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Learned my lesson

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So today i went up north with my comrade. I only had a double barreled shottie and a makarov mag (pro inventory i know :D)

We were heading up north, to some other guy who had lots of spare supplies.. we ran and ran and ran.. i glitched some way back but he continued, since he found a heli crash site.

On my way again looking to find my friend, i see a deer stand. I zoom in and see some walkers close to it. I got closer and went prone.

Then on the edge of the screen i see someone moving around, who also had spotted the deer stand. I see another guy. Shit 2 guys who wants the same as me.

I aim keep an eye on them. Then one of them spots me. We just stare at eachother.

What the fuck should i do??!

I panic a little, and then bam, i'm dead.

A couple of secs later my friend tells me he found to FAL's in the heli crash site, and i tell him i got shot..

He approaches the attackers and boom one down. Boom 2 down.

My friend is a badass :D

But i've learn't that you need to handle fast in those situations. I just completely froze and did not know what to do.. i had 3 shots in my shottie but i also knew that my enemy was too far away. Sorry for the long post and sorry for my bad english, it's not my motherlanguage.

Take care out there. Peace

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Yeah, most people have a KoS policy (kill on sight) basically KILL EVERYTHING THAT MOVES.

I learned this last night, came into a room, saw a guy with an AK staring at the door, didn't kill him. He saw me, I got shot in the side a couple times. Lets say the sand on the beach is nice.

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Yeah' date=' most people have a KoS policy (kill on sight) basically KILL EVERYTHING THAT MOVES.

I learned this last night, came into a room, saw a guy with an AK staring at the door, didn't kill him. He saw me, I got shot in the side a couple times. Lets say the sand on the beach is nice.


Yeh, and this causes normally friendly people to turn to KoS to, which sucks :(

Your best bet is to play with some friends and shoot anyone who you dont know, altough it sucks that I have to give this advice.

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Yes, you can't trust anyone. They're all infected. It makes them homicidal, then they become almost mindless.

You're all infected. But you won't get me.

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Aiming at them didn't help to start good relations, I guess.

There is no failsafe way to handle those encounters. Maybe next time break contact, sprint to cover.

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To be fair, you're kinda SOL if you have a long-range encounter and are equipped only with a shotty.

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one thing is that in the game your fire arm is always in ready position. So when your looking at another player that other player sees someone aiming a gun at them and vice a versa...very tense. People shoot. I carry a hatchet as primary. Ive never been shot or even seen another player. Maybe its just chance or maybe they know im no threat to them unless the walk right up to me....maybe.

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