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Hey guys first time on the forum and been playing Dayz for a while and well i feel that the game needs to be more balanced so i will post a list of what i would like to see in Dayz for future updates please note this i my personal list and may not be liked by everyone. Please let me know what u guys think about it and also what u would like to see in Dayz as far as balancing goes.

First off i think the zombies need to move like Walking Dead a little faster than walking( probably would be good for Arma 3 with the new movement speeds) and they should come at u in a straight line not zigzaging like they do, by doing this the number of zombies needs to be increased for balancing and also only headshot kill them, bodyshots slow them down and legshots make them crawl.

Start off with an axe, i agree that starting without a weapon is realistic but this is a game and supposed to be fun not frustrating and youre supposed to have a fighting chance, in real life in that situation u can fight without a weapon but since there is no hand to hand combat at leased an axe, also start with at leased an empty watter botte and if u come across a lake for example u should be able to drink from it regardless if u have a watterbotte or not.

The breaking of the leg bone needs to be eliminated( i broke a bone because of a zombie that ran into a barn through a wall and couldnt find a morphine injector and had to crawl for hours till i gave up and speaking of walking through walls, climbing ladders, opening doors this needs to be fixed.Zombies in the movies maybe able to open doors but climbing ladders seems abit much.

One thing to help eliminate player killing is to make it harder for the murderers in the way that say u kill a survivor then zombies can sense u from a further distance, just a bit, call it youre "thirst for blood" and this distance increases with each player u kill maybe also the food and watter depletes faster.

It would be nice to have to simple side missions like the mod Chernarus Apocalyse and some simple story elements not just spawninig near the ocean.

This is what i got so far hoping to see what u guys think of what the perfect zombie survival apocalypse game should be.


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no to nearly all of them :-)

you make the story by how you play, not by doing quests

breaking bones is a good mechanic, the reason for removal you state is a bug not related to it at all

zombies that can only move at walking speed completely destroys any sense of fear that zombies can bring as you could instantly lose them with no risk at all. adding more zombies to counter this does not alter the 1st fact it just means you may have to turn a little(oh no)

starting with a melee weapon is about the only thing.however starting with no weapon teaches you stealth. you cant give new players something worth taking so no to a water bottle. i dont have an opinion on drinking from water sources as i have no idea how many there are

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Hey guys first time on the forum and been playing Dayz for a while and well i feel that the game needs to be more balanced so i will post a list of what i would like to see in Dayz for future updates please note this i my personal list and may not be liked by everyone. Please let me know what u guys think about it and also what u would like to see in Dayz as far as balancing goes.

Oh no' date=' not one of these again...[/color']

First off i think the zombies need to move like Walking Dead a little faster than walking( probably would be good for Arma 3 with the new movement speeds) and they should come at u in a straight line not zigzaging like they do' date=' by doing this the number of zombies needs to be increased for balancing and also only headshot kill them, bodyshots slow them down and legshots make them crawl.[/quote']

Well, the zombies are "infected" but this is debatable... so let's just say Rocket doesn't want his zombies to be like any other zombies although I do slightly agree, I don't think zombies should be as fast as they are... Zombies at a fair distance away that detect you, if you sprint they gain on you quickly and are around 1m away at all times from then on unless you go in a building, I think zombies should be the same speed as player run meaning that most vehicles could get away even though they'd attract a lot more... whilst players sprinting could get away slowly and those that run would keep the distance they have... I also would like to see the implementation of a stamina bar which means every encounter doesn't end with you just sprinting away then slowly crouch walking back in to a town. Also the zig zagging is a pathing issue, that's why sometimes zombies run away for 3/4m before actually coming at you... I think these will all be fixed in time (Maybe in ArmA 3 like you said).

I also agree with the headshots, I saw a thread on "double tapping" meaning that the zombies would go into an unconscious state if you hit them with enough bullets but only a headshot could finish them off... I like this as it sticks to the lore of zombies.

Start off with an axe' date=' i agree that starting without a weapon is realistic but this is a game and supposed to be fun not frustrating and youre supposed to have a fighting chance, in real life in that situation u can fight without a weapon but since there is no hand to hand combat at leased an axe, also start with at leased an empty watter botte and if u come across a lake for example u should be able to drink from it regardless if u have a watterbotte or not.[/quote']

Please no. I started again yesterday... I decided to challenge myself and dropped my flashlight, bandage, painkillers and Coyote Patrol Pack... 10 minutes later I had A Czech Backpack, Hatchet/Revolver combo with a shit tonne of medical supplies for my friends when I got up north and enough food to get me there along with finding a hunting knife and matches half way through my journey. Although I would like to be able to drink directly from water sources, I don't see a problem with that.

The breaking of the leg bone needs to be eliminated( i broke a bone because of a zombie that ran into a barn through a wall and couldnt find a morphine injector and had to crawl for hours till i gave up and speaking of walking through walls' date=' climbing ladders, opening doors this needs to be fixed.Zombies in the movies maybe able to open doors but climbing ladders seems abit much.[/quote']

I disagree, the leg breaking does happen too common though but there's a planned fix for that in 1.7.2 so I wouldn't worry too much... and obviously the through walls should be removed because it's an obvious error but I like the climbing ladders and opening doors. Rocket doesn't want you to feel safe especially without any real input, so just climbing a ladder isn't getting you away from danger.

One thing to help eliminate player killing is to make it harder for the murderers in the way that say u kill a survivor then zombies can sense u from a further distance' date=' just a bit, call it youre "thirst for blood" and this distance increases with each player u kill maybe also the food and watter depletes faster.[/quote']

Why would we want to eliminate player killing? I'm mostly friendly, especially when I don't really have decent equipment I'll run towards gunfire to see if I can help out and gain a potential buddy so just no on this, namely because it punishes bandits for being themselves.

It would be nice to have to simple side missions like the mod Chernarus Apocalyse and some simple story elements not just spawninig near the ocean.

This is what i got so far hoping to see what u guys think of what the perfect zombie survival apocalypse game should be.


You make your own missions' date=' like my goal to find a vehicle on my home server... or to find a tent city with my newly acquired M67 Frag, steal as much as possible and leave the place in remnants of it's former self.[/color']

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I disagree with essentially everything you wrote but agree with everything FishIsTwonk responded with. Thanks for the effort though. Dont be afraid to offer suggestions even if people don't agree with them.

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I was expecting not all would like my sugestions since everyone wants different things from zombie games, as Rocket said in an interview that it take a while to test every idea to know if it's working or not in the game.

"Why would we want to eliminate player killing? I'm mostly friendly, especially when I don't really have decent equipment I'll run towards gunfire to see if I can help out and gain a potential buddy so just no on this, namely because it punishes bandits for being themselves."

Rocket said that in an interview he wants to decrease that cuz the fact is that alot of ppl playerkill especially since the resources are limited every person i met that had a weapon shot me on sight so maybe i was unlucky or maybe he's right and whats stopping u from killing someone for their loot absolutely nothing.

"zombies that can only move at walking speed completely destroys any sense of fear that zombies can bring as you could instantly lose them with no risk at all. adding more zombies to counter this does not alter the 1st fact it just means you may have to turn a little(oh no)"

I didnt say at walking speed i said a little faster than walking speed and a stamina bar would be great with this and the reason in The Walking Dead they dont run is because there are thousands of them and the survivors would die imediatly if they were fast, the way they move now is just silly and unnatural.

"I disagree with essentially everything you wrote but agree with everything FishIsTwonk responded with"

It funny cuz he agrees with half of what i wrote.

"starting with a melee weapon is about the only thing.however starting with no weapon teaches you stealth"

I understand this i just played it and found an axe, camo, knife, ammo no firearm however but i survived so far. Personally im a huge fan of stealth however if youre caught youre pretty much dead but if u were to have an axe u can choose should i go stealth or should of chop their heads off and if they see u then u can fight back.

"I disagree, the leg breaking does happen too common though but there's a planned fix for that in 1.7.2 so I wouldn't worry too much"

Im glad that they are going to fix this .

Thanks for the comments guys regardless if u agree or dont.


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Give Zombies guns, too before they start complaining about the game beeing unfair to them...

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Give Zombies guns' date=' too before they start complaining about the game beeing unfair to them...


Oh god. This game just got much harder :D

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I only partially agree with the mickeal. These zombies are absolutely ridiculous, running around like kenyans in serpentine patterns. If they were slowed down, then I wouldn't mind if there were twice as many zombies. However, I disagree with starting off with a weapon because I rather liked the idea of being defenseless at first and having to arm yourself. Player killing is an iffy topic because once that whole "call of duty" audience got ahold of DayZ, the Murder count became a Scoreboard for them and almost all traces of co-operation between survivors vanished.

But one thing's for sure and that's "slower zombies". I'm not saying reduce them to a crawl but anything is better than the Olympians they are now.

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I don't like the fact I can't use a hunting knife as a weapon or even as something to HUNT with. I mean come on it's a knife!

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The only idea i liked was the cripple effect , everything else removes realism, and thats what the mod is looking to do, not balance the gameplay so its more "playable"

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