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Disorder's Military Guide

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Been a long time player of ofp and arma2 and i'm a vet of CTI and warfare. Here are some military tips for evading other players and general combat, for the total noob.

1. Paranoia will keep you alive, think of your virtual life as your real life and you only get one of those.

2. Intel is vital, observe before you engage.

3. If it looks like movement, go prone.

4. If you hear a cracking, whizzing(gunfire) sound, go prone.

5. Always be aware of where you are, trees you can move to and defilades* you can hide behind.

6. Stay invisible until you are ready to fire, don't change position excessively and when you do, always move to another position of cover never out in the open.

7. Don't stand on a hill with the main light source behind you, if at night, don't stand with the moon behind you. This will create an obvious silhouette.

8. Relocate when someone finds your position, or if your muzzle flashes are visible.

9. Relocate after a few shots, to keep enemies guessing on your position.

10. In pairs or more, learn how to provide cover fire and flank manoeuvres. Don't just sit at one place and aim in the same direction.

* A defilade is a landscape feature that blocks line of sight/fire.

Well hope that helped, add any more if you think they are needed.

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number six isnt overly explained, but stay away from open areas as much as possible, and run to cover when you can, the brush is your best friend.

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number six isnt overly explained' date=' but stay away from open areas as much as possible, and run to cover when you can, the brush is your best friend.


5 and 6 go together in a sense.

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Remember that grass only draws at relatively close range, you might look like your hidden to you, but the sniper a few hundred meters away can probably see you clear as day!

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Remember that grass only draws at relatively close range' date=' you might look like your hidden to you, but the sniper a few hundred meters away can probably see you clear as day!


That is a good point. You best be hiding behind a solid object at long range, a tree, burnt car or inside a building.

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I think 3 and 4 should be under the assumption that you are near or behind cover, and also depends on how close the shots are to you. If someone starts firing at you while you're crossing a field or other open area, if you lie down on the ground you're just serving yourself up to them.

Maybe just add or note, when moving from cover to cover or across open areas, never stop. Serpentine around eratically until you are behind cover again.

Edit: As far as pair or group tactics, I find danger crossing and supressive advance to be effective skills to use and aren't very complicated for new Arma players.

Edited by (TMW)HerrJon

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"4. If you hear a cracking, whizzing(gunfire) sound, go prone."

Anytime I snipe I see players do this, I personally do not reccomend it. I am possible one of the worst shots ever, as in I've only been able to hit a moving target with a sniper rifle once or twice, but I've gotten a lot of sniper kills because people will go prone in the middle of a field as I'm shooting them.

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"4. If you hear a cracking, whizzing(gunfire) sound, go prone."

Anytime I snipe I see players do this, I personally do not reccomend it. I am possible one of the worst shots ever, as in I've only been able to hit a moving target with a sniper rifle once or twice, but I've gotten a lot of sniper kills because people will go prone in the middle of a field as I'm shooting them.

In that case, players should move to a solid object with some cover.

Players should also make sure there is cover near them and try not to run in open fields.

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There is a big difference between cover and concealment.

Concealment hides you from sight, but offers little or no protection from incoming bullets.

Cover hides you from sight and shields you from bullets.

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I don't agree fully with 1, it should say

1.If you come under fire, first get some rounds down in the position you think it came from, then go prone behind solid cover.

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Holy crap you necro'd my post.

Edited by disorder

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Um i agree with most but all that about going prone is realllllyyyyyyyy BAD. Never just go prone odds are they have a shot on you and if you just go prone is almost 10x easier to get the kill other than zig-zagging and taking cover behind a tree or a bush. just my opinion and what I have learned about going prone.

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Good Tips

Im also a OFP, OFP:RES, ARMA vet

I try to apply as much tactical movement as possible when playing because in this gameworld its actually useful / essential, heres a few more tips (only a few because im not giving them all away ;) )

1. Never use roads directly, always move parallel to them by a minimum of about 50m, preferably using woodland whenever available.

2. When moving along hillsides never move on the ridge line of a hill as your silhouette will give you away more easily, try to position your self about half way up the hillside so you will be less obvious to peeps that may be watching. This also deters peeps giving chase as their movement speed will be reduced if they try and climb the hill to get you.

3. If moving to a location of personal importance, never travel in a straight line, always change direction when you hit a piece of dense coverto confuse anyone thats stalking / observing you. Also its worth periodically stopping and waiting a min or so to check for following players.

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Got to flat out disagree with #4. If your being shot at, going prone is actually among the worst things you can do. Unless your on a slope where you only be seen standing up, or behind cover again where you only be seen standing, you should never go prone.

Great way to get yourself killed. Sets up a much easier shot for the person/s firing. If your in the open or have no cover nearby, best thing you can do is simply run. Don't make it easy for the guy though, weave if need be, and say for example the guy is firing from the North, and effective method is to run either East or West, so it makes so that if he is sniping you, his having to lead you, which without pratice is hard to do.

Make the kill harder, not easier..

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#4 should be void if you have no cover, going prone in the middle of a field whilst a sniper takes shots at you is asking for death... i know, i have been both the sniper and the idiot of this relationship (not at the same time of course)

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