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Thinking of starting a bank. Players would meet up with a bank employee and deposit something. In return for storing that item the player would pay the employee. Then the employee would log off and go to the bank server. There would be a central place where employees came and dropped off the item. High ranking employees would then take the item to the storage area where they would store the item until it is withdrawed. Only high ranking trusted employees would know the location of the storage area. The other employees would have to work their way up to be given the location. Also the bank would only take high value stuff, mainly guns and vehicles.

If anyone is interested reply and mayby we can do this.

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How could you do that with vehicles?I like the idea though

Vehicles would have to be traded on the home server. Also we could set up extra storage areas on different servers so we can run the bank on multiple servers allowing us to exchange more cars. All guns would still be brought to the main server for storage.

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I wish you luck on your endeavor.

A problem I see with this is bandits. Though if this gets big then I assume you'll have a military force protecting the bank(s).

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It is a nice idea but there are a lot of questions to this one.

A problem I see with this is bandits. Though if this gets big then I assume you'll have a military force protecting the bank(s).

Exactly, I'd imagine that you'd need an efficient security team to defend the location of this "bank" and any security leak as to the bank's location could result in a massive raiding party. Not to mention, on the subject of a security team, how would you manage that? I figure it would be pretty difficult to find players who would be willing to stand guard for hours at a time and even then you'd have to figure out an efficient supply system for food/water.

You mentioned paying your employees? Did you mean a consistent trade of food/water for services rendered?

Of course you also have the threat of bandits/survivors following the employee back to the bank location and even then any bandit can ruin your customer's (as well as your employee's) day by killing the employee for loot while they're in-transit.

Also, the organisational side of the concept would also be a bit of frustrating if you're using tents. You'd have to figure out how to keep track of each customer's belongings and minimise space for efficiency but also for good tactical sense in order to reduce the risk of the location being found out. Of course, that's if your using tents at all, I'm merely spitting out conjecture.

What would be your contingency if your bank's location was discovered by the local server populace?

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It is a nice idea but there are a lot of questions to this one.

A problem I see with this is bandits. Though if this gets big then I assume you'll have a military force protecting the bank(s).

Exactly' date=' I'd imagine that you'd need an efficient security team to defend the location of this "bank" and any security leak as to the bank's location could result in a massive raiding party. Not to mention, on the subject of a security team, how would you manage that? I figure it would be pretty difficult to find players who would be willing to stand guard for hours at a time and even then you'd have to figure out an efficient supply system for food/water.

You mentioned paying your employees? Did you mean a consistent trade of food/water for services rendered?

Of course you also have the threat of bandits/survivors following the employee back to the bank location and even then any bandit can ruin your customer's (as well as your employee's) day by killing the employee for loot while they're in-transit.

Also, the organisational side of the concept would also be a bit of frustrating if you're using tents. You'd have to figure out how to keep track of each customer's belongings and minimise space for efficiency but also for good tactical sense in order to reduce the risk of the location being found out. Of course, that's if your using tents at all, I'm merely spitting out conjecture.

What would be your contingency if your bank's location was discovered by the local server populace?


The security team would consist of about 4 trusted members. Guards get bored standing around so I would have 2 or 3 go loot surrounding areas. There would be 1 0r 2 guards who would stay and patrol. They would also be on a rotating schedule. The food and water would be provided in part by the customers and also by hunting. The storage place will be near a lake to refill canteens.

The employees would receive a cut of what the customer pays. They also have the advantage of trading with other employees.

we would deal with the bandits with the 2 step exchange process. If the bandits follow the employees to the drop off site they will meet armed men. It would be hard to for the bandits to follow the higher ranked employees from the drop off site to the storage site because the items will be transported by vehicles.

The tent system will be organized in some way for efficent use.

We will have multiple storage sites so if one is discovered then it wont matter that much. Also employees would know the location of only one storage site so if theres a traitor he doesnt get much.

Also thought of adding a new rule. If a customer drops something off and leaves it for a set amount of time then they have to either come pick it up or pay again to keep it in storage. If they dont do either of these the item then belongs to us.

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Oh this sounds like a great idea! Oh but one thing mates, lets say a clan of bandits hear about this and all 10 log on to this server at once. They then proceed to slaughter the guards and a shitstrom breaks out. Then how would you take back control? Even worse how would they pay? With what?

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