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Starter Weapon

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I so dislike not having a starter weapon of any kind. The in-game guy can’t even punch zombies for god sake. One zombie sees you and its all ****ing over. There are guys with like 20 or 30 deaths to there name. At least give us a crowbar or something to fight back a little. If you have a melee weapon your almost bound to get hit. With the zombies x-ray / telescopic vision, magic glitch powers , and katana punches that always slice you open. Two fights and you could be a dead man. However, at least you would get to fight back before you died.

Right now noobs are using the zombies as a weapons. I watched a guy from the top of a building lead a pack of 15 to 23 zombies strong down the road. He was passing other survivors and the zombies would break off him eat the other guy. Then he waited until the zombies left to go and loot. After I killed him and reflected on what just happened over some beans and soda. I thought that it might be nice to give the starters something to help them loot at least.

Otherwise the dayz mod is a walking simulator with zombies for like 3 hours until you get a gun.. or at least a crowbar.

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with time and practice you learn to not agro everything in sight. the problem is the new lifers around these days just don't give a crap and would rather grief rather than play the game.

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No I’m not new. Just haven’t played in forever. I remembered that we use to get a gun and thought that was a little extreme for a starting weapon. But I dead a while ago and lost all my stuff as it often goes in dayz. I got most of my stuff back food, soda, bike, tent, ak but was really sad to see how people start now. The game is retarded hard on starters nowadays. Its like the great starter hut. They can’t even fight back. 1 bullet for 1 bandage and 1 painkiller. I see guys get spotted and they just kill there player off and start over. So its like 1 hour of loading screens followed by 3 hours of pray you don’t get spotted by the zombie satellite they have.

Not to get off subject but I was crouched / walking / slowly / inside a house / and the zombie noticed me though a wall. While I had stopped moving to look though a bag. He noticed me. That is bull. 0 eye 0 sound and he spotted me like I was the blasting a radio off in there or something.

If I had just the ability to punch I would feel better but you can’t fight back. If they bs see you then that’s it for you. Something should be done. The mod is just no fun if all you can do for the first few hours is be a zombies b****. Until god smiles on you with weapons and lube for you butt.

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(Falls to knees, looks up to the sky, arms stretched out)


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I like the idea of not spawning with a weapon, multiple times I've had people approach me with or without a gun in my own hands and ask for help or if I want to tag along. The trust that builds due to lack of a firearm is very interesting.

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"The trust that builds due to lack of a firearm is very interesting."

That is an interesting point of view.

Does it build trust? People teamed up before our new lack of weapons. It just now you don’t need to worry about a starter shooting you in the back for your stuff. So people appear to want to team up a little more. But is it trust, necessity, or just a lack of opportunity to kill?

A friend with a car, me, and two starters came up with a fun way to clear a town. So they could look around without all the restarts / rape. They run though town collecting the zombies and then start running down the road. We drive up behind them and run over the zombies then loot. We cleared like 4 towns doing this over and over.

Seriously it was a good time. until we ran them over too... trust no one!!

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There are guys with like 20 or 30 deaths to there name.

Thats all? They learned fast then.

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What was the worst number of deaths you’ve seen? I just guessed they logged off to die some more another day.

And yes the zombie apocalyps is comming along nicely.

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I only just started a few days ago, so I never started with a weapon, so my opinion might not matter as much, but I'm glad we don't start with a weapon.

The game is intense right now. Starting with a gun, imo, would cheapen it all. I would probably feel a bit less excited about finding weapons.

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Same here a gun was to much for a starter and yes it is intense but let us punch stuff for god sake. Just a punch that’s like 1 / 3 what a axe does would make my day. It wouldn’t help fighting a horde but one stray zombie wouldn’t mean death.

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