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Patient Zero

The best, and worst of luck in 2 minutes

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Things were going ok. For me anyway.

It was new character since yesterday. I had an AK74 and 3 clips. A revolver, couple of blood bags, a few morphine and a couple of wayer bottles and a load of cooked meat. Not bad for me tbh.

I came across a helicopter crash site. Somewhere north west of Msta of all places. I was heading towards a deer stand. The crash site was very close to the tree line and near the road. I expected that anything of value would be long gone. Wrong !

Bizon SD , FN Fal, L8582 and a box of Ammo with x10 of each SVD , DMR and another ammo I can't recal. There may have been other things there as well but that's what I saw in the time I had.

I never realised these crash sites had all this stuff at once. I always thought they had 1 maybe 2 guns max.

Anyway, while I was checking the loot and deciding what to take in exchange for my AK74 I suddenly hear very loud fire sound effect. Like the sound of a camp fire but many times louder. It was coming from the chopper but there was no fire animation just the sound.

This put me off guard for a moment and hadn't realised that the sound that had started all of a sudden had got the attention of the military Zeds that were around. There were about 8 of them that were near enough to go into alert mode.

I was still in the inventory menu and by the time I realised they were running in for the attack it was too late. SLAP ! unconscious and watching a timer as I went from 11+ k blood down to feck all as they chomped on my screaming corpse :(

Lesson ? Yes I may be adapt at creeping past a bunch of Zeds to get to a crash site without alerting them or expending ammo but I should have taken them out before I started shopping. My own bloody fault. The biggest stash of goodies I have ever found and it was the death of me.

Moral ? Don't get blinded by the loot. Pay attention to the real business, which is keeping yourself alive.

Next time I will know how to handle it. And tbh I would never of had a problem but I didn't expect that sound effect to just kick in like that.

Still, even though I died I got to see a crash site and see first hand what one can offer. Looking forward to next one now.

Just thought I would share my 5 minutes of Good, and bad luck.

You lives and you learns ;)

Server was US348 if you want to look for the wreck. My corpse has some nice stuff too lol.

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Actually, I dont think it was the sound effect that aggroed em.

I've encountered it the same way you have, but never had any issues even though zombs have passed right by me and it.

It has even suddenly kicked in like that for me as well and still nothing.

Don't think zombs have any reaction to it.

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Actually' date=' I dont think it was the sound effect that aggroed em.

I've encountered it the same way you have, but never had any issues even though zombs have passed right by me and it.

It has even suddenly kicked in like that for me as well and still nothing.

Don't think zombs have any reaction to it.


You could be right, but I got past them all and was checking the loot. Then the sound effect kicked in and at least 6, more like 8 charged in.

Of course it is possible that I agroed a zed or 2 some how. But never had a whole bunch run at me before like that.

A whole area just went into alert mode. If I had made a noise or became too visible I would have expected maybe 1 or 2 to have come after me.

But anyway, whatever the reason it is probably best that next time I take them out first. Or at the very least lead them away and loose them somewhere.

thx for confirming about the sound effect just kicking in though like that. Thought it was a one off thing, I will know to expect it now.

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