reading our description of the New World Order, we hope to have you as part of our organization. If you are interested in joining feel free to PM me, reply to this or join our Teamspeak 3 and speak to myself (DarkAngil). Remember to give this thread 5 stars and bump it so we can get strong members!

Join our DayZ server: US75 !

Join our DayZ server: US75 !



The New World Order Official Website

Teamspeak 3 Information

[align=center]Hostname: nwo.ts3dns.com

Hope to see you guys as part of NwO![/align]

Edited by Seaon09

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what timezones are you guys from mainly? i'd be interested..

Eastern but we have members from the UK as well so it mainly varies

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Chernarus isnt an island.

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Chernaurus is an island. Back when ArmA 2 came out the devs stated it was an island trust me i have been playing this game since release and the Armed Assault games since OFP and ArmA

I want to be Razor Ramon

So you would like to join i suppose ?

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Lmao' date='

That made me laugh so much, does this guy think he's kidding anyone when he thinks Chenaurus is an island?

Cracked me up, i needed a good laugh after my isolated days in Chernaurus


At first I contemplated it was an Island, im glad someone brought that up and corrected me :P

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Currently looking for an officer to help me organize this group if anyone wants to step up the plate reply

I want to be Razor Ramon

So you would like to join i suppose ?

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Squad XML's are now active, so if you join NwO, you will get yourself a customizable XML.

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I'll be sure to join up. Bandit scum annoy the tar out of me and I can't wait to pound them into the ground. Checking out your website now.

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I'll be sure to join up. Bandit scum annoy the tar out of me and I can't wait to pound them into the ground. Checking out your website now.

Sounds good Koopa, website is new but hop on our TS3 and I can brief you and give you the whole speel.

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I would love to join the crew!

Hey there Kds, if you would like to join sign up here: http://tnwo.enjin.com/

Also join our Teamspeak 3 so you can communicate with other friendlies in NwO.

Glad to have you part of the team!

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Sounds awesome' date=' Im signing up!


Welcome Sovetsky!

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We are going to be raiding military bases and devils castle when we get enough members so sign up!

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Glad to join, will finally be able to trust another player haha

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