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Player Hacking on US 352

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There is a player hacking on 352. Guy has some kind of cheat that allows him to see everyone on the map. Killed an entire guild at Stary Sobor about 10 minutes ago (it's currently 7:38PM Eastern). I watched this guy run up to me between 3 bushes while prone and not having moved for a while. He knew exactly where I was.

Unknown exactly who he was. I just noticed his gray beard. Attempted to find out how to contact the admin as he was around.

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I killed an entire guild because you guys are not very good. I am not cheating.

The guy that ran up to you wasn't me, but I know exactly what happened.

Me and two others were traveling through the woods when they saw you. We started talking and trying to figure out if we were looking at one of us or if it was a bad guy. When we found out it was a bad guy we shot him.

Just because you die does not mean we are hacking.

Edit: Also when I flanked two members of your clan and shot them they quit the game so I couldn't loot their bodies.

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There was no hacking, you guys just did not defend yourselves too well.

End of story.


We do like the car though!

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First off, I didn't single-handedly kill your entire guild. I killed you and only you. My friend, Muffin, was to blame for the rest of your clans deaths.

Second, we weren't hacking. I found you entirely by accident. Me and my friend were standing there asking each other if the person in the bush was one of us. The realization that it wasn't came at the same time you made a pretty sudden move. In sheer terror, I unloaded my entire clip of M1911 into you. Directly after I heard the blast of a sniper and my friend dropped dead, so I bolted the hell out of there. (Keep in mind I didn't even abort, let alone hack anything).

Now with me running for my life and my friend, classy, dead, Muffin was left alone just outside Starry. It was after he killed one or two of you that I came back to loot a few of your corpses, just in time to hear the honking of a car. We stalked our way through the bushes until we spotted it, watched it a bit and then Muffin fired a few DMR shots as it tried to drive away. He managed to kill the driver, and we quickly ran over to it, got in, and drove into the sunset.

An epic tale yes, but not one of hacking.

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Hi Lads,

I've looked into the incident and I haven't found any evidence of hacking.

Again if you're having issues on any of the DJ Servers please jump into Teamspeak or email support and we can look into the incident. Posting on these forums isn't the quickest way of getting help.



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Thanks, DJSean. And might I say you have a very nice server, we plan on making it our DayZ home.

However I am a bit sad I haven't seen any of this guys "clan" on since. Unfortunate as they would make decent adversaries. Ah well.

Until next time,


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