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[SOLVED] Screen Shaking [SOLVED]

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Ever since I first EVER time being attacked by zombies, my screen's been shaking a ridiculous amount, almost like I'm constantly in shock or something, I haven't taken pain pills or anything but I'm wondering about this cause it is persistent. Relogging doesn't change it or anything, neither does dying (but maybe I just don't notice), so being in first-person is nauseating. It's my understanding that Shock goes away after 5 minutes? Or is this different?

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Need to take the pain killers to get rid of the shake. If it still does it after you die then you have a different problem.

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The shaking is supposed to go away after 5 minutes is it not?

never heard of shaking going away without painkillers

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The shaking is supposed to go away after 5 minutes is it not?

never heard of shaking going away without painkillers

well' date=' as with my understanding, it starts after getting hit? [EDIT'] Oh... Nevermind, I had another look at the wiki, ad those are two different effects I was thinking of...

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