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The more I play this game the more I'm loving it got a strong group of buds that play with around 6 of us. Last night I came upon a sniper ghillie suit and all camping out in a Deer Stand I was prone behind a boulder he came down and was crawling toward me when I pulled out the python and ripped two into him and killed him went to loot the body the sumbitch respawn and died again keeping me from looting, this happen again later that night with a gun fight with two geared out peeps in a car and the 6 of use he tried to run us over because we all had our pistols out making it look like we were under geared he rolled into hanger and we popped out the assault rifles and ripped that dude apart killed him we saw he had a rare gun went to loot when his buddy freaked out and ran in throwing grenades and everything he could we returned fire he logged out and his buddy respawn died keeping us from looting. I know it's part of the game atm but damn it's annoying. I can say one thing about this game all that crap that happen last night has never made me feel like i've gain or lost something in a game. I mean when you hear a car rolling up you all duck down and start vent chatting like wtf is he at let's flank em etc.. I love it at first I was pissed about the killing but once you get the hang of how game works and don't trust a anyone unless they let you know they are passing through in text we don't alloy them to get close enough to speak in game voice chat. Hopefully there's a way to fix the respawn death that makes their old corpse from disappearing so we can at least enjoy some of the loot.


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So, what you are saying is: if you die, respawn, then die again, your initial corpse cannot be looted?

Good to know. Feels like an exploit, but I guess it does prevent people from dying near the coast and then repeatedly re-spawning until they are close to their own corpse.

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Yeah seems like all the peeps that you run across that have been playing since the mod came out are doing it. So when you see people with the best gear in game good luck trying to loot their corpse you'll never get it because of bitches like the two that replied prior to your post. Kinda sucks but just another exploit you have to deal with until it's fixed.

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