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Arma 2 may have some Sim elements to it, but it also has some serious flaws along with odd behaviours that don't fit the Sim aspect. Personally I think the Controls are mostly fine, but Inventory management, Player interaction with the environment, and even weapon switching are just oddly implemented and unrealistic.

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i do agree with you OP to some extent, ive been a follower of the franchise since the days of OFP:CWC, ive always been able to look past the flaws to see the gem thats buried in there, at the same time i recognize that its a pretty niche franchise and is by far NOT for everyone, and to be honest i think myself and most of the community (the old flashpoint and arma players) kind of like it that way, so it is a little distressing to see it receive so much press and selling the way it is over a single mod, the community thrives because its a small relatively tight knit mature community, and this sudden HUGE influx of players stands to jeopardize that, so im torn, on one hand i want to see the arma community thrive and expand, but on the other hand i want the dayz players to play it, get tired of it, and move along.

in the end dayz is a very good thing for the arma franchise and BIS, not such a great thing for the arma community, if that makes sense.

and as a side note, to those thinking that the engine for Arma 3 is going to be leaps and bounds better than the one were playing on now, boy do i have some news for you, it will have some upgrades, some tweaks and some new features but its still going to be the same engine prone to the same problems, its been like that forever. take it coming from someone thats been in this from the start, its not gonna be THAT big of a leap past what were playing now.

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Without Arma 2' date=' Day Z would not be incredibly vulnerable to hacking and be so generally clunky.

As a standalone game or perhaps an Arma 3 mod i'm sure it will be far better. But right now there's only so much the Day Z devs can do to improve the game while still an Arma 2 mod.


There might not be much DayZ devs can do, but BIS is stepping up and releasing fixes that benefit the mod.

If DayZ went standalone I'm willing to bet they'd use the Real Virtuality game engine. DayZ is already listed on the wikipedia page along side other stand alone retail "mods".


Depends. If the whole "players able to spawn shit as if the game is The Elder Scrolls with console commands" is tied to the actual engine then i'm sure Rocket isn't stupid enough to go with it if he makes a standalone Day Z.

Arma2 lets you run scripts because it tries to be a mod friendly game. They want people to do crazy things with the game engine. But, that freedom is a double edged sword when it comes to cheating.

I would expect a DayZ standalone to be a little more locked down.

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I know this might be terrible oftopic but seeing that we got some Arma vets here, what are the mods for Arma 2 that you would recommend most? I understand ACE is good one but must be many more that are worth trying.

btw I've basicaly forced my two buddies (working on 3rd one now) to buy Arma X and I've told them its not only for Day Z,but also for proper military MP that Arma 2 offers.

My own experience is only with finishing Operation Flashpoint.

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I've owned ArmA II since 2010 and frankly I really don't care that DayZ has stolen the spotlight. There's a reason it stole the spotlight. It did something new. It's also tapping a bigger market than the military simulator one. Why can't DayZ just have its cake and eat it too? Yes it is a mod for ArmA II; and yes ArmA II is a good game.

You can't really deny ArmA II is a bad game if you like DayZ because it is ArmA II still. Anyone who enjoys player-made content within a game but dislikes the game is not making any sense. Whoever says ArmA II is bad and enjoys DayZ is just being hypocritical. However if they dislike simulating military warfare that's their business and you have no authority over their opinion.

Well that's the thing' date=' the idea isn't new. There's tons of zombie mods available for ArmA 2, ArmA and OFP. I still to this day do not understand how DayZ got to popular so quickly.

I know this might be terrible oftopic but seeing that we got some Arma vets here, what are the mods for Arma 2 that you would recommend most? I understand ACE is good one but must be many more that are worth trying.

btw I've basicaly forced my two buddies (working on 3rd one now) to buy Arma X and I've told them its not only for Day Z,but also for proper military MP that Arma 2 offers.

My own experience is only with finishing Operation Flashpoint.

I'd suggest browsing http://www.armaholic.com Home to tons of addons for ArmA 2, ArmA and OFP. There's not much I can suggest myself. I haven't actually modded ArmA 2 for a long time.

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I know this might be terrible oftopic but seeing that we got some Arma vets here' date=' what are the mods for Arma 2 that you would recommend most? I understand ACE is good one but must be many more that are worth trying.

btw I've basicaly forced my two buddies (working on 3rd one now) to buy Arma X and I've told them its not only for Day Z,but also for proper military MP that Arma 2 offers.

My own experience is only with finishing Operation Flashpoint.


There are too many good mods to list.

I would suggest finding a community or two to play with and use the mod presets they use.

I play with Tactical Gamer myself and they run a set of mods on their Bravo server.


United Operations

Tactical Gamer

are just a few places to look for good games with good mods

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The ppl saying arma 2 is shit are the CoD kiddies. They cant handle the realism. Go play Cod in your matchbox maps, i heard it has zombies also.

If you think you can have 220km map with graphic candy like CoD, then you need to be shot.

I mean what the hell is the fun in playing a mind numbing game like CoD, point gun in general direction, spray bullets and then die, respawn, repeat. What a great game lol.

My friends and I play arma2 coop missions modded with ACE, mando missles and others, and can play all day on one mission.

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I think that what's happening is people are getting irritated at the Arma 2's engine - which to be honest is understandable as it is quite poorly optimized - and instead of thinking 'bout it, they just come to a conclusion that it must be that the game itself is shite.

I actually do like regular Arma 2 as well as DayZ - heli flying for the win :)

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Eh people have their own opinions, id love to see someone saying Arma 2 sucks, survive 5 minutes in it, and vice versa. DayZ is an amazing mod and arma is an amazing game. Case closed.

ill drop this here too

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TBH ARMA 2 is currently the only engine viable for DayZ. Unfortunately, it still has many problems, the usability and inventory system is shit. It tries to be close to realism about combat but on the other hand utterly fails at things like collision detection and basic physics.

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