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anzu (DayZ)

Multiple Cheaters Banned - US153 DayZ Banlist

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I run US153 and today we had two confirmed cheaters. First, we had a guy spawn a AH64 and trying flying over Cherno. Luckily, we had switched tags on recently specifically to catch hackers, and I was able to see his name and ban him before anything bad happened. Second, right as I was about to sign off for the night, we had a guy come on, slayed several others and I (I believe everyone in the server but I'm not sure, as I was kicked from game immediately after being killed and server was locked/passworded). I had RCON open on another screen and could see this guy spamming ads for his cheats on chat in-game. Saw his name, banned immediately.

Just wanted to report the info for anyone whos interested.

Incident #1:

Cheater spawned AH64

Date: 07-08-2012

Time: between 2am and 5am EST, cant remember for sure

Name: "Garner"

GUID: bbd2482d42f9a19341f8eb8ebdb3007e


PlayerID: 32084230

Evidence: See video. Logs available upon request. Also, at least 3 witnesses, including myself.


Incident #2:

Cheater slayed players, spammed ads

Date: 07-08-2012

Time: around 7:20am EST

Name: "Gunner Cheats"

GUID: bd9dd72ea4d62abcc42cf9f99fb50561


PlayerID: 19813254

Evidence: Every player in the server witnessed it and was chatting about it. Logs available upon request. No vids or pics, sry.

Can anyone provide some suggestions or tools for catching cheaters/hackers? Can anyone provide some signatures or something to look for in the logs that will tell me for sure if someone is using cheats? I'm fed up with them and willing to try nearly anything to stop it. :-\

Edited by anzu
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Banned 3 more people today. Players were getting teleported to a specific spot on the map, where these 3 guys were waiting to ambush them as they appeared. Luckily we caught the tags of some of the guys who we think it was. There was a pile of dead bodies in this ambush spot and I will hopefully have some screenshots soon...

Here is their info:

Date: 07-23-2012

Time: around 6:00pm EST

Name: "[DU]Nymphix"

GUID: a86c00a4349dd08a66107b88969da138


Desc: Was seen at the ambush spot killing players, a friend shot him multiple times but he did not die, then he was teleported immediately afterwards.

Date: 07-23-2012

Time: around 6:00pm EST

Name: "E8400"

GUID: dda71f16f7000156285e67e7c228359e


Desc: Was seen at the ambush spot killing players.

Date: 07-23-2012

Time: around 6:00pm EST


GUID: 187bc17b7d9eaf09bde747c27f8456f9


Desc: Was seen at the ambush spot killing players. I am unsure if this guy was involved with the cheaters, may end up unbanning him.

UPDATE: About 15-20mins after this incident, BattlEye freaked out and kicked everyone from the server for "BattlEye: Client not responding"

UPDATE: I logged back in game about 40mins later and instantly got my legs broke, put into shock, bleeding out, unconscious. I did not hear or see anyone nearby me as I was in a remote wooded area. Another player in a completely separate location informed me the same thing happened to him about 15-20 minutes prior as well. I'm thinking the cheater put some kind of script to cripple ppl upon login. Rebooting the server in hopes it will be fixed

Edited by anzu
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I think you should censor the IP's

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I have been adding IPs to my firewalls blocklist and also banning their GUIDs. If I notice they are coming from the same range of IPs I will not hesitate to ban a whole range.

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Zombies are spawning in non-spawn areas, running as players would run not as zombies run, logging in i get instantly crippled/hurt, people have experianced random death with no reason known.

Again for the 3rd day in a row everything I pick up has been taken away from me by hackers. Everything in all my tents, and all of my vehicles are gone.

The other day they were dropping vehicles on people to kill them.

I was seeing rabbits with player names. Some players had become invisible.

The cheating has gotten to the point that nobody can even leave the beach without being killed or crippled by random hackers.

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Hackers are making war on your server by the sounds of it. Luckily I have never seen a hacker in my month of playing. Kids with no life and can't survive without cheating, pathetic.

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I think you should censor the IP's

No...other servers will be able to check the names, GUID and IP's of these players, to ban them if they hack on other servers to.

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No...other servers will be able to check the names, GUID and IP's of these players, to ban them if they hack on other servers to.

Well, OP should PM some major server hosts like Vilayer and such so THEY could blacklist those GUIDs and IPs. It would be easier for everyone.

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UPDATE: About 15-20mins after this incident, BattlEye freaked out and kicked everyone from the server for "BattlEye: Client not responding"

That happened on a lot of servers and had nothing to do with hackers.

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Nice keep doing what you do!

Why are there hackers like this today? What in the world changed that now suddenly there are DOZENS of hackers? Normally you saw one sometimes, not like this.

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Beans to a REAL admin, someone doing something. You kiddies need to open your eyes and take notes from him.

Edited by Akiraosc

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UPDATE: About 15-20mins after this incident, BattlEye freaked out and kicked everyone from the server for "BattlEye: Client not responding"

That happened on a lot of servers and had nothing to do with hackers.

Yeah I kinda thought that might be the case. Thanks for letting me know. There were a lot of players who were having trouble updating BE as well.

Edited by anzu

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Another one:


Date: 07-20-2012

Time: around 4:40pm UTC+8

Name: "Jeremy"

GUID: 352901cc73b812e5d674e06d8a3c3407


Desc: Player caught with ammo crates full of gear (rofl at screenshot, found it posted online). Logs available upon request.


Let this be a warning to all players caught with hacked items...

You will get caught, and end up like poor Eve here:


Edited by anzu

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There is a hacker on right now that goes by the name of [RoK] Phantom

He's in Elektro, invisible, shooting through walls. I tracked him down to exactly where his bullets were coming from, and saw nothing until he started shooting at me. Smoke was coming out of thin air.

Edited by Mozzy4Ever

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LOL poor Eve, looks like he died from a bullet wound to the eyeball that exited his right foot . . . deserves 100 more deaths like this!

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